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A LOOK DOWN THE ROAD – Pennsylvania State Byway Meeting September 12, 2007 Assessing your Resources through a Byway Corridor Management Plan Byways in.

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Presentation on theme: "A LOOK DOWN THE ROAD – Pennsylvania State Byway Meeting September 12, 2007 Assessing your Resources through a Byway Corridor Management Plan Byways in."— Presentation transcript:

1 A LOOK DOWN THE ROAD – Pennsylvania State Byway Meeting September 12, 2007 Assessing your Resources through a Byway Corridor Management Plan Byways in a general sense

2 My Goals today: To expose you to a few principles and details of corridor management planning To have you honestly assess why you want to do a CMP. To give you resources where you can find more information. To keep the discussion moving, on-time, light in nature and engaging. Byways in a general sense

3 We will accomplish these goals by discussing the following: 1. What are your perceptions of CMP’s? 2. What is a CMP? 3. How you could do a CMP? 4. Why would you do a CMP? Byways in a general sense

4 Our Discussion Today WHAT? HOW? WHY? Byways in a general sense

5 Your Perceptions……… What do you think a CMP really is? Why would you do a CMP? Byways in a general sense


7 What it’s not? ROCKET SCIENCE

8 Definitions………….. Corridor Management can be defined as the application of multiple strategies to achieve specific land development and transportation objectives along segments of a corridor. (Corridor Management: A Synthesis of Highway Management, National Cooperative Highway Research Program)

9 Definitions………….. A document of ideas for enhancement of the highway and for community development associated with the highway’s different roles………… (State Route 105 Corridor, Washington state)

10 Definitions………….. …..a tool for local governments and citizens along the byway. Its purpose is to identify the key features along the byway and methods to enhance and promote those features over time……it clarifies how local citizens will assume responsibility for the long-term management and promotion of the byway's key features. Alaska State Byways Program

11 One last Definition………….. The Corridor Management Plan (CMP) is a living process that looks at the current conditions of the scenic byway, takes into account the community values, and draws a map to bring the community goals to fruition. Turquoise Trail NSB, New Mexico

12 The Lesson………….. There is not one perfect definition or model for a CMP. But that’s the beauty of a CMP….. It’s up to YOU to define the details of your plan.

13 BEFORE I GO ANY FURTHER……. Consult the Federal Register regarding the National Scenic Byways Program and the fourteen (14) or (17) elements: National Program processes

14 The fourteen elements ……. 1.Map 2.Assessment of IQ’s 3.Strategies for maintaining IQ’s 4.Schedule and responsibilities 5.Plan for development 6.Plan for Public Participation 7.Review of safety 8.Plan to accommodate commerce 9.Mitigation of negative effects of added visitors 10.O.A Compliance 11.Plan for signage 12.Plan for Marketing 13.Plan for design standards 14.Plan for interpretation National Program processes

15 HOW HOW could you create a CMP?

16 4 Questions Your CMP Should Answer: 1. What are the Byway’s Conditions Now? 2. What are our goals and vision for the Byway’s Future? 3. What specific and measurable Objectives will move us toward achieving those goals? 4. Of these Objectives, which specific Actions should we take now and which should be started in the future?

17 1. What are the Byway’s Existing Conditions Now: A. The Roadway Itself B. Management and Regulations C. Intrinsic Qualities (Resources) D. Tourism and Economic Development E.Others Inventory any items relating to the topics above, but especially your relevant IQ’s.

18 Intrinsic Qualities Scenic – All of the elements of the landscape that influence scenic quality. National Program processes

19 Intrinsic Qualities Natural - Features that are visible and relatively undisturbed by human influence. National Program processes

20 Intrinsic Qualities Recreational – Active and passive recreation opportunities that relate to the byway. National Program processes

21 Intrinsic Qualities Historic - Historic features that create a story with continuity and coherence. National Program processes

22 Intrinsic Qualities Archeological – Evidence of historic or prehistoric life that can be inventoried and interpreted. National Program processes

23 Intrinsic Qualities Cultural - Culture encompasses all aspects of a community’s life such as traditions, food, and music, that influence the byway character. National Program processes

24 Resources: Inventorying Byway Resources Table format Map and Table Textual with bullets Pictures w/ text

25 More on Resources: #Name LocationHistoric Value Ownership Significance

26 More on Resources: General description in text of the assets for 5 of 6 Intrinsic Quality Resources Then……… Very detailed tables of the resources from that ONE INTRINSIC QUALITY that really defines the byway.

