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Safe Loading and Securing. Delegate welcome Course objective: To understand the requirements for safe loading and transporting of loads on commercial.

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Presentation on theme: "Safe Loading and Securing. Delegate welcome Course objective: To understand the requirements for safe loading and transporting of loads on commercial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safe Loading and Securing

2 Delegate welcome Course objective: To understand the requirements for safe loading and transporting of loads on commercial vehicles

3 Safe Loading & Securing Would we drive without securing our offspring?

4 Then why does this still happen? Safe Loading & Securing

5 Safe Loading and Securing Load securing can be broken down into three categories 1.Restraint; Means that the load is directly restrained form moving in relation to the trailer bed 2.Containment; Means that the load has been made safe to stop it or any part of it from being ejected from the load area 3.Combined; Means that both restraint & containment is to be used on any vehicle

6 What does it all means to you the driver and the person responsible for the load? It means that they (the load bearing curtains) are not meant to restrain the load, only to contain a small portion of it in event of a minor loss of lashing tension and for weather protection only On a standard 13.7m (45ft) 28t, tautliner trailer the following weights are the maximum amount of direct load pressures that the EN12642XL trailer / curtain can BEAR! Safe Loading and Securing

7 The Curtains & Side fixtures Should withstand a force equivalent to: 0.389 tonnes going sideways onto the side curtains Standard 13.7m curtain-sider trailer 2.8m high x 2.5m wide Load Bearing Curtain? The normal Fixed Penalties for insecure loads at the roadside can be followed by possible further action. There is also a high possibility of your vehicle being immobilised or delayed with a PG9 being issued

8 All loads MUST show evidence that a reasonable attempt has been made to keep it secure during the journey If a load is in a dangerous state and has not been strapped, roped or otherwise secured, enforcement action will be taken Enforcement action will only be taken where there is A clear danger to other road users or members of the public If a load shows evidence of an attempt at restraint but it is inadequate, D.V.S.A officers will offer advice and guidance Examiners will look inside curtain siders or box wagons to make sure that the loads are secure especially if there is a clear cause for concern UK Construction & Use Regulations

9 D.V.S.A. roadside officers have now been trained in identifying secure and unsecure loads at roadside stops, they will be using a; Load Security Enforcement Matrix Which will assist them in deciding whether a load is secure or not. This matrix will give the vehicle examiner guidance on what action to take given the state of the load and whether it is secure or not Safe Loading and Securing

10 10 commandments of load securing 1.Before the vehicle is loaded,check that the bed, bodywork and securing equipment is in sound working condition 2.Decide which securing method you are going to use 3.Make sure that all your decisions for the load are followed 4.Make sure that all of the equipment used for the securing is strong enough to hold the load in event of a driving emergency 5.If the cargo has just been moved from one part of the vehicle to another make sure it remains intact and balanced 6.Make sure that the equipment does not or will not damage the goods to be secured 7.Make sure that the last pallet of goods is cross strapped for extra security 8.Check that there are no loose straps once you have finished 9.Make sure that the outer curtain is secure and tight fitting 10.Check that the rear doors are secure and that you are finally satisfied that you have done a good job Aims & objectives of safe loading & your legal requirements

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