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Theory Studio practice Professional practice Make connections.

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Presentation on theme: "Theory Studio practice Professional practice Make connections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theory Studio practice Professional practice Make connections

2  To gain experience and knowledge relevant to your future plans plus opportunities for self initiated projects  To develop your theoretical skills and knowledge within the context of professional and vocational issues  To relate your practice as a developing artist/designer to the professional contexts you might operate in when you leave college

3  Core lectures,  Personal pathways  Workshops

4  Work and Social Structures  Sustainability and Ethics  Audiences and Clients  Each can be approached theoretically, professionally and in relation to your studio practice  For each there will be a range of activities including a generalised lecture, and an opportunity to relate the topic to your specialist area or to a particular case study

5  In addition to these general topics there will be an individual element to your submission where you set your own targets- and gain information or experience relevant to your future plans/interests

6  Some examples:  Interviewing / shadowing a professional  Documenting aspects of a live project  Exploring sites through which artists/designers promote themselves  Finding out where jobs in your area are advertised and analysing these adverts  Running a workshop, doing some teaching  Holding an exhibition  Researching galleries that might show your work  Investigating business plans – beginning to research some aspects of business planning  Learn how to write the minutes of a meeting +/or press releases  Research further into one of the set topics such as ethics

7  We normally suggest that you set yourself about 2 to 3 manageable targets  They should provide useful information/experience  You can build on your strengths (do you like learning through doing, researching, observing?)  And address your weaknesses……..  There is nothing to stop you using, or developing an aspect of your studio work for this

8 During reading week there will be a number of workshops to cover the business and vocational elements. These will be run by outside speakers Topics include  Self employment/ setting up a business  CV writing  Introduction to teaching  Marketing and market research  Marketing and promotion on the internet

9  Documenting, reflecting, evaluating your personal targets  An essay exploring an ethical issue related to your specialist area  Evidence of engagement with the core topics and workshop sessions

10  Lectures  Wider course material  Visiting speakers  Independent research  Scrounging  Speaking, visiting,reading, doing……… Remember you will be given credit for the breadth and ingenuity of your research. Keep evidence of everything

11  On time  ………..reliable  Work well with each other  Use initiative  PLAN, document, EVALUATE

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