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Newton Rayzor Elementary Back to School Night 2011-12.

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Presentation on theme: "Newton Rayzor Elementary Back to School Night 2011-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newton Rayzor Elementary Back to School Night 2011-12

2 Newton Rayzor Elementary School… Seeking a vast perhaps An International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme School.

3 Presentation Contents  School vision and mission statement  What is IB?  About me  Class schedule  Supplies needed this year  Specials Programs  Classroom management  Grading and Homework policy  Support services offered at Newton Rayzor  General Information

4 We are aTitle 1 School Receive 156,000 additional funds Pays for a literacy teacher, Reading Recovery teacher and.5 math interventionist Pays for IB staff development Pays for after school tutorials & Parent Nights Pays for materials, supplies and IB field trips All funding outlined in School Improvement Plan (available on line )

5 Newton Rayzor Elementary School Vision Statement Newton Rayzor Elementary aims to equip and inspire all students to become intrinsically motivated learners who demonstrate intercultural understanding and respect, and who are active participants in our global society.

6 Newton Rayzor Elementary Mission Statements Newton Rayzor Elementary will meet the needs of every student by:  Creating partnerships with families, businesses, and other community entities;  Encouraging the holistic development of all children in an enriching yet rigorous educational atmosphere;  Providing differentiated instruction and using inquiry-based teaching methods;  Fostering open-mindedness and a respect for others; and  Modeling service to others and empowering students to take action.

7 For students ages 3 to 12 Focuses on the development of the child through inquiry Encourages international-mindedness Reflects real life by linking learning beyond the classroom Prepares students to be active participants in lifelong learning What is IB PYP?

8 Cultivating Poss ilities Above all, in summary, a PYP classroom is an intelligent place. It is a place where the easy option is seldom sought and where expectations are high. It is an environment in which learning knows no limits.” Making the PYP Happen, 2007 For more information:

9 General Information  PTA Needs you – become a member today and get involved  School hours – 7:35 to 2:50 pm. We do not offer supervision after 2:50 PM  See our handouts: read Newton Rayzor Family Handbook; sign off on DISD Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct Book (may have others later)

10 About Me  My husband  Jason  My children  Ashton, Chance, and Elisabeth (Lizzie Lou)  Our pets  Cat, Kitty Kate  Dog, Baxter  I like to read, watch movies, be involved with my church, spend time with my family  I have been teaching school for 11 years, this is my 8 th year at Newton Rayzor.

11 My Family

12 Class Schedule 7:35-7:50 Morning Routines 7:50 Leave for Specials 7:55-8:40 Special Areas 8:40-9:55 Math 9:55-11:15Reading/Inquiry 11:15-12:30 Science 12:30-1:00 Lunch 1:00-1:15 Recess 1:15-2:10Social Studies/Inquiry 2:10-2:45Prime Time 2:45-2:50 Prepare for Dismissal 2:50 Dissmissal This schedule is subjected to change over the first couple of weeks if needed to accommodate other needs.

13 Classroom Management  Students are expected to exhibit and practice the profiles of the PYP at all times at school.  Students will be given five sticks at the beginning of each week called mistake sticks. If they are able to keep all sticks by Friday of each week their name will go in a drawing for prizes which include things like lunch with the teacher and friend, pencils, computer time etc.... If they make more than five mistakes in a week they will receive a note or a phone call home depending on the circumstances.  Discipline needs are handled on an individual basis. Students will be asked to write a reflection of the situation and a action plan to prevent it from occurring again. Parents will be contacted as needed.

14 Grading Policy  Students may stay in for study hall to complete any unfinished work or complete it for home work.  Students may stay in during study hall to redo any missing work within a six week period.  Any work that receives a grade less than what the student wants may be corrected for a higher grade. It is the responsibility of the student to decide to correct work and resubmit it for a higher grade.

15 Homework Policies  Homework will be Monday-Thursday, including 20 minutes of reading each day.  Students will be given a reading log Friday of each week. They must completely fill it in and get it signed and returned by the following Friday.  If students need more practice on a concept, homework may be sent home. If class work is not completed then it should be finished at home or during study hall. Your child’s agenda (found in their BOB) can be looked at to check for homework, it will be noted in there.

16 Classroom Supplies Needed This Year:  3 composition books  1 spiral of their choice used for writing notebook  36 #2 pencils  2 packages of notebook paper  1 boxes crayons  1 box 12 map pencils  2 boxes crayola markers  1 pair scissors  6 glue sticks  1 bottle liquid glue  2 boxes Kleenex  1 package 4 expo dry erase markers  BOB notebook (red) (see handout)  Inquiry Notebook 1” Blue 3 ring binder  1 pencil box

17 Snacks  Students are allowed to have a balanced snack. They may either bring their own snack or purchase one from 4th grade teachers for fifty cents. If the snack isn’t a balanced one they will be asked to put it away. Only water is allowed during snack.  Examples of balanced snacks: yogurt, animal crackers, granola bars, fruit, cheese, cheese-its, fruit snacks  Non-balanced snacks: candy, chips, snack cakes, anything else that is full of sugar  Students may not share snacks with one another.

18 Specials  Art  Music  World Language  PE

19 Please see Adriana Denison at the EXPO table (near the front office) if you have questions about the Denton ISD Gifted and Talented Program. She can also be reached at Please see Adriana Denison at the EXPO table (near the front office) if you have questions about the Denton ISD Gifted and Talented Program. She can also be reached at

20 CIS Coordinator – Mrs. Lomeli Counselor - Mrs. Horsch Diagnostician - Mr. Weidenbach Dyslexia Teacher - Mrs. Kirkland ESL Teacher - Mrs. Mullendore Expo – Mrs. Denison IB Coordinator - Mrs. Bowman Inclusion Teachers - Mrs. Nahhas and Mrs.Gatlin Librarian - Mrs. Marsh Nurse - Nan Hudson (aka Nurse Nan) Psychologist - Mrs. Lyman Reading Specialist - Mrs. McWilliams Reading Recovery Teachers - Mrs. Strong, Mrs. Hanby (Spanish) Speech Teacher - Mrs. MacMillian (Spanish) Support Services at Newton Rayzor

21 How can you help out this year!  Colored printing as needed.  Cut our laminated things.  File BOB paperwork  Read to the class

22 Class Wish List  Sharpie Markers  Post It Notes  Board Games new or gently used (Blokus, Chess, Scrabble)  Decks of cards  Healthy Snacks

23 How to Contact Me… 3 ways 1. Through BOB 2. Through E-mail: 3. Call me: 940-369-3749

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