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 Opening Prayer  Alma 16:16-17.  SIOP & 8 Components  Lesson Preparation ◦ Content/Language Objectives ◦ Content Concepts ◦ Supplementary Materials.

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Presentation on theme: " Opening Prayer  Alma 16:16-17.  SIOP & 8 Components  Lesson Preparation ◦ Content/Language Objectives ◦ Content Concepts ◦ Supplementary Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1  Opening Prayer  Alma 16:16-17

2  SIOP & 8 Components  Lesson Preparation ◦ Content/Language Objectives ◦ Content Concepts ◦ Supplementary Materials ◦ Adaptation of Content ◦ Meaningful Activities

3 Content Objectives I will use supplementary materials, an adaptation of content, or a meaningful activities that will assist students in reaching the classroom objective. Language Objective I will write a reflection paper describing the supplementary materials, adaptation of text, or meaningful activity, and the effects it had on the lesson.

4  Divide into department groups, e.g. English, Science, Math, History, TVET, Seminary, etc.  Discuss upcoming concepts to be taught.  Determine how you can modify the content concepts to help close the gap between what they know and what they need to learn by using: 1. Supplementary Materials: Write a paragraph describing the materials used and how they were used to modify the concepts. (Individual) 2. Adaptation of Content: Create a graphic organizer, outline, study guide, adapted text, etc. (Individual or Groups) 3. Meaningful Activities: Write a paragraph describing the activity and how it was used to modify the concepts. (Individual)  Assignment = 20 points.

5  Name  Date  Ed 326  Reflection  Component:  Feature:  Describe how the feature was implemented in the classroom? How do you feel about the implementation of this feature? What worked? Why? What didn’t work? Why?  What will you do differently next time?

6 Content Objectives I will use supplementary materials, an adaptation of content, or a meaningful activities that will assist students in reaching the classroom objective. Language Objective I will write a reflection paper describing the supplementary materials, adaptation of text, or meaningful activity, and the effects it had on the lesson.

7 Attendance Assignments: Use Supplementary Materials or Adaptation of Text or a Meaningful Activity (20 points) Reflection Paper (10 points) Next Week Be prepared to share what you did for your assignment. (3 people will share)

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