27 2. Establish Vision and Goals: Goals: Idealistic, ambitious, and broad in scope. Solicit input from the community Think the ‘Impossible’ Keep a sense of the future

28 2. Establish Vision and Goals: Examples: A Vision for the Scenic Byway The Byway represents the willingness and ability of communities, public agencies, and private organizations to work together on economic development and conservation issues.

29 2. Establish Vision and Goals: Examples: A byway CMP starting with a description of their niche……. The niche of our byway will be a diversion from the crowd and the hustle of 21 st Century. Over the least-traveled and most rustic pass, one can find a “natural high.” Whether for pleasure, or using the corridor as the vacation destination, the natural character dominates. The scale and character are more intimate and less crowded…..Perhaps this provides an incentive to drive slower, stay alert, or return to drive it again. …..this byway is unique from its neighbors. All of these highways travel through bigger landscapes with open and expansive views, beautiful and grand in their own right, where as our byway maintains a more intimate feel further removed from development and people.

30 2. Establish Goals: Examples: Sample Goals Goal 1. Protect and Enhance Scenic, Historical, and Natural Resources. Goal 2. Insure Health and Safety for Movement Along the Byway Goal 3: Promote Community Support and Participation in the Acadia Byway Goal 4: Promote Education on the Need for Resource Protection and Preservation Goal 5: Promote Sustainable Economic Development and Tourism Management

31 Suggested Activity: Define the Character of your Byway 1. Describe the overall impression 2. List the Treasures 3. Relate the Assets to one another 4. Evaluate the direction of Change 5. Ask what would be lost is these assets were gone? See Handout for more details………..

32 3. Formulate Objectives Objectives: Realistic and specific about how to achieve your goals. 1. The Roadway 2. Management & Regulations 3. Intrinsic Qualities 4. Tourism and Economic Development

33 4. Your Action Plan A.Rate each objective by its need B.Set a time frame for your objectives B.Set a rough price tag for each C.Set responsibilities

34 Need Assistance? GOALS, OBJECTIVES, MISSION, VISION, STRATEGIES, PLANS………….. What does it all mean? How do I keep it all straight? Consult: Making the Grassroots Grow: Building and Maintaining Effective Byway Organizations, CDs Available

35 Another Conceptual How-to: VISION Evaluation Implementation Strategies IQ’s Stakeholders Location Why do you want to become a byway? Where is your byway? Map it. Who’s involved and how are they involved? Advocates, Adversaries, public, stakeholders etc. Inventory them, Describe them, Impact from and to Visitors. What is needed? Conservation, preservation, promotion, planning, protection. What, When, Who Is the plan working, monitor, is the plan effective?

36 If you want an insurance policy to protect against failure then…… Actively involve the stakeholders and partners!!!!

37 A word on stakeholders………. Public participation, citizen involvement stakeholder input…. It needn’t feel like this…….

38 RAINMAKERS…………. You need to know who the rainmakers are? You need to involve them. You need to work with them. You need to arrive at Informed Consent

39 Informed Consent? 15 Citizen Participation Objectives – Establish Legitimacy for yourself and project – Get to see project through their eyes – Get to know the PAI’s (Stakeholders) – Protect your credibility More Information: – The Citizen Participation Handbook (IPMP) – Community Involvement Toolbox for Public Participation

40 WHY?


42 Are not required for PA Byway Designation PA encourages PA Byways to develop a CMP to maintain and sustain the byway. Are required to seek National Designation.

43 # of CMP’S developed in PA 1.Historical National Road (State and All-American Byway) 2.Seaway Trail (State and National Scenic Byway) 3.Grand View (State Byway) 4.Kinzua (State Byway)

44 Sources of Funding for developing CMP’s National Scenic Byway Program Grants –Available for all state designated byways –Cycle- Annually –Match- 80% FHWA 20% Local Metropolitan Planning Organizations/Rural Planning Organizations State- PennDOT –Available on a case by case basis

45 Amount of Funding Received from National Scenic Byways Grants Funding Amt.Byway $109,000.00Delaware River Valley Scenic Byway $120,000.00PA Brandywine Valley Scenic Byway

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