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Using eRoom 7 A Guide for Bain Teams.

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Presentation on theme: "Using eRoom 7 A Guide for Bain Teams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using eRoom 7 A Guide for Bain Teams

2 What is eRoom? eRoom, Bain’s extranet, is a secure web-based collaboration tool that enables teams to work more effectively with clients An extranet exists outside a company’s firewall (unlike an intranet), but may only be accessed by users with a membership (unlike the Internet) eRoom benefits include: Shared network drive and central repository Remote access without logging in to the Bain network Access control at folder and document level for viewing and editing of documents Version control with change tracking Team calendars, contact databases, templates, polls, project plans and discussion forums Secure location for files, using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

3 How to access your eRoom
All users: URL (https address) Go to and click on the “Extranet” link in the top right corner; type in the name of your Extranet Bain members only: Click on the eRoom icon on MyBain; type in your Extranet name Note: Clicking on this icon will also direct you to FAQs, eRoom policies and user guides on eRoom eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

4 Agenda Manage content and find information Collaborate
Manage work flow eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

5 Manage content and find information
eRoom has a number of tools and functions to help you manage content and find information, including: Clear user interface Member roles Member information My eRooms page Edit personal info Reset passwords Plug-in software Folders Add/edit files Access control Hidden items Version tracking Change notification Comments Links Notes Template items Searching feature Recycle bin NEW! UPDATED! NEW! NEW! eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

6 User interface Hierarchical navigation: Shows your location as you navigate through eRoom eRoom toolbar: Provides access to intercom (IM), online help, & shows who is in the eRoom eRoom button bar: Lets you create items (folders, calendars), search for items, access member list Removable map pane: Allows you to navigate through eRoom. Item box: Shows the items you can work with, including any hidden items that only you and others have access to Viewing options: Allows you to change screen view from large icon to list to detailed Drop-down menu (right-click): Gives you access to actions such as access control, version tracking, notifications, etc. eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

7 Four primary eRoom member roles
Role capabilities Observer Participant Coordinator Administrator Open and view items Create new items Edit items and change access control settings View/edit items regardless of access control settings Override/change access control settings Change the role of an eRoom member Add new members Edit eRoom settings Create a new eRoom eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

8 Member information: My eRooms
NEW! New “My eRooms” feature allows you to have one place to visit for all your eRooms and new a location to update your member information. eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

9 Member information: Edit personal info
UPDATED! To find out information about members of the eRoom: Click on the eRoom button bar To view detailed information about a specific member, click the member’s name To edit your member information: On the Members page, click next to your name Make the necessary changes Click OK OR Select “My Member Info” from your My eRooms page eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

10 Member information: Reset password
NEW! All non-Bain users can now directly recover a lost or forgotten password instead of contacting the eRoom Administrator. Bain users will still use their network login info. To reset a NON-BAIN password: Go to login page Click “Forget your password?” Enter your address Click OK eRoom will you a link with instructions to follow eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

11 Member information: Plug-in software
NEW! eRoom now allows the user to select the “plug-in” software via their membership info. To change to using the plug-in software: Go into personal member information Select the “Use eRoom plug-in software” option Click OK Note: All Bain users should be using this software! eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

12 Folders To create a folder: Click on the button bar
From the Create screen, click “Folder” Fill out desired information Click OK eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

13 Add a file To upload a file:
Select the folder where you want the file to be located Click on the bottom button bar Click Browse to locate the file to be uploaded Optional: From this page, you can also opt to track changes, keep uploading files, or make this your private draft Click OK Note: You can add a file by dragging from your desktop; however, you must be using the plug-in software. eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

14 Edit a file To edit a file: OR
Right-click on the document icon and select edit To edit a file: The file opens in the application in which it was created (such as PowerPoint) and has now been reserved for editing Make all desired edits Save and close the file. The revised file uploads to eRoom automatically If viewing in detail view, click Edit to the right of the document you want to edit OR Note: If you click the file icon or the file name, you will open a “read only” copy of the file. eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

15 Access control default settings
There are two types of access control: Open Edit Default Any member who can get to it Only the member who created it and the Coordinator Explanation Open access allows members to open and view or read an item. If a member does not have Open access, then Edit access is not available. Edit access is required to modify or delete pre-existing items. Note: An item will appear grayed out if you have no access rights. eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

