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Predicting Mathematical Proficiency : An Examination of Standardized Test Scores, Gender, and Ethnicity in Order to Predict CAHSEE Passing Rates.

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Presentation on theme: "Predicting Mathematical Proficiency : An Examination of Standardized Test Scores, Gender, and Ethnicity in Order to Predict CAHSEE Passing Rates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Predicting Mathematical Proficiency : An Examination of Standardized Test Scores, Gender, and Ethnicity in Order to Predict CAHSEE Passing Rates

2 Third International Math and Science Study compared 4th and 8th graders. When first issued in 1995, U.S. was # 5/7 When reissued in 1999, U.S. was # 7/12 2004 12/ 25 (8th grade) 28/39(10th grade) Some Nations scoring higher in Math are Malaysia, Slovak Republic, Singapore(605) was #1, U.S.= 508

3 In June 2006, 41,758 members of the class of 2006 (roughly 10%) (California Department of Education, 2007) were denied diplomas as a result of failing the CAHSEE Rates of high school completion are lower in states with exit exams, than in states without such exams."(Walden & Kritosonis, 2008, p. 2)

4 States with exit exams also are among the "most populous states and those with a higher than average minority enrollments." (Chudowsky & Gayler, 2003, p. 11) Using the percentage of students who meet the annual measurable objectives set by a state might not adequately capture a detailed analyses of individual learning." (Ding & Navarro, 2004, p. 239)

5 A study of Arizona students (Judson, 2006) who took the state exit exam found that in 2004, 60% of students failed to pass the mathematics portion. Being able to retake the test does increase the chances that students will pass in all categories, but non-white students and females still are not performing as well as white males. (Tyler, Murnane & Willett, 2004 )

6 1103 students: 547 (49.6%) female and 556 (50.4%) were male. The ethnic breakdown: 823 Hispanic students (74.6%), 162 Caucasian (14.7%) and 70 African-American (6.3%). 599 (54.3%) juniors and 504 seniors (45.7%) Continuously enrolled

7 A multiple regression analysis was performed to test the hypothesis: H1: CST scores(2005-2007)Math predict CAHSEEMath scores H2: CST scores(2005-2007)ELA predict CAHSEEELA scores H0: CST scores do not predict CAHSEE scores

8 The previous 2 years of CST scores for ELA predict CAHSEE scores, R=.57 and R 2 =.57 The previous 2 years of CST scores for Math predict CAHSEE scores, R=.63 and R 2 =.48 There was no main effect for Gender, But a main effect for Ethnicity was observed.

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