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UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library  100 Decatur Street SE  Atlanta, GA 30303  Emerging Trends: International Students.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library  100 Decatur Street SE  Atlanta, GA 30303  Emerging Trends: International Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library  100 Decatur Street SE  Atlanta, GA 30303  Emerging Trends: International Students in U.S. Academic Libraries Kaetrena D. Davis, MSLS ©2008

2 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library Let’s Talk About International student enrollment and demographics The global library experience - Historical concerns in U.S academic libraries Current concerns in U.S. academic libraries Your thoughts, comments, and suggestions

3 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library They’re Heeere: Foreign Students & Enrollment Total Enrollment in U.S. Institutions is stable (3.9% 2005/2006 and 2006/2007) 1 New enrollment has risen more than 10% between 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 2 Stabilization  Future growth? 1 Institute of International Education Network. International Student and Total U.S. Enrollment.[cited 7 April 2008] Available from 2 Institute of International Education Network. Newly Enrolled International Students. [cited 7 April 2008] Available from

4 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library The International Student Profile More than likely, your foreign student is: From India (or China, or Korea, or Japan) 3 Being supported by his family (or personal funds) 4 Studying Business or Engineering 5 3 Institute of International Education Network. Leading Places of Origin. [cited 7 April 2008] Available from 4 Institute of International Education Network. International Students by Primary Source of Funding. [cited 7 April 2008] Available from 5 Institute of International Education Network. Fields of Study, International Students [cited 7 April 2008] Available from

5 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library Fluffing the Pillows: the Importance of the International Student Cultural Political  Founding of IIE in 1919. Economic: - $14.5 billion to the U.S. economy 6 - Higher education in the top 5 in service sector exports 6 6 Institute of International Education Network. International Student Enrollment in U.S. Rebounds. [cited 7 April 2008] Available from

6 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library International Students, Libraries, & Perception Information access Information Organization & Retrieval Library as Place

7 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library The Global Library Experience Different information infrastructures - Internet/World Wide Web - Social or economic structures and access levels -Government sanctions and censorship -Others?

8 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library The Global Library Experience Classification systems - Nippon Decimal (Japan) - Chinese Library (Mainland China) - Korean Decimal - Colon classification (India) - DDC used in many Arabic countries What system is used in American universities?

9 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library The Global Library Experience Library services - closed stacks/ limited resources - front-line staff; no direct contact with librarians - library as place for quiet study only - library instruction/orientation offered?

10 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library A (Short) List of Historical Concerns Reference & information services - research and question negotiation - information seeking behavior - orientation and programming Bibliographic instruction Cross-cultural communication

11 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library More recently… Information literacy/fluency (assessment) Computer literacy Communication Re-evaluation of intercultural communication Library use patterns New library models = new partners

12 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library Future Concerns Social networking and gaming Information literacy in International libraries Promotion of other library services (ILL, consultations, etc.) Recruitment of international students into LIS What else?

13 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library What you can do Create new university and community partnerships Don’t forget paraprofessional staff (training) Talk about best practices with colleagues Talk to international students (activities, expectations, needs, etc.)

14 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Georgia State University Library Resources The annual Open Doors Report Institute for International Education Network (IIE) Your campus’ office for international students and scholars Research the literature: an annotated bibliography can be found or purchased at ACRL.

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