16 Setting access control
To set access control: Right-click the icon of the item and select Access Control from the drop-down menu. The Access Control screen appears Click to the right of the “Open” field Select the members who will have rights to open this item Click OK Click to the right of the “Edit” field Select the members who will have rights to edit this item If you want to make this item read-only or reserve it for editing later, click the appropriate checkbox Optional: eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

17 Hidden items You can hide items so that members who do not have access to these items do not see them. Right-click the icon of the item and select Access Control from the drop-down menu Click to choose the users who should be able to see this item; click OK Note: The “Hidden” option will remain grayed out until you select specific members in the “open” section of access control Put a check next to “Hidden” Click OK To hide an item: eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

18 Version tracking OR To activate version tracking:
When uploading a file, click the Track versions checkbox. Click OK The file appears in the content window with the blue rectangles Version Tracking icon to the right of it To activate version tracking: Right-click on the item icon and select Track Versions To view version history: Right-click the icon of the item for which you want to view Version History and select Show Versions -OR- Click the icon The Version History appears OR Note: If you want to revert to an earlier version of the document, go to the Version History page and click on the edit pencil. You will have the option to make that version the most current one. eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

19 Notification settings
Your eRoom will be set up to send you a nightly about any changes in your eRoom. In addition, you can request to be notified of changes to a specific item at a specific time for any item you have access rights to. To change notification settings: Right-click the icon of the item and select Notification from the drop-down menu Choose whether you want to receive notification of changes as soon as the change happens or once nightly Note: If you check the box to turn off notification for all changes, you will receive reports only for the selected item(s) Click OK eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

20 Comments To add a comment (at folder level): Click below the item box
Enter a title for the comment Press <Tab> Enter the comment text Click OK eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

21 Links A link is a convenient way to access information in another location either within or outside of your eRoom. To create a link: Go to the page in the eRoom where you want the link to appear Click on the button bar From the Create screen, select the “Link” option Enter a title for the link Copy and paste the URL from the address box of the link you want to use To open the page in a new window (recommended), click the box below the address field Click OK eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

22 Notes To create a note: Click on the button bar
From the Create screen, select the “Note” option Fill out the appropriate information Click OK eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

23 Template items Using a template is an easy way to standardize and reproduce common items. To add an item as a template: Click on the button bar Click to create a new folder From the Create Folder screen, click Template Items Click Add Enter a name for the template Select the item that should be used as a template Click OK Click OK again The item will now be available for use as a template in that folder. To use the template, go into the folder and click The template item will appear on the Create screen eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

24 Searching an eRoom You can search across your eRooms within one Extranet or you can search within an individual eRoom. To search: Click on the button bar From the Search screen, enter the keyword(s) and select any other criteria you want Click Search; the search results will appear under the search criteria boxes Note: You can also select Search to replace the navigation map within the sidebar eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

25 Recycle bin Each eRoom has a Recycle bin. Any item that is deleted by a user is moved to the Recycle bin. You can drag and drop items into this bin directly, as if it were a folder Users can restore items they have access to eRoom Coordinators can restore any items or delete them permanently from the recycle bin Tips: eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

26 Agenda Manage content and find information Collaborate
Manage work flow Coordinators only eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

27 Collaborate eRoom has several tools that allow teams to collaborate:
Polls Discussions Inboxes eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

28 Polls (1 of 2) To create a poll: Click on the button bar
Use the eRoom polling option to obtain feedback or to vote on a topic. To create a poll: Click on the button bar To select the “Poll” option, click Enter a title for the poll Select how many questions will be asked Click Next Enter the question text Press <Tab> Enter the possible answers, placing each choice on a separate line (continued on next page) eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

29 Polls (2 of 2) To create a poll (continued): Click Next
Note: click Next again if you have entered multiple questions and are finished entering the questions Select all desired options for displaying totals and votes cast, sorting results, and including space for comments and attachments Click OK To create a poll (continued): eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

30 Discussions To create a discussion: Click on the button bar
Use the discussions option to have conversations over an extended period of time. Each discussion is a collection of individual conversations called topics. The discussion board will display the comments as nested responses. To create a discussion: Click on the button bar To select the “Discussion” option, click Enter a title for the discussion Note: eRoom defaults to allow for nested responses and to create first topic now Click OK. From the Create Topic screen enter a title for the topic Press <Tab> Enter starter comments for discussion Optional: Click the checkbox to include a box for attachments Click OK eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

