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Sponsored by: Sept. 23, 2009 Learning and Safety: Balancing Engaging Education and Online Student Safety in School.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored by: Sept. 23, 2009 Learning and Safety: Balancing Engaging Education and Online Student Safety in School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored by: Sept. 23, 2009 Learning and Safety: Balancing Engaging Education and Online Student Safety in School

2 About this Webcast  Today’s event will be recorded. We will send an e-mail when the archive is available.  Enter questions in the chat box on your console.  To view slides in full screen, click “Enlarge slides”  To download the slides, click “Download slides”  Disable pop-up blocking software.  Adjust volume in Windows Media Player, Real Player or in the master volume control in your control panel.  If you have trouble with the slides or audio stream, click “Control/F5” to refresh your screen.  Still need help? Click the “Help” button on your console.

3 Agenda  Introduction  Case study: Klein ISD  Case study: San Diego USD  Q&A and conclusion

4 Our Presenters Karen Fuller, chief technology officer, Klein ISD Darryl Lagace, chief information and technology officer, San Diego USD Geoff Fletcher, editorial director, T.H.E Journal

5 Who We Are T.H.E Journal is the leading IT resource for the K-12 market  Magazine  eNewsletters News Update Smart Classroom Classroom Tips and Techniques  Websites  FETC FETC Virtual: Oct. 22 FETC 2010: Jan. 12-15

6 Today’s Sponsor Lightspeed Systems Lightspeed Systems is dedicated to providing IT directors with comprehensive solutions to secure, monitor, filter, manage and optimize their networks with feature designed specifically for schools.

7 Sponsored by: Case Study: Klein Independent School District Karen D. Fuller, chief technology officer, Klein ISD

8 Klein Independent School District  District Summary 44,700 students 4 high schools 8 intermediate schools 26 elementary campuses More than 3,200 teachers Support over 30,000 computers

9 9 Classroom Technology  Technology Base Line Standards Initiative – TBSI Grades K-8 Core curriculum classrooms – English, Math, Science, & History  Star Board  Document Camera  Data Projector  4 student computers  eInstruction polling devices

10 10 Classroom Technology  Technology Base Line Standards Initiative – TBSI Grades 9-12 Core curriculum classrooms English, Math, Science, & History Will complete full deployment on 2 campuses this year with full TBSI 1:1 campuses will receive projectors, document cameras, polling devices, and Star boards

11 11 Current 1:1 Implementations  1:1 at 2 High schools Avg. population 3280 – and growing Supporting 8000 tablets  1:1 at one Intermediate Population 1462 Supporting 1600 tablets  1:1 in the VISTAS High School Program Population 152 Supporting 200 tablets

12 Network/Internet Safety  Three levels of filtering Administrative Teacher Student  Firewall Proxies  Video Storage

13 13 Network/Internet Safety  Cyber Safety awareness for students  Parent signatures for Acceptable Use Procedures  Report provided in Lightspeed application  Offsite filtering for 1:1 campuses

14 14 Content for Community/Students/Parents  Teacher generated web pages  Learning Management System for 1:1 campuses  Parent Portal for grade reporting  Parent Notification tool for campus activates and emergencies  District and campus web pages

15 15 Web 2.0 Technology  Where we are now…. Communication with teachers and Administrators Training teachers and administrators – provide awareness Begin dialoging between Administrators using this technology

16 16 Web 2.0 Technology  Where we are now…. Educating the Information Technology Department  Why do we need this in our classrooms?  Who makes the decision to unblock and block?  Who can use these tools?

17 17 Web 2.0 Technology  Pilot with innovative teachers  Provide resources to teachers and administrators for professional development  Provide best practices and procedures in utilizing the Web 2.0 technologies.

18 18 Web 2.0 Future use  Educating Teachers and Administrators on the Students use of social networking tools  Educating Students on the effective use of social networking tools such as Twitter Facebook My Space

19 Sponsored by: Case Study: San Diego Unified School District Darryl Lagace, chief information and technology officer, San Diego USD

20 About SDUSD  A unified K-12 school district  137,000 students  128 elementary Schools  24 junior/middle Schools  30 comprehensive and small high schools

21 Previous infrastructure  Recently completed the implementation of optical network  Distributed filtering solution that was not teacher or student centric  Limited student access to technology  Partial Active Directory implementation

22 Proposition S  Last November the voters past Proposition S  $1.2 billion with a strong focus on creating 21 st Century Learning Environments  Program sets out to transform 7000 classrooms over 5 years  Starting in grades 3, 6, and High School Math

23 Equipping the 21 st Century Classroom  Interactive White Boards  Whole room amplification system  Document Cameras  Teacher tablet PC’s  Student Netbooks

24 Virtual High School and 1:1 Middle School Initiative  iHigh Virtual Academy Over 600 students taking online courses Netbooks with 3G broadband provided to fulltime enrolled students  Millennial, Innovation and Memorial Middle Schools go 1:1 Every student is provided with a Netbook 3G broadband

25 Filtering Solution Needs  Provide a safe and secure online experience for students and staff  Empower educators to access content as they see fit  Protect students both at school and home  Reports that promote positive social online behaviors

26 Implementation  Rolled out first Netbooks with Lightspeed Guide to 25 students and select department—January 2009  3 school pilot April – June 2009  Rollout planning and design March – June 2009  District –wide implementation July 2009  Administrator training August 2009

27 Challenges  Size of network  Managing computers that are not AD  Setting new policy based on advanced functionality  Monitoring and reporting and developing positive best practices

28 Impact  Teachers now have the power to choice what online resources they use in their classrooms  Students can view YouTube videos from a safe media portal  Student issued computers are protected both on and off the districts network  Comprehensive reporting solution that is easy to understand

29 5 Year Plan

30 What works  Develop clear understanding of customer needs  Get buy in from all stakeholders  Pilot new solution with small groups  Training at all levels  Recognize polices will have to change

31 Sponsored by: Conclusion Summary and QA Session

32 About this Webcast This event will be available for on-demand viewing within 24 hours. You will be notified by email when the archive is ready. For additional information about this or other T.H.E. Journal Webcasts, please contact: Kanoe Namahoe, e-content producer

33 Sponsored by: Thank You for Attending We look forward to seeing you at the next T.H.E. Journal webinar event

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