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Published byEgbert Anderson Modified over 9 years ago
Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Webinar Date: November 21, 2013 Presented by: Kevin Nickerson & Mary Lynn ReVoir, NDI Technical Assistance Team U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Ticket to Work Basics & Employment Network Application
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Moderator: Randee Chafkin Title: Workforce Development Specialist Organization: Employment and Training Administration Moderator: Miranda Kennedy Title: Director of Training for DEI, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute 3#
4# According to the SGA, DEI project must include a plan to sustain the disability resource coordinator(s) after the grant period ends and to incorporate the promising practices that were successfully implemented by the project into the state and LWIB policies and practices. Additionally, DEI Projects at the state level and/or local level participating LWIBs are required to become Employment Networks (ENs) under Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) Ticket to Work Program. Training and Technical Assistance to DEI Projects on operating as an Employment Network provided under U.S. DOLETA contract with NDI Consulting, Inc. and the National Disability Institute (NDI). Evaluation of the impact of the DEI Projects implementation and outcomes of operating as an Employment Network will be provided under U.S. DOL ODEP contract with Social Dynamics.
5# Upon completion of this training webinar, DEI grantees and participants and partners from the public workforce system will have the following: Information about Ticket to Work and the basic components of the program Information on the relationship between the DEI grant and operating as a workforce EN Directions on how to apply to become an EN A Walk-Through of the Request For Quotation (RFQ)
Presenter: Kevin Nickerson Title: Ticket to Work Subject Matter Expert for DEI, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute Presenter: Mary Lynn ReVoir Title: Ticket Coordinator for DEI, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute 6#
7# What is the Ticket to Work Program? Ticket to Work Basics How to apply to become an EN Walk through of the Request For Quotation Q & A
8# A Social Security Administration Program Creates an opportunity for any entity (other than a Federal Department) to become a Ticket to Work ‘Employment Network’ and begin receiving payments for supporting ‘Ticket Holders’ in becoming self-sufficient through employment Ticket Holders are qualified Social Security Disability Beneficiaries ages 18 to 64, receiving Title XVI and/or Title II benefits (SSI or SSDI)
9# The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act was passed in 1999 and provided benefits to SSA Disability beneficiaries & EN’s including: Yearly cost of living increases for Ticket Payments to EN’s Two new work incentives ◦ Extended Medicare benefits ◦ Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits (EXR) Medicaid Buy-In Programs Work Incentive Planning and Assistance projects Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency employment program
10# Goal: Decrease the Ticket Holder’s dependence on their cash benefits by increasing their work effort to substantial gainful activity, and ultimately, to assist Ticket holder in achieving self-sufficiency Choice: EN’s offer another level of choice to Social Security beneficiaries Increased need for exemplary Customer Service in providing rehabilitation services is important, especially as more EN providers become available
11# This is a voluntary program - as a Ticket Holder, I do not have to participate. Provides Ticket Holders with CHOICE – as a Ticket Holder, I decide who I assign my Ticket to based upon who I feel can best provide the services I need. Ensures continued employment support – as a Ticket Holder, I know you will continue to provide me support beyond the time that Vocational Rehabilitation permits in some cases. Actively participating in the Ticket to Work program suspends a Ticket Holder’s medical Continuing Disability Review – as a Ticket Holder, I can return to work without fear that I will medically improve before I am gainfully employed.
13# APORAnnual Performance Outcome Report PIIPersonal Identifiable Information BASSBeneficiary Access and Support Services RFQRequest for Quotation CDRContinuing Disability Review SGASubstantial Gainful Activity COSCertification of ServicesSSASocial Security Administration ENEmployment NetworkSSDISocial Security Disability Insurance (Title 2) eProcessElectronic process for workforce ENs only SSISupplemental Security Income (Title 16) IEPIndividual Employment Plan TPRTimely Progress Review IWPIndividual Work PlanTWPTrial Work Period OSMOperations Support Manager VRVocational Rehabilitation agency of the state
14# Having Job Centers operate as ENs attracts customers who are on SSA disability benefits and sends a welcoming message encouraging the disability community to access the public workforce system Strengthens partnership and collaboration with VR - helps build a responsive service delivery Promotes use of Integrated Resource Teams (IRTs) which increases successful employment outcomes for customer and job center programs Contributes to the credit of all programs involved in the employment outcomes (i.e. WIA, Wagner-Peyser, VR) Provides an opportunity to inject Asset Development strategies, as a part of the individualized services provided to Ticket holders
15# Becoming an EN is a business objective Most ENs have difficulty with start-up costs, as this is an “outcome” driven program DEI State projects have a distinct advantage in EN start-up, as each Pilot site has at least one Disability Resource Coordinator, who can assist with EN operations and internal training What level of activity needs to occur to generate revenue to maintain a full-time Disability Resource Coordinator (disability subject matter expert) beyond the period of this initiative?