31 Inboxes To create an inbox: Click on the button bar
Use your eRoom inbox to something (i.e. Dow Jones or Reuters reports; team inquiries) directly to one central location that the entire team can access. To create an inbox: Click on the button bar To select the “Inbox” option, click From the Create Inbox screen, enter a name for the inbox Enter a description in the Description field Click OK Contact the Extranet Administrator to activate an inbox at eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

32 Agenda Manage content and find information Collaborate
Manage work flow Coordinators only eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

33 Manage work flow eRoom allows you to manage work flow with the following tools: NEW! Project Plans Calendars Databases Routing buttons eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

34 Project Plans NEW! The Project Plan, a NEW eRoom item, can be used to organize, manage and report on complex and interdependent project tasks and milestones and can be set up like a gantt chart. eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

35 Project Plans To create a project plan:
NEW! To create a project plan: From the Create screen, select the “Project Plan” option In the Create Project Plan screen, fill out the name, start date, and the remaining default options Click OK eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

36 Project Plans: Create & edit a new task
To create a project plan task: From the Project Plan screen, select from the top button bar Fill out all the fields in the Create Task field Click OK To edit a project plan task: Click the edit pencil to the left of the task Make edits, click OK eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

37 Calendars To create a Calendar: Click on the button bar
To select the Calendar option, click Enter a title for the Calendar in the title field Select either Sunday or Monday as the beginning of the week Type a description in the description field Note: by default, Include space for comments and votes is selected Click OK eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

38 Calendars: Create an event
To create a Calendar event: Open the Calendar, click Enter a title for the event in the title event field Enter the Date, Start Time, and Duration of the event Select the people who will be participating in the event Click to get a list of eRoom members Type other event information in the Description field Note: by default Include space for comments and votes is selected Click OK eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

39 Databases (1 of 4) To create a database: Click on the button bar
Use the database feature for creating contact lists, managing your Workplan, or tracking information. To create a database: Click on the button bar To select the “Database” option, click Select the type of database you want to create and click Next Note: if you choose blank database, you will need to enter the field names and data types manually on the next two screens From the Set Database Name screen, enter a name for the database and select a color scheme Click Next (Continued on next page) eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

40 Databases (2 of 4) To create a database (continued):
In the Database Fields section, type in the name of the fields you would like in your database (one per line) Click Next In the Database Field Types section, select the data type for each field from the drop-down menu. Note: An explanation of the available field types is listed below the fields for your reference Click Next (Continued on next page) eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

41 Databases (3 of 4) To create a database (continued):
In the Database Field Options, review the additional options for each field. The options vary based on the data type for that field. Click Next (Continued on next page) eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

42 Databases (4 of 4) To create a database (continued): In the Database Summary Options page, choose the fields you want to use for each summary-page option Note: an explanation of the options is listed Click Next In the Database Instructions screen, you may opt to include a welcome message or instructions Click OK; the database will be created for you eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

43 Databases: Add an entry
To add an entry to your database: Click From the Create Database Entry screen, enter the information in the fields provided Click OK Tip! You can import and export Excel files to and from a database. To import: Save your Excel file as a .csv; click on the Database page. The Excel file must begin with a row header containing column names that match column field names in the eRoom database. To export: Select on the Database page. From the Export Database Item page, click ok (the default settings are optimal for exporting a database). Click the link that appears. The file will be in .csv format; Save as a .xls file. eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

44 Note: You can only add routing buttons to the Folder and Inbox items.
Routing buttons are helpful when you have working documents in a folder that you would like to move to another folder later on. Your team can work on the documents in one folder and move the finished documents to another folder by clicking the Route button. To add a routing button: On either the Folder or Inbox creation screens, click Click Add. The Add Routing Button screen appears Enter a name for the routing button Select the people who are permitted to use the button Select the folder to which the routing button should move items Click OK Click OK again Note: You can only add routing buttons to the Folder and Inbox items. eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

45 Manage content and find information
Index What is eRoom? How to access your eRoom Collaborate Polls Discussions Inboxes Manage content and find information User interface Member roles Member information Folders Add/edit files Access control Hidden items Version tracking Notification settings Comments Links Notes Template items Searching an eRoom Recycle bin NEW! Manage work flow NEW! Project Plans Calendars Databases Routing buttons eRoom7_BainUsersGuide v2

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