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Welcome to MCAE MESSAGE FROM THE ADMINISTRATION The Mission of the Marion County Adult Education Center is to provide the educational opportunities needed.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to MCAE MESSAGE FROM THE ADMINISTRATION The Mission of the Marion County Adult Education Center is to provide the educational opportunities needed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to MCAE MESSAGE FROM THE ADMINISTRATION The Mission of the Marion County Adult Education Center is to provide the educational opportunities needed to achieve educational equity for the undereducated adults of Marion County without regard of creed, race, sex, age, disability and economic circumstances. Additionally, the Marion County Adult Education Center provides enrichment courses as determined by community interest. The material covered in this handbook is one method of communicating to student’s general school information, rules and procedures. This material is not intended to either enlarge or diminish any board policy, administrative regulation or negotiated agreement. Therefore, material contained herein may be superseded by board policy or administrative regulation. Please read this handbook carefully.

2 Attendance Tardiness and Early Dismissals Daily attendance is highly recommended to make academic progress. Classroom doors will be closed 5 minutes after class begins. If you are more than 5 minutes late your teacher will determine whether or not you are allowed to enter the class late If you are not allowed into class you may wait in the commons area or leave campus until next class begins If you need to leave early do so during the break between classes Students leaving early should be off campus within 5 minutes of signing out Students 17 years old must be signed out at the front desk by a guardian on record

3 Class Schedule Day Classes: Monday – Thursday First Period 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m Break time 11:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. (15 minutes only) Second Period11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Night Classes: Monday – Thursday First Period 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m Break time 6:45 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (15 minutes only) Second Period7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

4 Code Conduct The Code of Conduct outlined attempts to be comprehensive; however, the code cannot cover every possible student misbehavior. Administrators are given the authority to deal with behaviors not covered in this code in an appropriate manner.

5 Disorderly Conduct 1 st offense: Teacher gives written and verbal warning. Administrative sanctions may be applied. 2 nd offense: Dismissed from class two days. Administrative sanctions will apply. 3 rd offense: Dismissed from class two weeks. Conference to determine re-enter. 4 th offense: Dismissed from class for one calendar year. Automatically reclassified as a Level 2.

6 Examples of Disorderly Conduct Classroom tardiness Disobeying rules, request and regulations Leaving class without permission Being in a wrong location Lack of cooperation Sleeping in class Excessive talking Bullying fellow students Violating the MCAE dress code

7 Disruptive Conduct 1 st offense: Notification of law enforcement: One year dismissed from school Examples of Disruptive Conduct Physical abuse: Provoked or unprovoked - Fighting - Both students involved in altercation Possession of fireworks Abusive language/gestures towards teacher or other staff member Theft (minor - less than $300)- restitution of property Willfully endangering the safety of self/others Vandalism, defacing or willful destruction of materials or property- restitution of property and damages Trespassing by a suspended student

8 Criminal Conduct 1 st offense: Notification of law enforcement: One year dismissed from school Examples of Criminal Conduct Assault and Battery Extortion Bomb threat Sexual offenses Arson Major vandalism (over $300) Possession, use, or transfer of weapons Major theft, possession or sale of stolen property (over $300) Furnishing, selling or possession of controlled substances (drugs, narcotics or alcohol) Threatening to take the life or to inflict bodily harm upon a teacher, administrator or members of their immediate family

9 DRESS Code Students are required to wear clothing deemed appropriate for an educational environment. No article of clothing shall be worn that distracts from the educational process. No clothing, jewelry, accessories, etc. that depict obscene, illegal, violent, racial, unethical and/or sexually oriented statements, meanings or suggestions are not permitted. Attire which causes, intends to cause, or is likely to cause a hostile, intimidating, degrading, offensive, harassing or discriminatory environment is prohibited. No wearing of hats, caps, headbands, scarves, doo rags, bandanas, visors, sunglasses, hoods or other headwear are not allowed on school property. Shorts and skirts may be worn no higher than 4 inches above the knee. Low cut or midriff tops/shirts/blouses are not permitted.

10 DRESS Code continued Any clothing, including “see-through clothing”, that allows undergarments or body parts to be inappropriately exposed is not permitted. Undergarments should be covered at all times. No leggings, skin tights, spandex pants to be worn without long top. No halter tops/dresses or spaghetti strap tops/ dresses Wearing of any apparel, jewelry, accessory or manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol, or other attribute indicates or implies membership or affiliation with a group/gang/secret society which presents a clear and present danger contrary to the environment and educational objectives of the Center is prohibited. No pajamas of any sore should be worn onto the campus Shoes must be worn at all times. Bedroom shoes are not permitted.

11 Drug Detection Dog Law enforcement officials use a drug detection dog in the schools of Marion County in an effort to detect controlled substances on school property. The use of the dog is in accordance with strict guidelines and procedures which are available upon request. The dog may be used to perform random searches. If school officials have information that a student has contraband but lack reasonable suspicion, law enforcement may be called to request that the dog be used to search and establish reasonable suspicion for checking a student’s vehicle, desk or personal belongings such as book bag or purse. A school official will accompany the handler and the dog on all visits.

12 Fees, Fines, and Charges MCAE registration fee is $30.00 per school year. $10.00 must be paid prior to beginning classes. This balance ($20.00) can be set up on a $5.00 per month payment plan. Students must fulfill the payment plan agreement prior to attending any subsequent school years. Other fees: Copy of a transcript$2.00 per copy Photo copy.10 per page Fax.25 per page

13 Interrogation by Police When law enforcement officers find it necessary to question students during the school hours, the Center director or his/her designee will be present. The police will conduct the questioning in an appropriate private room with the director or his/her designee present. If police intend to take a student into custody, they must present an official warrant.

14 Registration Requirements Only students with 18 high school credits earned towards state required graduation courses prior to attending MCAE will be enrolled in HS diploma courses Lecture high school credits earned at MCAE do NOT transfer back to the high school SC Virtual Learning High School courses require a Level D TABE score of 9. These credits can transfer back to the high school GED must score 9+ in total math and reading to be placed directly in GED lab. GED testing fee is $80 Special needs students under age 22 must have an IEP meeting prior to starting classes to determine if adult education is the appropriate placement.

15 Things to Know MCAE school insurance plan does NOT cover injuries resulting from horseplay or fighting The school telephone is for SCHOOL BUSINESS ONLY NO eating or drinking in class. ONLY clear bottled water is allowed in class Your are encouraged to utilize the services provided to assist in applying to a post secondary school, seeking career information, and developing job seeking skills. Students should schedule and appointment in advance. All visitors should stop at the front desk, and should not attempt to go to see you in class themselves Internet usage should be used for educational purposes only

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