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Drawing by Mankoff: copyright 1993 The New Yorker Magazine, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Drawing by Mankoff: copyright 1993 The New Yorker Magazine, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drawing by Mankoff: copyright 1993 The New Yorker Magazine, Inc.

2 Matthew Marino The University of Connecticut, Storrs Professional Development Center Coordinator Susan Zeineth- Collins Montgomery Elementary School, Vermont Middle Level Educator Take a moment to help us learn about your experiences with curriculum reform. On the index card provided, please jot down the following information: Your name Where you work (please include the state) Your position Contact information-email address Identify barriers to curriculum reform in your school or district Questions you would like us to answer during this session Please help us make today’s presentation better! Contact Information

3 A Framework for Implementing Curriculum Reform Presenter: Matthew Marino Susan Zeineth-Collins

4 Curriculum Reform Presentation Overview 2Introduction to curriculum reform 2Step 1 - Justify a change in the existing curriculum 2Step 2 - Create a profile of your school 2Step 3 - Develop a curriculum reform initiative 2Step 4 - Design a curriculum reform guide

5 Types of Curriculum Reform Academic –Let’s Read –Reading Recovery –Wilson Reading Program –Mathematics Their Way –Everyday Mathematics –Project Wild Social Skills –Responsive Classroom –Bully-Proofing Your School –The STAR Program –Getting to Know You –I Can Behave –The Waksman Social Skills Curriculum for Adolescents

6 Step 1 - Justify a Change in the Existing Curriculum Academic Curriculum Reform –Test scores (local, district, state, national) –Portfolio reviews –Writing assessments / samples –Classroom observations Social Skills Curriculum Reform –Office referrals –Detention rates –Suspension rates –Classroom observations –School climate survey –Parent & community input

7 How is the administration spending its time? Justifying the Need for a New Social Skills Curriculum

8 Step 2 - Create a Profile of Your School Who are your clientele? (students, parents, community members) What is their socio-economic status? (Percentage of students on free and reduced hot lunch) Does the current school climate support curriculum change? Are there any existing grants to support the change? What community resources are available? What state resources are available? (DOE, colleges & universities, consultants) How can the new curriculum complement the school’s vision and mission statements? How does the proposed change relate to local, state, and federal reform initiatives? Questions to Consider:

9 Administrative Questions Is the reform necessary? What are the expected outcomes? What are the potential problems with implementing the new curriculum? How can these problems be overcome? Does the new curriculum provide the means for continual assessment and modification, if necessary? What evidence do you have that the proposed changes will fulfill your goals and objectives? How much will it cost (materials, training, and implementation)? Who will be responsible for the funding? Are the expected outcomes worth the time and monetary investment? Is it manageable? Is the timeframe realistic?

10 Cultural Questions What are the ideologies of the stakeholders? Are there shared beliefs among those involved? Does your educational environment support collaboration among all stakeholders? What level of commitment do the stakeholders have toward the new curriculum? How might social & political issues impact the implementation and success of the new curriculum?

11 Barriers&Deterrents Leaders who manage, but do not lead Fear of changes, and of taking the first steps toward reform Funding Issues Little opportunity for planning or meeting Lack of authorship/ tasks are viewed as directives

12 Step 3 - Develop a Curriculum Reform Initiative  Organize a committee with at least one representative from each of the Stakeholder groups  Write a Vision Statement, based on the needs assessment and school profile  Clearly delineate the expected outcomes of the curriculum reform initiative  Design several manageable curriculum goals (based on expected outcomes)  Brainstorm the contributing factors for achieving each goals (establish objectives)  Group goals by theme

13 Levels of Curriculum Reform Level of Curriculum Reform Who Should be Involved? Classroom Students / Parents / Teacher / Principal Team / Core Students / Parents / Teachers / Principal Grade Level Students / Parents / Teachers / Principal School-Wide Students / Parents / Teachers / Principal(s) / Curriculum Coordinator(s)/ Superintendent / Local School Board District-Wide Students / Parents / Teachers / Principals / Curriculum Coordinator(s) / Superintendent /Local School Board /District School Board State-Wide Students / Parents / Teachers / Principals / Curriculum Coordinator(s) / Superintendent /Local School Board /District School Board / State Department of Education Nation-Wide Students / Parents / Teachers / Principals / Curriculum Coordinator(s) / Superintendent /Local School Board /District School Board / State Department of Education / U.S. Department of Education/ Special Interest Groups / Institutions of Higher Education/ Content Area Experts/ etc…

14 Creating a Vision of Curriculum Reform  Benefits of a shared vision  Components of a vision statement  Creating a vision  Problems to avoid

15 Benefits of a Vision Statement Expanded thinking and problem-solving Enhanced commitment Increased loyalty and ownership Added efficiency and productivity Focus Encouraged openness The confidence to move ahead or to persevere Emphasis on the need for change Continuity to the process of curriculum reform

16 Components of a Vision Statement Reflection on administrative, instructor, and community knowledge, philosophies, and actions Clear and practical declaration of what the group sees as desirable future outcomes Specific focus on each area of the school to be changed Positive and inspiring language The incorporation of flexibility and openness toward change

17 Creating a Vision Statement Planning Activity and Questions Develop a Scenario : “It is three years from today. Over the three years, your school has implemented a middle level integrated curriculum, which has very positively impacted the school and the students’ testing results.” Describe how it would look as if it has become a reality:  What kinds of classroom organization are in use?  How is teaming organized?  What teaching methodologies are practiced?  How are students involved with their learning?  What is the level of community involvement?  How does the administration support the effort?  What are some of the desirable outcomes that have been achieved (be specific)?  How is communication occurring and how are the lines of communication maintained? Vision Statement Inhibitors  Staying with tradition and rigidity to change  Social and professional peer pressure-fear of ridicule  Conflicting ideologies and beliefs  Short-term thinking  Complacency or apathy  Preconceived notions in regard to roles, governance, and outcomes  Leaders who manage, but who do not lead

18 Key Components of the Curriculum Reform Guide Evaluate the Current Curriculum Secure Funding Implement Evaluate Disseminate Results Step 4 - Create a Curriculum Reform Guide

19 Sample Curriculum Reform Guide

20 Office Referrals 2003 - 2004 No Social Skills Curriculum

21 Number of hours students spent in disciplinary settings 2003-2004

22 Sample Curriculum Reform Guide

23 Sample Funding Chart

24 Sample Curriculum Reform Guide


26 Office Referrals 2005 New Social Skills Curriculum Implemented

27 Curriculum Reform Summary 1.Justify a change in the existing curriculum 2.Create a profile of your school 3.Develop a curriculum reform initiative 4.Design a curriculum reform guide

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