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Students: Enrollments, Where They Come From, Who They Are Edward R. Karpp Institutional Research & Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Students: Enrollments, Where They Come From, Who They Are Edward R. Karpp Institutional Research & Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students: Enrollments, Where They Come From, Who They Are Edward R. Karpp Institutional Research & Planning

2 GCC Student Enrollments FTES 2006-2007 Credit:12,819 Noncredit:2,665 Total:15,484

3 Credit Student Origins High School Graduates GCC’s College Share of High School Graduates: Percentage of high school graduates from a particular high school attending any community college as a first- time freshman who attend GCC (2003, 2004, 2005) Example: Glendale HS 668 first-time freshmen under 19 from GHS at GCC 998 GHS graduates entered a community college = 67%

4 Credit Student Origins High School Graduates GCC Does Regular Outreach to the Following High Schools: Hoover High School Glendale High School La Canada High School Franklin High School Eagle Rock High School Daily High School Crescenta Valley High School Clark Magnet Burroughs High School Burbank Adult School Burbank High School Belmont High School Bell-Jeff High School Los Angeles High School Marshall High School North Hollywood High School Verdugo Hills High School Downtown Magnet Miguel Contreras High School John Francis Poly Taft High School Temple City High School Garfield Campus

5 Credit Student Origins High School Graduates Glendale Pasadena LA Valley LA City Santa Monica East LA Main Campus Garfield Campus

6 Credit Student Origins High School Graduates High School GlendalePasadena DistanceShareDistanceShare Glendale1.867%7.423% Hoover3.169%10.221% CV5.850%10.637% Daily2.460%9.727% La Cañada6.716%6.270% Burbank7.240%14.025% Belmont8.918%12.410% Holy Family2.432%9.648% St. Francis6.126%6.554% Providence6.229%13.229%

7 Credit Student Origins High School Graduates Identifying high schools for outreach High School Glendale Community College Pasadena City College DistanceShareDistanceShare Eagle Rock5.522%6.066% Burroughs7.433%14.336% Franklin5.627%7.755% Marshall7.222%12.029% Lincoln9.419%14.137%

8 Credit Student Origins High School Graduates Why Do Students Choose Other Colleges? Questions to Explore: Less time to transfer-level courses? Family desires? Easier transportation (e.g., direct bus routes)? More flexible methods of instruction (e.g., online)? Variety of programs? To be with new people?

9 Credit Student Origins College-Going Students By Residence ZIP Code GCC’s College Share by Residence ZIP Code: Percentage of people from a particular ZIP code attending any community college who attend GCC (Fall 2005 & 2006) Example: ZIP Code 91205 6,228 people from 91205 attended GCC 7,364 people attended a community college = 85%

10 Credit Student Origins College-Going Students by Residence ZIP Code 80% or higher 70% to 79% 60% to 69% 50% to 59% 40% to 49% 30% to 39% 20% to 29% 10% to 19% 0% to 9%Main Campus Garfield Campus

11 Credit Student Origins By Applicant Yield Applicant Yield: Percentage of first-time applicants who register for classes (Fall 2004, 2005 & 2006) Fall 2004Fall 2005Fall 2006 First-time applicants 5,3134,6244,757 Students registering 2,927 (55%)2,576 (56%)2,768 (58%) Students at census 2,774 (52%)2,453 (53%)2,548 (54%) Students at end of term 2,624 (49%)2,280 (49%)2,493 (52%)

12 Credit Student Origins By Applicant Yield 77% or higher 70% to 76% 63% to 69% 56% to 62% 49% to 55% 42% to 48% 35% to 41% 28% to 34% 21% to 27% 14% to 20% 0% to 13% <10 applicants Main Campus Garfield Campus

13 Credit Student Demographics Ethnicity 2007 Armenian:35% Latino:25% Anglo:15% Asian/Pac Isl: 11%

14 Credit Student Demographics Gender 2007 Male:42% Female:58%

15 Credit Student Demographics Age 2007 Under 25:58% 25 & Over:42%

16 Credit Student Demographics District Status 2007 GCCD: 46% LACCD: 41% Other Districts: 5% Outside CA: 8%

17 Credit Student Demographics Majors Major Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006Average Undecided5,8405,5325,4795,617 Registered Nursing696772856775 Business, General517544563541 Business Administration566533474524 Computer Science528394282401 Accounting394362372376 Psychology356328338341 English316330320322

18 Noncredit Student Demographics GCC offers about 120 noncredit courses The Fall 2007 Schedule lists about 350 sections of noncredit courses Students may take noncredit courses at the Garfield Campus, on the Main Campus, and at many off-campus locations In Fall 2006, nearly 7,500 students registered in noncredit courses Noncredit courses generated 2,665 FTES in 2006-2007

19 Noncredit Student Demographics Ethnicity 2007 Armenian:36% Latino:22% Anglo:17% Asian/Pac Isl: 9%

20 Noncredit Student Demographics Gender 2007 Male:29% Female:71%

21 Noncredit Student Demographics Goals (About 7,500 Students) Basic Skills in English/ESL or Math31% Educational Development/Personal Interest19% Job Skills11% Diploma/GED8% Transfer/Associate Degree4% Certificate1% Undecided/Unknown26% Percentage of Students Enrolled in Each Noncredit Department Noncredit ESL49% Noncredit Business18% Lifelong Learning14% Developmental Skills Lab11% Parent Education10% Other1%

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