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Lifebushido: The New Recruit Process Created by: The Three Part Harmony Triangle Marsha Cox, Bridget Griggs, & Julie Nelson.

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Presentation on theme: "Lifebushido: The New Recruit Process Created by: The Three Part Harmony Triangle Marsha Cox, Bridget Griggs, & Julie Nelson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lifebushido: The New Recruit Process Created by: The Three Part Harmony Triangle Marsha Cox, Bridget Griggs, & Julie Nelson

2 Decide

3 Is the Triangle Recruiting Process Right for You? What is the purpose of Lifebushido Triangle? What is the purpose of Lifebushido Triangle? –Triangles are a support group for New Hires, offering such things as Insight into Lifebushido Insight into Lifebushido Advice, feedback and assistance on first tasks Advice, feedback and assistance on first tasks A shared human voice of other New Hires A shared human voice of other New Hires

4 ‍First Steps of the Triangle Recruit Process

5 What are the roles involved in a Lifebushido Recruit Triangle? It is important to note that each person in the Lifebushido triangle has a role to play. It is important to note that each person in the Lifebushido triangle has a role to play. This ensures that everyone is being allowed the opportunity to showcase their unique talents and how they can be an asset to the company. This ensures that everyone is being allowed the opportunity to showcase their unique talents and how they can be an asset to the company.

6 What are the roles involved in a Lifebushido Recruit Triangle? Leader organizes the Triangle and weekly meetings including replacing members as needed to be a group of three or four people: Leader organizes the Triangle and weekly meetings including replacing members as needed to be a group of three or four people: Scribe takes notes on decisions and actions and maintains wiki page for Triangle: Scribe takes notes on decisions and actions and maintains wiki page for Triangle: Connector seeks to get ideas and share ideas with other Triangles for a Lifebushido Forum and encourage other Ishidos to join a Triangle: Connector seeks to get ideas and share ideas with other Triangles for a Lifebushido Forum and encourage other Ishidos to join a Triangle: http://lifebushido- http://lifebushido- http://lifebushido- http://lifebushido- Visionary determines new ideas that would benefit the Triangle, and then communicate them with the Triangle Leader: Visionary determines new ideas that would benefit the Triangle, and then communicate them with the Triangle Leader:

7 How do I find the other people to join my triangle? We will have a system for you to self-organize by posting your name/email on a common page and stating whether you want to be a Leader or member of Triangle.We will have a system for you to self-organize by posting your name/email on a common page and stating whether you want to be a Leader or member of Triangle. Leaders will reach out to potential members to organize into a Triangle if both people feel it is a good fit after email, chat, or phone conversation.Leaders will reach out to potential members to organize into a Triangle if both people feel it is a good fit after email, chat, or phone conversation.

8 How do members of the Triangle communicate with each other? Members communicate via multiple methods depending on what tools they are comfortable with.Members communicate via multiple methods depending on what tools they are comfortable with. This includes: email, chat, wiki pages, phone calls and video chats.This includes: email, chat, wiki pages, phone calls and video chats.

9 How long does the process take? It is estimated that it will take about one week from when you post to join a Triangle to having a Triangle formed.It is estimated that it will take about one week from when you post to join a Triangle to having a Triangle formed. Once formed, you formally start your Triangle for a 30 day period and your Triangle must complete all steps together by the end of the 30 days. Before Day 30, the Triangle submits the New Hire Triangle package to be reviewed for hiring.Once formed, you formally start your Triangle for a 30 day period and your Triangle must complete all steps together by the end of the 30 days. Before Day 30, the Triangle submits the New Hire Triangle package to be reviewed for hiring.

10 ‍What to Expect

11 What if at the end of our 30 days we only have 2 members? You must have 3 members total to be considered for hire.You must have 3 members total to be considered for hire.

12 What types of New Hire tasks will we be doing? The New Hire tasks involve 5-10 tasks which are either.5 hours or 1.0 hour and involves basic research on the web, creative brainstorming of ideas, and feedback on LifebushidoThe New Hire tasks involve 5-10 tasks which are either.5 hours or 1.0 hour and involves basic research on the web, creative brainstorming of ideas, and feedback on Lifebushido There will be a total of 5 hours of New Hire tasks.There will be a total of 5 hours of New Hire tasks.