16# “Our DEI project’s focus is on youth and our youth predominantly do not have tickets.” –If age 18 and receiving disability benefits, Ticket eligible –DEI ENs are encouraged to serve all ages of Ticket holders, not just those in the DEI target population (youth or adult) “Most of the youth served at Job Centers are using their Ticket with state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR).” –Coordinating services among a variety of resources or using an Integrated Resource Team (IRT) when needed, can benefit the youth and all of the associated programs can get credit –Job Center EN can serve a youth Ticket holder while waiting for VR services or after VR case closure, this benefits everyone Remember: Operating as an EN is a core component of all DEI projects
17# An EN receives payments from SSA, when beneficiary achieves eligible payment thresholds Ticket funding is an additional revenue source for Job Center Not considered program income and WILL NOT replace existing funding sources (Training and Employment Notice No. 20-07) Ticket funds are flexible; there are NO restrictions –Can be used to sustain work DRC position ----- Will likely become part of DEI Sustainability Plan –Can be used to fund service gaps at Job Center, additional training dollars, supply transportation discounts or vouchers to get to/from work, fund Assistive Technology or Sign Language Interpretation, or other unique, and otherwise unfunded needs
19# There are reasons some, or all of, Phase 1 payments may not be available to an EN: –Recent Work Activity Work at or above applicable Trial Work level earnings ($750 in 2013) within 18 months “prior to Ticket assignment” Checkout the 18-Month Prior Earnings Tool to explore how recent work history affects payments: –State VR history with Ticket Holder
21# VR Cost Reimbursement payments and EN Phase 2 Milestone and Outcome payments both possible for same beneficiary –SSA will pay for sequential, but not concurrent, services When VR chooses to serve a beneficiary under Cost Reimbursement, beneficiary’s Ticket is: –Considered as “in use SVR” –Cannot be assigned to another EN while in use –Extends Continuing Disability Review (CDR) protection to beneficiary Beneficiary can assign Ticket to an EN after VR case closure
22# Based on the clear direction provided recently by SSA, an EN should NOT assign a Ticket if the Beneficiary has no intention of, or ability to, work at a level that would eventually allow them to successfully leave the benefits roles This is sometimes referred to as “parking”This is sometimes referred to as “parking” Should a beneficiary start with part-time work, as is sometimes the case, this can qualify an EN for initial Phase 1 Milestone payments, but the goal would be for the beneficiary to keep making progress towards self- supporting employment
23# Workforce ENs have the option to use ePay in lieu of collecting proof of earnings and submitting manual requests. Available to Workforce ENs only Provides automated payments from Milestone 1 through Outcomes (ALL payments) Processed quarterly thus a lag time in payment NOTE: ePay will be covered in detail in subsequent trainings
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25# Any interested agency will complete and submit a Request for Quotation (RFQ) to SSA to become an EN All Employment Networks need a signed formal contract/agreement with Social Security Administration (called Blanket Purchase Agreement – BPA) This is a federal contract/agreement and the EN needs to maintain compliance
26# 1.Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as the Tax ID # 2.General business or professional liability insurance in effect (minimum of $500,000 per occurrence) 3.DUNS number (if you need one contact Dun & Bradstreet at 1-866- 705-5711 or apply online at ) 4.Register DUNS # with the System for Award Management (SAM) Formerly Central Contractor Registration (CCR) system and the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) Primary registrant database for all Federal Government contracts Enter banking information Update annually There is no charge
For RFQ Download, see: Download and complete on your computer Solicitation # SSA-FRQ-12-0010L (dated 8/27/12) Questions on RFQ, direct to: Email: Phone: 866-584-5180 TDD: 866-584-5181 Fax: 410-597-0429 Submit electronically to: 27#
28# Agencies that have a DOL contract are processed under the workforce umbrella Federal partnership between DOL and SSA Workforce agencies are deemed eligible to apply as an EN, plus sections of the RFQ do not apply to workforce agencies. They include: Proof of Qualifications Submitting a business plan Proof of insurance Workforce eProcesses reduces administrative burden and paperwork involved with Ticket assignment and payments for workforce ENs It is important to know terms of the agreement
29# Contains 6 parts (see table of contents): Part I, BPA Agreement (required to submit) Part II, Price (review only) Part III, Statement of Work (review only) Part IV, Contract Clauses (review only) Part V, EN Quotation Documentation Requirements (required to submit) Part VI, Solicitation Provisions (review only)
30# Part I- Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) Complete and submit Outlines terms of BPA between the EN and SSA Part II- Price Do not need to submit Outlines supplies, services, and price Firm–Fixed-Price of BPA is $0- for satisfactory performance of services provided, EN is paid in accordance with the Payment to ENs schedule (Part III--Section 11) Part III- 12 Sections Internal review; do not need to submit ENs obligation, EN qualification requirements (Job Centers under WIA deemed qualified) Outlines Ticket assignment process, details of IWP Referral Agreements, EN responsibilities Security requirements, EN Training, and EN evaluations EN Reporting Requirements, EN payment system Statutory Understanding and Compliance
31# Inform and educate Ticket Holders purpose of the Ticket Program is to provide individuals with the opportunities and supports they need to Go to work, increase earnings, become self-sufficient by leaving cash benefits to the maximum extent feasible; Provide employment support services that afford Ticket Holders the opportunity to prepare for, obtain and retain career ladder jobs that will realistically enable them to leave and remain off cash benefits; Avoid even the appearance of advising or condoning the practice of artificially manipulating one’s earnings to remain on cash benefits; and, Fairly and objectively, advise each Ticket Holder on the benefits and risks of leaving cash benefits and becoming self-sufficient. It is unacceptable for an EN to limit its business model to assisting Ticket Holders to engage in part time employment only.
