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INSURE AMERICA TRAVEL AGENT ERRORS & OMISSIONS. What is Errors & Omissions?  Errors & Omissions, or E & O, is a type of Professional Liability insurance.

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Presentation on theme: "INSURE AMERICA TRAVEL AGENT ERRORS & OMISSIONS. What is Errors & Omissions?  Errors & Omissions, or E & O, is a type of Professional Liability insurance."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Errors & Omissions?  Errors & Omissions, or E & O, is a type of Professional Liability insurance that insures a person or entity against claims made by third parties alleging negligence, errors or mistakes in the professional services that they offer.

3 Why is E & O Important to have?  Accidents happen. Which is why you have auto and medical insurance. Your business is your livelihood and should be protected as well.  Even if it turns out that you have done nothing wrong, you could still be faced with thousands of dollars in defense costs.  E & O insurance can help minimize the financial burden you may face should you have to defend yourself.

4 Examples of E & O Claims:  A client is booked into a room identified as ocean view. The client arrives to find out that their room does not have a view of the ocean.  An agent mistakenly books an airline ticket from JFK to AMD instead of JFK to AMS.

5 E & O Coverages:  Bodily Injury  Property Damage  Financial Loss  Personal Injury

6 Optional Coverages: Home Based Agents  Third- Party Travel Supplier Bankruptcy  Limited Form Advertising Injury  Additional Insured’s  Prior Acts Offered to Qualified Applicants

7 Optional Coverages: Retail Agents  Limited Form Advertising Injury  Broad Form Advertising Injury  Increased Fire Legal Limit  Increased Medical Payments  Additional Insured’s  Prior Acts Offered to Qualified Applicants

8 Limits of Liability & Deductibles:  The insurance program offers a wide range of limits ranging from $100,000/$100,000 (Per Occurrence Limit/Annual Aggregate Limit) to $5,000,000.  Deductibles range from $500 to $25,000.

9 How Are Rates Determined?  The policy premium is based on a number of factors which may include: The nature of the travel services provided Years of experience Internal quality controls Professional certification Annual gross receipts Claims history

10 Before You Apply  Annual Gross Receipts  If you have coverage that will be expiring Copy of your existing declarations page Any applicable retroactive or prior acts date A review of your claims history for the past 5 years  Names and addresses of any additional insureds or entities that require certificates of insurance

11 INSURE AMERICA CONTACT INFORMATION  Address: 22 E. Mifflin Ste 1000 Madison, WI 53703  Phone: (866) 375-3838  Fax: (715) 342-3542  Email:

12 Thank you!

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