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WARM-UP: BRAINSTORM On page 18-19 of your INB: Label the top of the page Warm-ups and Agendas Write today’s date Copy the Agenda: Gallery Walk Pair Share.

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Presentation on theme: "WARM-UP: BRAINSTORM On page 18-19 of your INB: Label the top of the page Warm-ups and Agendas Write today’s date Copy the Agenda: Gallery Walk Pair Share."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM-UP: BRAINSTORM On page 18-19 of your INB: Label the top of the page Warm-ups and Agendas Write today’s date Copy the Agenda: Gallery Walk Pair Share

2 WARM-UP: Brainstorm a list of what you know about hip hop music.

3 GALLERY WALK PART 1 In your assigned group, you will walk around the room to each station. Bring a pen or pencil and your INB. SILENTLY write a short comment or phrase on the white paper at each station to complete each sentence stem. NO TALKING during this part of the activity! You will have only ONE MINUTE at each station. When I shout SWITCH, your group will proceed to the next station. Complete the sentence stem at each station.

4 GALLERY WALK PART 2 When your group has visited each station, rotate around the room again to read your fellow classmates comments. On pg. 21. of your INB, take notes of their responses. The following questions can help you determine what you might want to take notes on: What confused you? With what do you agree? What do you want to know more about? Take note of 2-3 ideas at each station that stood out to you.

5 PAIR SHARE Return to your desk. Pick one Sentence Stem that seems memorable or stands out to you. Partner A will share for 60 seconds about a sentence stem. You must speak for the entire 60 seconds. Partner B will actively listen. When I say SWITCH, Partner B will share for 60 seconds. You must speak for the entire 60 seconds. Partner A will actively listen.

6 CLASS DISCUSSION - DEBRIEF What was easy about this activity? What was difficult? How did you feel about having to express an idea for 60 seconds without stopping?

7 HOMEWORK (IF NOT COMPLETED IN CLASS) Using ideas from the gallery walk and the pair share, on pg. 21 of your INB (below your notes), write a paragraph (5-6 sentences) completing ONE of the sentence stems. Use personal experiences, knowledge, and observations to expand upon the idea you have chosen.

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