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Focusing on Impact in your CBO & High School Partnership WACAC Share, Learn, Connect Meeting - USF March 12, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Focusing on Impact in your CBO & High School Partnership WACAC Share, Learn, Connect Meeting - USF March 12, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focusing on Impact in your CBO & High School Partnership WACAC Share, Learn, Connect Meeting - USF March 12, 2014

2 Agenda Introduction & Polling the Audience Need for a Collaboration Assessing Your Partnership Impact at a Real School Common Pitfalls

3 Need for Collaboration

4 San Franciscans with only a high school degree are 6 times less likely to earn a living wage than college graduates. Postsecondary Focus

5 Pipeline Out of Postsecondary

6 Scope of the Need 61% eligible for free and reduced lunch 29% English language learners 66% would be generation college graduates 4,000 graduates from SFUSD each year College Success Network works with roughly 10,000 students across the Bay Area (including Alameda & Contra Costa counties)

7 Why Students Drop Off The maze of college preparation, application, and selection Insufficient resources for support Lack of coordination between partners Students who are being over-served and those who are not being supported at all

8 Assessing Your Partnership

9 Accountability to Alignment to Collective Impact

10 Building the Partnership Who do you invite to the table? How do we define SUCCESS for students? Creating a common language.

11 Asset Mapping What IS happening in your school? What ISN’T happening in your school? How WELL or BROADLY is it happening?

12 Student Data Analyze how students are doing against indicators of college eligibly, awareness, and preparedness. Then ask: WHY are we seeing this trend? WHO is already working with this population? HOW can we change practice to better support these students? WHAT resources can the we bring to the school to change the trend? WHAT is the ultimate goal for the population?

13 Bringing it All Together Who is and isn’t being served well? What are the areas of weakness? What are our strengths to build on? Prioritize goals and actions steps for THIS YEAR!

14 Impact at a Real School

15 Acceptance vs. Enrollment

16 Curriculum & Staffing Financial Aid as a Barrier Scaffolded Advisory Curriculum around Financial Aid Outside Partners (CBO and corporate) to Support Curriculum Targeted FAFSA Push using volunteer support Identified lead contacts for Latino and African- American student and family outreach

17 Coordinate CBO Efforts CBO roster review to determine which students were being over served and which weren’t being served at all…then facilitated shifting the resources Awareness campaign around the needs of Latino and African-American students Outreach effort to engage Latino and African- American students in postsecondary success programs

18 Impact

19 Common Pitfalls

20 Lack of common vision, goals, or definition of success Wrong people at the table (top down and bottom up) Lack of accountability to each other, no clear action plan Data fear!

21 First Steps What will you do when you go back to your school site?

22 Thank you! Hanna Doerr Program Director 415.695.5400 x3008

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