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Immigration in the US. Where did they come From?

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration in the US. Where did they come From?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration in the US

2 Where did they come From?



5 Italian Immigrants  Why did they come?  Define “Padrone”  What jobs did they find and why?

6 Jewish Immigrants  Where did they come from?  Why did they come?  Define “Pogroms”

7 Chinese Immigrants  Why did they come?  What was Chinese Exclusion act?  How did the San Francisco Earthquake effect Chinese Immigrants?

8 Mexican Immigrants  Why did they come?  What did they do when they got here?

9 Immigration Research Project  What country is seeing the most immigration?  What are three things that attract people to this country?  Write three sentences describing your reaction if your parents told you that you were moving there.  What Country is seeing the most emigration?  What are two possible solutions that you can think of that would fix the problems?  Write three sentences describing your reaction if tour parents told you that you were moving there.  What state in the US has the most immigrants living there  Why do you think that state has so many immigrants?  What country has sent the most immigrants to the US?  Would you have left that country to live in the US?

10  factbook/rankorder/2112rank.html factbook/rankorder/2112rank.html 

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