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Duties & Responsibilities of Citizenship

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Presentation on theme: "Duties & Responsibilities of Citizenship"— Presentation transcript:

1 Duties & Responsibilities of Citizenship
Civics & Economics

2 Think about it… No matter what you do…where you live…the clubs you belong to…there are certain rules and things that you might be required to do to maintain membership…

3 Obligation We have an obligation to each other…and moreover, to our country! In a sense, it’s all about loyalty. To whom are you loyal?

4 Duty vs. Responsibility
Responsibility = things we should do. For example, feed Fido after school. A duty, on the other hand, is something that we must do. National, state, and local governments require Americans to perform certain duties established by laws.

5 Legal Duties of a Citizen
#1 duty of a citizen: Obey Laws Why? Obeying the law preserves public order. They help people get along. They prevent accidents. They help resources be used fairly (for example, I can’t steal your property without a penalty!)

6 Legal Duties of a Citizen
Defend the Nation All men aged 18 – 25 are required to register with the government in case the country needs to draft, or call up, men for military service. WE HAVE NOT HAD A DRAFT SINCE THE VIETNAM WAR.

7 Legal Duties of a Citizen
Pay Taxes Taxes pay for government activities. It makes possible many things in your community – firefighters, roads, libraries, schools… We pay taxes in multiple ways – a percentage of income, collection of taxes upon sale of goods and services. What’s the NC State sales tax?

8 Legal Duties of a Citizen
Serve in Court The US Constitution guarantees the right to a trial by jury. To ensure this, every adult citizen must be prepared to be called up to serve on a jury. This is called “jury duty.”

9 Legal Duties of a Citizen
Attend School It’s not a punishment…it’s a privilege…and a duty! Most states require attendance until age 16. Benefits you and the government because: You need the knowledge and the skills to make wise decisions, and Our democratic system of government needs informed citizens to operate well!

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