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MASTERGRAFT® Granules & Mini Granules

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1 MASTERGRAFT® Granules & Mini Granules
Medical grade polyporous resorbable ceramic granules Each granule is composed of: 15% hydroxyapatite (HA) Slow resorbing3 85% beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) Fast resorbing3 80% interconnected porosity3 500 µm average pore diameter3 125 µm average interconnected diameter3 85:15 ratio chosen due to: Long-term stability3 Resorption rate3 3. Data On File

2 MASTERGRAFT® Granules in Extraction Socket Preservation – Proven Bone Formation7
7. Wakimoto M, Ueno T, Hirata A, Iida S, Aghaloo T, & Moy PK. Histologic Evaluation of Human Alveolar Sockets Treated With an Artificial Bone Substitute Material. J of Cranio Surg ;22(2): Study Design Seven patients (ages 35 – 82 years) Teeth extracted and immediately grafted using MASTERGRAFT® Granules No primary closure Implants placed at 4 – 5 months post-grafting A. MASTERGRAFT® Granules placed into the extracted socket as a graft material. B. MASTERGRAFT® Granules were covered with a cellulose sponge. C. Bone core samples were taken from the grafted sites at 4 months after grafting. D. Installed implant into the grafted site at 4 months after grafting.

3 MASTERGRAFT® Granules in Extraction Socket Preservation Proven Bone Formation7
7. Wakimoto M, Ueno T, Hirata A, Iida S, Aghaloo T, & Moy PK. Histologic Evaluation of Human Alveolar Sockets Treated With an Artificial Bone Substitute Material. J of Cranio Surg ;22(2): MASTERGRAFT® Granules in Human Extraction Sockets demonstrated: Osteoconductive scaffold for new bone formation Maintenance of space within the defect Support of new blood vessel formation Support of osteoclasts and osteoblasts for bone remodeling Effective for repairing bone defects

4 Basic Bone Biology8 Cells Organic Matrix Inorganic Matrix Bone Tissue
(DBM) Inorganic (Mineral) Three main components Cells Build, resorb and maintain bone Organic Matrix Collagen to resist fracture Proteins (including BMP) Inorganic Matrix Mineral (calcium phosphate) for strength 8. Marks. The Structure and Development of Bone. Principles of Bone Biology (1996) IRN Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy. Do Not Circulate. Do Not Distribute.

5 Bone Matrix8-9 Calcium phosphate Composition of Bone
Composition of Inorganic Matrix Calcium phosphate Composition of Organic Matrix 8 Marks. The Structure and Development of Bone. Principles of Bone Biology (1996) 9. Einhorn. Biomechanics of Bone. Principles of Bone Biology (1996) Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy. Do Not Circulate. Do Not Distribute.

6 Bone Grafting8 Extension of Bone Remodeling
Protein Signals Assuming the right signals exist: Osteoclasts break down old bone Release other signals to cells Osteoblasts form new bone May reside in transplanted bone Under right conditions, may recruit other cells 8. Marks. The Structure and Development of Bone. Principles of Bone Biology (1996) Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy. Do Not Circulate. Do Not Distribute.

7 Bone Graft Incorporation10
Vascularity – Graft porosity – Vascularity of site/host site preparation Bone Formation – Bone cells – Osteoinduction Graft/Host Union – Stability of the construct – Contact area -Graft quantity 10. Kalfas. Principles of Bone Healing. Neurosurg Focus 10 (4): Article 1, (2001) Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy. Do Not Circulate. Do Not Distribute.

8 MASTERGRAFT® Granules & Mini Granules
Medical grade polyporous resorbable ceramic granules Each granule is composed of: 15% hydroxyapatite (HA) Slow resorbing3 85% beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) Fast resorbing3 80% interconnected porosity3 500 µm average pore diameter3 125 µm average interconnected diameter3 85:15 ratio chosen due to: Long-term stability3 Resorption rate3 3. Data on File

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