13 How much will we be paid for the new hire tasks? If hired, you will be paid for the 5 hours of New Hire tasks completed based on the pay rate which was stated in your initial email from Lifebushido when you first started the application process.If hired, you will be paid for the 5 hours of New Hire tasks completed based on the pay rate which was stated in your initial email from Lifebushido when you first started the application process.

14 Is there any training involved? All training is self-training and helping each other in your Triangle during this stage.All training is self-training and helping each other in your Triangle during this stage. We have tons of information and tools on our websites and wikis.We have tons of information and tools on our websites and wikis. Once hired, we provide training as needed for the various teams.Once hired, we provide training as needed for the various teams.

15 What determines if we are hired? Currently, for overall Lifebushido applicants, less than 1 in 10 people are hired based on various criteria and rating by multiple people. Currently, for overall Lifebushido applicants, less than 1 in 10 people are hired based on various criteria and rating by multiple people. If you do Lifebushido Triangle Recruiting and complete all steps within 30 days, we estimate your odds will be 1 in 2. If you do Lifebushido Triangle Recruiting and complete all steps within 30 days, we estimate your odds will be 1 in 2. –If your Triangle completes all steps and your New Hire tasks completed are average or better, you will be hired. –If you did not follow directions for New Hire Tasks or your writing and ideas are poor or unclear, you will not be hired.

16 What type of work can we expect to be doing once we are hired? There are a whole host of services provided from conducting research, to marketing, to mailings, etc. There are a whole host of services provided from conducting research, to marketing, to mailings, etc. We do all that we can to ensure that our clients are successful and have ample time to do what they do best: their job! We do all that we can to ensure that our clients are successful and have ample time to do what they do best: their job! –See http://bestagentbusiness.wikis for examples of type of work and services we provide to our clients. http://bestagentbusiness.wikis http://bestagentbusiness.wikis

17 How are we paid? Monthly, weekly etc Lifebushido pays staff monthly via PayPal only on the 5th of the month for the prior month. Thus, for work done in May, you are paid by June 5th. Lifebushido pays staff monthly via PayPal only on the 5th of the month for the prior month. Thus, for work done in May, you are paid by June 5th. We have been in business for over 5 years and have a perfect pay record of over 50 months with no late or missed payrolls. We have been in business for over 5 years and have a perfect pay record of over 50 months with no late or missed payrolls.

18 What happens after the month that we spend building the triangle? Your Triangle submits New Hire Triangle package by Day 30. You receive a response within one week of whether you will be hired or not. Your Triangle submits New Hire Triangle package by Day 30. You receive a response within one week of whether you will be hired or not. If hired, you are now a New Hire as part of Lifebushido and will start to do work for teams which is best fit with your unique talent. If hired, you are now a New Hire as part of Lifebushido and will start to do work for teams which is best fit with your unique talent. Once hired, you submit your first 5 hours of work completed which is paid in next monthly pay cycle. Once hired, you submit your first 5 hours of work completed which is paid in next monthly pay cycle.

19 What can I expect to be doing during the hiring process: Step 1 Decide - Spend 15-30 minutes reviewing what Lifebushido is about and our process to determine whether you wish to accept the Job Offer. Decide - Spend 15-30 minutes reviewing what Lifebushido is about and our process to determine whether you wish to accept the Job Offer. –Lifebushido Vision - Learn about our vision. Learn about our visionLearn about our vision –Review the New Hire Guide for overall aspect of Tasks. New Hire GuideNew Hire Guide –Decide and Respond to Job Offer with Yes, No or Future. If you are unsure of your decision, email us with any questions. Do not respond Yes if you are not ready to begin today and complete your first 10 hours within the next 30 calendar days. Decide and Respond email usDecide and Respond email us

