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COSC 420 – Software Engineering Brian Toone

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1 COSC 420 – Software Engineering Brian Toone
Introduction COSC 420 – Software Engineering Brian Toone

2 Optional

3 Now it’s time for … comics!
Dilbert Scott Adams1 Worked from Crocker National Bank in San Francisco as software developer Worked from for Pacific Bell (first published Dilbert in 1989 while still working there) The Cartoon2 Dilbert (first published April 16, 1989) is an American comic strip written and drawn by Scott Adams. Dilbert is known for its satirical office humor about a white-collar, micromanaged office featuring the engineer Dilbert as the title character.

4 Dilbert on Software Engineering

5 Software Engineering

6 Software engineering Software engineering is "[t]he application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software".1 1 IEEE STD , IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology, IEEE Computer Society, 1990.

7 Software engineering Very broad discipline Non-technical Technical
Analysis and evaluation Specification Design Software evolution Non-technical Management and quality Novelty and creativity Standards Individual skills Teamwork Professional practice

8 We can’t cover everything!
But we will do something... Problem solving (PBL) Course project Real-world Examples Interesting, real-world projects from previous semesters (next slide) Your examples (after we look at previous projects)

9 Previous COSC 420 projects
2013 – Mobile and web app for Salvatores Partially completed, students hired to complete after the semester finished 2012 – World languages Mesa redesign and mobile app Completed and deployed (mobile app not deployed, but web app works much better on mobile website) 2011 – Samford connect Partially completed. Not deployed. Not abandoned (yet). 2010 – Attempted e-cash register (pos) Abandoned, but good learning experience 2009 – New campus recreation website 2008 – World languages Mesa system 2007 – E-commerce mapping application 2006 – E-commerce container Abandoned 2005 – Degree progress report Abandoned, but some great results...

10 2014 Project??? Web application Mobile application
Continued work on Samford Connect Or a completely different web application Mobile application Mobile app for the Mesa system Or a completely new mobile app

11 Course Objectives Develop software engineering knowledge and skills
Improve software productivity Reconcile conflicting objectives Learn and gain experience Improve communication Preparation for senior project, future career

12 First assignment Check Moodle!
Read Chapter 2 of “Software Engineering 2004” – overview of the discipline of software engineering Find the ACM “Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice” Due Friday!

13 “When patents attack”

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