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5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg1.  A new building will be constructed near CDF. The Office Technical & Education (OTE) building is part of the.

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1 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg1

2  A new building will be constructed near CDF. The Office Technical & Education (OTE) building is part of the larger Illinois Accelerator Research Center ◦ OTE is Fully funded at $ 20 M by a grant from the Illinois Dept of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) ◦ Yes, we have the cash !  DOE’s contribution is the site preparation, the refurbished CDF assembly building, and funds to outfit the completed IARC complex  The contract is awarded and ground breaking for DOE funded site preparation has started. (IASU GPP Project)  Hence this talk. 5/16/11 2IARC RDK All experimenters mtg

3  OTE building conceptual design is complete  The engineering design is advanced  Schedule: ◦ Site preparation = Now  through this summer ◦ Building out for bids in July, Construction start in Nov 2011 ◦ Beneficial occupancy in summer 2013 ◦ Refurbished CDF heavy assembly building in ~ 2014  IARC funded by DCEO as a means for the lab to encourage new high tech industries in Illinois  IARC “Program” is under development 5/16/11 3IARC RDK All experimenters mtg

4  Work with Industry, University, and Laboratory partners to promote the development of accelerator technology, projects, and applications  Promote the growth of high tech industry based on accelerator technology leading to new products and capabilities  Work with University partners to create an educational center for accelerator science and technology 5/16/11 4IARC RDK All experimenters mtg

5  Opportunity to put substance behind the claim that HEP is the developer/steward of accelerator technology within the Office of Science  Opportunity to function as a center for accelerator based projects ( e.g. Project X, or other non-HEP Projects in the Office of Science, e.g. NGLS )  Opportunity for Fermilab to become a National center for accelerator education  Opportunity to establish additional funding sources outside OHEP or with industry develop IP  Opportunity to develop technologies that benefit society bringing recognition to HEP and FNAL 5/16/11 5IARC RDK All experimenters mtg

6  Fermilab has: ◦ core capabilities and world class scientific and engineering staff that have the potential to make an impact beyond the field of high-energy physics. ◦ infrastructure capabilities that are unique, and that could potentially be used in applications beyond the field of high-energy physics. IARC RDK All experimenters mtg6 5/16/11

7  New ideas in accelerator technology seem to die for three reasons ◦ Inadequate resources (financial or personnel) in industry, universities, or labs to demonstrate feasibility of an idea ◦ During the transition from small scale technology demonstration to a commercial product ◦ Lack of acceptance of the new technology by potential customers (ignorance or prejudice) that is cured only by large scale demonstrations  IARC can help fill these gaps 5/16/11 7IARC RDK All experimenters mtg

8  The number of accelerators in use in the U.S. economy is growing dramatically but the U.S. is not providing formal training for many students in accelerator science and technology  IARC can be a center for a university-lab-DOE partnership to train Scientists, engineer, and technicians in Accelerator Science and Technology 5/16/11 8IARC RDK All experimenters mtg

9  DOE HEP (dedicated B&R for Accel stewardship ?)  DOE Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)  University of Chicago (FRA)  DOE Office of Science (non-HEP)  Illinois Dept of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO ) and ISTC  LDRD at ANL or FNAL?  DOE Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy (ARPA-E)  Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)  Department of Homeland Security (DHS)  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or IEPA)  Industry & venture capital  Dept of commerce? 5/16/11 9IARC RDK All experimenters mtg Traditional Non-Traditional

10  Businesses are motivated by the potential for profit… so the business model must make financial sense  Industry wants: ◦ Technical support ◦ Infrastructure and space ◦ Financial support ◦ Creation/protection of intellectual property and new commercial products and a transparent process  The don’t want: unpredictable processes and excessive red tape  Challenge will be to establish a “program” that works on a DOE lab site 5/16/11 10IARC RDK All experimenters mtg

11 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg11

12  23,000 SF of New Office Space ◦ 145 new offices (+ 40 in the refurbished CDF)  3,900 SF New Lecture Hall  900 SF Executive Meeting Room  3,700 SF Light Tech Space  New Coffee/Lunch Area  New 55-car parking lot  Interior connection to CDF bldg 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg12

13 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg13  Sloped/Tiered Seating  Fixed desks with power and wireless  Infrastructure for state of art AV – 3 screens, 5 projector locations Lecture Hall 175 person capacity

14 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg14 2-Story Lunch Room  Seating for 90 on 2 levels  Outdoor Dining area  Cold food service

15  New 195-car parking lot between IB1 and CHL  Utilities replacement along D Road ◦ Phase 1 north of D Road ◦ Phase 2 south of D Road  D Road realignment north of CDF  3 new crosswalks along D Road between Industrial complex and CDF  New sidewalks between Industrial Complex & IARC. 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg15

16 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg16

17  No admittance to construction areas w/o PPE & OK from Fermi Construction Coordinator.  Access to Industrial complex & CDF will be maintained at all times ◦ However some alternate routes will be required. ◦ Access to CDF west side entrance will be by special arrangements only. ◦ Utility shut downs are designed to be minimal.  Portions of D Road closed to thru-traffic <30 days  Bike/Pedestrian detours will be required. 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg17

18  IARC is new territory for Fermilab  A challenge to craft a successful program  Even without a “formal” IARC program announcement there seems to be lots of interest in Industry  A great opportunity  State will pay for the first new large building constructed at Fermilab in ~ 20 yrs  Stay tuned 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg18

19 Ideally, these non-HEP activities would have the following characteristics  Strong overlap with the laboratory’s core capabilities or core technologies, thus maintaining competency and strengthening skills important to the science & technology base of the lab  Establishes a connection between HEP research and societal benefits that FNAL, Office of Science and DOE can point to  Enhances the stature of the laboratory and its staff  Meets a National need, again allowing the connection to be made between HEP technology and national priorities  Increases interaction between the laboratory and industry to develop and transfer technology with the potential for commercialization  Leverages resources to produce high-tech jobs and industry in the area (Goal of DCEO in funding IARC) 19 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg

20  Industry: 40 Offices  IARC education: 5 Offices  IARC Staff: 5 Offices  Project X Office: 45 Offices  AD: 20 Offices  TD: 12 Offices  APC (entire center) 60 Offices Total ~187 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg20

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