20 What can I expect to be doing during the hiring process: Step 2 Start-up Steps - Spend 60 minutes of your time to complete your Start-up Steps. Start-up Steps - Spend 60 minutes of your time to complete your Start-up Steps. –Set up a proper Email Address for Lifebushido. If this is not done correctly, it may delay progress of Step 3 New Hire Tasks. Email Address for LifebushidoEmail Address for Lifebushido –Join the Ishido Training Email List by sending a blank email to: This list is used for training of Ishidos, news on Lifebushido, and periodic Ishido broadcast messages for special projects and other information. –Review Lifebushido's Wiki requirements, sign up for a FREE Wikispaces account, then request to join the Lifebushido Wiki. Make sure you read and follow directions on wiki. If this is not done correctly, it may delay progress of Step 3 New Hire Tasks. Lifebushido's Wiki requirementsLifebushido's Wiki requirements –Request to join a Triangle. If already involved in a Triangle, do not change. Triangle

21 What can I expect to be doing during the hiring process: Step 3 New Hire Tasks - These Tasks consist of 5-10 hours of billable work to be completed within 30 days. New Hire Tasks - These Tasks consist of 5-10 hours of billable work to be completed within 30 days. –Start sending Daily Emails. Click link for detailed information and format. Daily EmailsDaily Emails –Complete New Hire Tasks. New Hire TasksNew Hire Tasks –Mail Package to Steve - Instructions. Instructions

22 ‍Triangle Specific

23 Besides the triangle process, what makes Lifebushido different from other work at home opportunities? With Lifebushido you can find your perfect job by using your unique talents and abilities. With Lifebushido you can find your perfect job by using your unique talents and abilities.

24 Can a leader ask a triangle member to leave if they are not performing? A Triangle Leader has the right to remove a member from their triangle. A Triangle Leader has the right to remove a member from their triangle. If communication becomes inappropriate, the Leader should escalate the issue to the Triangle Team Leader to resolve. If communication becomes inappropriate, the Leader should escalate the issue to the Triangle Team Leader to resolve.

25 Can someone leave one Triangle and join another after they are formed? Yes. This is probably best done only after the initial 30 days and New Hire tasks are completed. This will give enough time to see if this is a good fit or not. Yes. This is probably best done only after the initial 30 days and New Hire tasks are completed. This will give enough time to see if this is a good fit or not.

26 How can each of us be productive as a team in order to be successful with our Triangle? Ask questions and be willing to help each other. Ask questions and be willing to help each other.

27 What is the ideal number of members for a Triangle? 3-5 members 3-5 members

28 What is the most important quality of a Triangle? An openness to share and help others. An openness to share and help others.

29 How do you become the Leader of a Triangle? By taking the initiative to take on the role. By taking the initiative to take on the role.

30 ‍Stand Up & Get Noticed

31 Is there anything creativity wise that would make our Triangle stand out to Steve? Ask good questions. Ask good questions. Read the Lifebushido Vision and do something creative to help share and promote our current creative or social entrepreneur projects. Read the Lifebushido Vision and do something creative to help share and promote our current creative or social entrepreneur projects.

32 ‍Lifebushido General

33 What is the correlation between Lifebushido Triangles and Goalbushido? People with written goals achieve more and enjoy life more, and Lifebushido strives to help you exceed in your Perfect job which also includes enjoying life. People with written goals achieve more and enjoy life more, and Lifebushido strives to help you exceed in your Perfect job which also includes enjoying life. Goals are one of the first steps in succeeding. Goals are one of the first steps in succeeding.

34 Are there typically more women than men Ishidos working for Lifebushido? In Summer 2011, we have about 95 women and 5 men on payroll working part-time. In Summer 2011, we have about 95 women and 5 men on payroll working part-time.

35 If we are hired, are we guaranteed to work a certain number of hours every week? As with any contract work, there is no guarantee of weekly hours. Every effort is made to ensure you get the hours you want. However, the more open you are to working on a mix of Teams and continue learning, will gain you work faster than someone who just wants to work on a single Team. As with any contract work, there is no guarantee of weekly hours. Every effort is made to ensure you get the hours you want. However, the more open you are to working on a mix of Teams and continue learning, will gain you work faster than someone who just wants to work on a single Team.

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