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Strategies for Increasing TRIO Project Outcomes and Success.

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2 Strategies for Increasing TRIO Project Outcomes and Success

3 TRIO Trainings

4 Overview Short Presentation Group Exercise Discussion

5 Internal Collaborations What we already have…  Within our program  Within our institutional department  Across our host institution

6 External Collaborations  Other program specific directors  TRIO Associations  State  Regional  Other related professional organizations  Financial Aid  State Unions  Counseling

7 MN SSS Directors’ Collaborative  It all began…  Formalized during a grant competition…  Continued to develop and evolve…

8 Outcomes of the Collaborative  Increased support, particularly for new directors  More effective communication with Program Specialist  Strengthened program effectiveness

9 TRIO SSS Director Quotes “I count on the support I receive when dealing with nasty personnel issues. I value the sharing, particularly with regard to why we can’t do some things that are not allowable under Federal regulations. My dean has asked me to throw questions out to the directors for feedback.”  W. Warner, Century College

10 TRIO SSS Director Quotes “Family and friends try to be supportive but have not experienced the stresses that go with being a TRIO Director and the responsibility that goes along with it. It's comforting to spend time with others who are going through the exact same experience and gain strength from their encouragement.”  M. Hesser, Minnesota State University - Mankato

11 TRIO SSS Director Quotes “I get good ideas regarding program efficiency and best practices from this group.”  A. Olson, Augsburg College “The Directors’ Collaborative has been one of the most valuable experiences for me as a director and for our program and its outcomes. Honest answers to specific questions and sage advice on how to run our program has definitely improved our effectiveness and success rates.”  Gar Kellom, Winona State University

12 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System (MnSCU)  TRIO Liaison  Chancellor speaker at COE event  TRIO expertise sought  Testify before State Senate  State Fair partnership  Access and Opportunity Grants

13 Fall 2010 to Fall 2011 Retention # Fall Entering Term Cohort SSS- Served* Cohort Under- represented Non-Under- represented SSS- Served* NHED 1,684 338 51%49%58% 64% Hibbing 452 71 48%46%55% 62% Itasca 455 73 54%49%65% 71% Mesabi 348 66 54%51%57% 62% Rainy 126 42 48% 33% 62% Vermilion 303 86 51% 54% 64% MnSCU 2-Yr Colleges 25,509 50%49%52% Sources: MnSCU ISRS Operational Data/National Student Clearinghouse; Student Persistence and Completion Analytic Tool, Fall 2010-Preliminary, 1/12/12 & PY2010 TRIO SSS APR Submission Data, 3/2/12

14 Cohort 2010 Persistence and Completion Sources: MnSCU ISRS Operational Data/National Student Clearinghouse; Student Persistence and Completion Analytic Tool, Fall 2010-Preliminary, 1/12/12 & PY2010 TRIO SSS APR Submission Data, 3/2/12 # Fall Entering Term Cohort SSS- Served* Cohort Under- represented Non-Under- represented SSS- Served* NHED 1,684 338 71%68%78%82% Hibbing 452 71 64%62%72%76% Itasca 455 73 74%69%84%90% Mesabi 348 66 74%73%75%82% Rainy 126 42 72%70%80% + 79% Vermilion 303 86 73%71%76%81% MnSCU 2-Yr Colleges 25,509 68%65%73%

15 TRIO SSS Director Quotes “We are much more connected than we would be otherwise. This means that there are people you feel comfortable asking questions to and bouncing ideas off of. Our connections have led to great collaborations between programs.”  A. Cseter, Metropolitan State University, MN

16 Collaborations Beyond Minnesota  Other Minnesota programs  Other states in our regional association  Other states across our nation

17 Exercise

18 Group Exercise – Part 1  How have you taken the lead to collaborate or connect with someone else either in your program, your own department, or institution to strengthen your objectives or goals? On one side of your card, write the answer to this question:

19 Group Exercise – Part 1  Find 3 people that you do not know and share with each other your responses.  Ten minutes Directions

20 Group Exercise – Part 2  What formal networking or collaborative partnerships have you or could you do to strengthen your objectives or goals? On the other side of your card, answer the following question:

21 Group Exercise – Part 2  Find 3 new people that you do not know and share with each other your responses.  Ten minutes Directions

22 Conclusion  Proactive networking, and using your collaborative resources to your advantage, will produce more effective strategies for increasing college retention and graduation rates at your host institutions

23 Questions? Contact…  Shelly Siegel  TRIO Director, North Hennepin Community College,  Annette Horvat  TRIO SSS Director, Northeast Higher Education District,


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