32# Reviews and explains EN contract terms and conditions Reviews liability insurance requirements – WIA/Workforce Boards/Operators exempt from submitting proof Explains the EN Security and Suitability Requirements: Paragraph G (pg 45-54, 57) –Provides SSA policies and procedures re: background investigations –Investigations determine the suitability of the EN to acquire, handle, and have access to beneficiary personally identifiable information (PII) EN suitability process does not begin until after the BPA is awarded; at this time, only EN staff names who acquire, handle, or have access to PII are required When awarded BPA, contact the DEI TA Ticket Coordinator for further resources and guidance
33# Section 1: Standard Form 1449 – submit Box 17a: Offeror Name, Address, Phone, and Tax ID/EIN number Box 17b if applicable Box 30 a, b, c: signature and date Need to submit 2 nd page even though you will not enter any information Section 2: EN Information Sheet: all about your EN - submit Offeror Name = Name placed in Box 17 on SF 1449 EN Name- optional, if listed in Directory, choose local name Get registered in SAM and check yes EN Directory Contact Information: name of the beneficiary POC for your EN Type of Organization- at minimum check either WIA One Stop and/or Workforce Board EN Employee Suitability- names of EN who have access/handle PII; Bene CD is optional Note locations and if area covered not within local phone # need toll free For each additional/different location listed in the online EN Directory, complete one addendum for EACH different service delivery location
34# Section 3: EN Quotation Checklist - internal use only, do not submit (pg 87) Business Plan - does not apply to workforce agencies Beneficiary CD – best to complete this now if you plan to use Beneficiary CD Part VI: Solicitation Provisions - review only, do not submit SSA evaluation of RFQ RFQ selection and award Offeror will be notified of missing or incorrect information; given 60 days to correct deficiencies
35# Submit Part I (pages 4-5) and all documents contained Part V (pages72-86) –Remember: as a WIA One Stop/Workforce Board/Operator- proof of EN qualifications and liability insurance not required to submit with RFQ Obtain necessary signatures where needed –Part I, Blanket Purchase Agreement, signature on page 4 –Part V, Section 1: SF Form 1449 –Part V, Section 2-T: Signatory Authority Submit signed Part I and all completed Part V documents to
At this time, what EN model is your DEI project anticipating to operate? Choose the answer that best reflects you (or your group): a. The State will operate as the EN on behalf of the DEI pilot regions b. Each DEI pilot region will operate their own EN c. We are yet deciding d. We need more information to make a decision 36#
What timeframe do you expect to submit the RFQ to SSA? Choose the answer that best reflects you (or your group): a. Within the next 30 daysb. By January 1 st, 2014c. By January 15 th, 2014 37#
38# In today’s presentation we covered the following: Explanation of what is Ticket to Work and basic components of the program, including the payment structure for Milestone/Outcome payments Information on the relationship between the DEI grant and operating as a workforce EN Directions on how to apply to become an EN Review of the Request for Quotation
39# Link to Request for Quotation (RFQ): To obtain DUNS number (if you need one) Contact:Dun & Bradstreet Phone:1-866-705-5711 To register Systems Award Management (SAM) EN Payments at a Glance:
40# Questions about EN models of service?
Speaker:Kevin Nickerson Title:DEI Ticket Subject Matter Expert Organization:National Disability Institute Speaker:Mary Lynn ReVoir Title:DEI Ticket Coordinator Organization:National Disability Institute 42#
the 43# January 14, 2014 at 3pm EST
Thank You! Find resources for workforce system success at: 44#
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