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7 磁場 How is an aurora so thin yet so tall and wide?

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Presentation on theme: "7 磁場 How is an aurora so thin yet so tall and wide?"— Presentation transcript:

1 7 磁場 How is an aurora so thin yet so tall and wide?

2 The magnetic field  The electric field and the magnetic field  Electromagnet s and permanent magnets

3 7-1 The definition of B

4 The tracks in a bubble chamber

5 The SI unit for B 1 tesla = 1T =1 N/A ‧ m=10 4 gauss 10 8 T 1.5 T 10 -2 T 10 -4 T 10 -10 T 10 -14 T

6 Magnetic Field Lines Magnetic vs. electric dipoles

7 A horseshoe and a C- shaped magnets

8 例 1 A 5.3 MeV proton B = 1.2 mT

9 7-2 Crossed Fields: Discovery of the Electron A cathode ray tube Thomson’s procedure: 設定 E = 0, B = 0, 並記錄光點位 置 開啟電場 開啟磁場, 並調至與電場相等

10 Calculation the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron 1.7588196  10 11 C · kg - 1

11 7-3 Crossed Fields: The Hall Effect By the conduction electrons in copper:

12 例 2 A cube generator d = 1.5 cm, v = 4.0m/s, B = 0.05T

13 7-4 A Circulating Charged Particle

14 The frequency and angular frequency 頻率與軌跡 The magnetic bottle machine

15 Helical Paths The pitch ( 螺距 ) of the helical path V ∥ and V ⊥

16 極光橢圓圈

17 例 3 The Mass Spectrometer ( 質譜 儀 )

18 Isotope Separation Centrifuge and diffusion chamber 質譜儀 x = 1.6254m, V = 1000.0V, B = 80.000mT

19 7-5 Cyclotrons and Synchrotrons Fermilab: 6.3km ring ( 迴旋加速器與同步加速器 )

20 The resonance condition: When proton energy > 50Mev: Out of resonance (relativistic effect) A huge magnet (4×10 6 m 2 ) is needed for high energy (500Gev) protons The proton sychrotron at Fermilab can produces 1Tev proton Synchrotrons

21 CERN LHC The LHC is 27km long and sits 100m below the surface.

22 7-6 Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire

23 For a wire segment: Magnetic Force

24 例 4 A length of wire with a semicircular arc

25 Calculation

26 線圈

27 7-7 Torque on A Current Loop F 2 and F 4 cancel F 1 and F 3 form a force couple

28 例 5 A galvanometer for analog meters

29 7-8 The Magnetic Dipole The magnetic dipole moments The magnetic potential energy

30 磁能

31 敬請期待 電磁 IV

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