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Practical skills on the topic: Planning activities CSSES.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical skills on the topic: Planning activities CSSES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical skills on the topic: Planning activities CSSES.

2 The Aim: Planning activities CSES is the basis of management Sanepid service in the area. Responsible for organizing the planning and implementation of the planned activities lies with the chief state sanitary doctor of the administrative unit, his deputy, as well as heads of departments CSES. The most appropriate method of planning is CSSES Topical method.

3 To develop a work plan for the next year CSSES must have: CSES sample annual plan and materials needed for the analysis of the health of the area: the state of health of the population (births, deaths, including - children's physical development of children and adolescents, the incidence - the general, infectious, with temporary disability, the level of injury), data on working and living conditions of the population, the environment, social - everyday maintenance of the population, policy guidance of the parent bodies.

4 sequence of actions 1. Inventory of the main sections of the annual plan and their inclusion in the scheme №actionperformerperiod of executionCheck offnote 1. 2. 3. 4. Arrangements and to work with the staff Measures to prevent and reduce the incidence of the population Overall health wellness activities Material - technical equipment CSSES

5 2. The planning of organizational activities and work with the staff:? Preparation and planning issues for consideration in local authorities, public organizations and trade unions Prepare questions for consideration hokimiyats standing committees, meeting emergency and anti commissions Preparation of questions for consideration by the board, the medical council, bodies zdraoohraneniya Planning work sanepidsoveta, council health assistants and laboratory technicians, public health inspectors Activities to work with staff

6 3. The planning of activities to prevent and reduce morbidity A) measures to reduce, prevent and eliminate infectious and parasitic diseases: Intestinal infections and helminthiasis Respiratory infection (diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough) Viral infection (influenza, polio, epidgepatit, encephalitis, psittacosis, etc.).

7 continuation : rabies Prevention Events for vaccination antimalarial activities TB control activities Prevention of fungal diseases Prevention of rare infections (anthrax, tetanus, tularemia) Measures to avoid liquidated infectious diseases (plague, smallpox, cholera, relapsing fever, guinea worm, etc.).

8 B) measures for the prevention of major non-communicable diseases Cardio - vascular pathology malignancies Respiratory diseases, etc. B) measures for the prevention of food poisoning D) activities for the prevention of occupational diseases and poisoning, industrial and agricultural injuries

9 4. The general sanitary planning recreational activities Warning sanitary supervision Sanitary protection of air The fight against industrial and domestic noise and vibration Organization of rational nutrition Ensuring hygienic conditions for the normal physical development of children and adolescents Organization of recreation General sanitary and recreational activities

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