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Requirements for Integrated Solutions XML: Platform for Business Applications AFEI Phoenix, AZ September 12, 2001 Dale Waldt Program Development, OASIS.

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Presentation on theme: "Requirements for Integrated Solutions XML: Platform for Business Applications AFEI Phoenix, AZ September 12, 2001 Dale Waldt Program Development, OASIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Requirements for Integrated Solutions XML: Platform for Business Applications AFEI Phoenix, AZ September 12, 2001 Dale Waldt Program Development, OASIS Director, aXtive Minds

2 The brunt of XML's Web impact will be on restructuring the economics of Web- based transactions Rita Knox, Gartner Group ”“

3 Zero Latency is the killer app for XML Ray Schulte, Gartner Group ”“

4 No Microsoft software product will remain untouched by XML Peter Plamondon Mgr. Developer Relations, Microsoft ”“

5 eXtensible Markup Language (XML) A method for structuring portable data Designed for information exchange on networked systems Allows the same content to be used in different ways XML is international (via Unicode) Provides context on how to use data Enables new Web applications True subset of SGML

6 XML Goals Enable internationalized media- independent electronic publishing Allow industries to define platform- independent protocols for the exchange of data, especially the data of electronic commerce Deliver information to user agents in a form that allows automatic processing after receipt

7 XML Goals (continued) Make it easier to develop software to handle specialized information distributed over the Web Make it easy for people to process data using inexpensive software Allow people to display information the way they want it, under style sheet control Make it easier to provide metadata -- data about information -- that will help people find information and help information producers and consumers find each other

8 XML looks like HTML, but isn't Both Use –tags (words bracketed by ' ') –attributes (of the form name="value") HTML specifies –what each tag & attribute means –how the text between them will look in a browser XML uses the tags only to –delimit pieces of data –leaves the interpretation of the data completely to the application that reads it If you see " " in an XML file, don't assume it is a paragraph. Depending on the context, it may be a price, a parameter, a person …

9 XML is new, but not that new Development started in 1996 Became a W3C standard in February 1998 Before XML there was SGML –developed in the early '80s –An ISO standard since 1986 HTML –Development started in 1990. XML simply uses –the best parts of SGML –the experience with HTML No less powerful than SGML, but vastly more regular and simpler to use

10 And finally, XML is license-free platform-independent well-supported

11 Simple Example of XML Usage e.g., Describe a customer Acme Pharmaceuticals Co. 7301 Smokey Road Smallville Indiana 94571

12 XML Standards: Cooperative, not Competitive XML (eXtensible Markup Language) XLink XPointer & Xfragments XML Schema XML Query DOM (Document Object Model) XML Namespaces RDF (Resource Description Framework) CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) XSL (XML Style Sheet Language) XSLT (XML Style Sheet Language, Transformation) XInclude (XML Inclusions) XML Information Set XML Fragment Interchange And more to come…

13 A Basic XML Processing Model XSL-FO Format Spec XML DTD / Schema XML/XSLT Processor XML Data XTM Topic Map XSLT Style Sheet Transformation Rendering Engine or Browser Public DTDs / Schemas

14 Uses of XML Specify data designed to solve specific problems –Database schemas –Object interfaces –Workflow and forms routing –Transactions –Multimedia –Application interoperability


16 Industry-Standard Specifications for Interoperability Often described as VOCABULARIES Members of industry collaborate on core components and business process models Countless initiatives currently underway…

17 Current XML Initiatives (A-D only; see XML.ORG for a complete list) Accounting Advertising Architecture and Construction Astronomy and Space Automotive Aviation and Aerospace Banking Biblical Scholarship Bibliographies Business Strategy/Business Intelligence Catalogs Communication Communications: Internet Communications: Wireless Content Management Content Syndication Customer Relationship Management Customs Data Mining Defense Aerospace Directory Services etc.

18 XML & Common Business Processes Financial Reporting & Transactions (FpML, XBRL, swiftML, ebXML, et al) Human Resources (HR-XML) Information (NewsML, LegalXML, et al) Purchasing Management (NAPM-USA) Insurance (ACORD) Contracts Management (CommonAccord) Advertising and Media (adXML) Electronic Commerce (CBL, ebXML, et al) Energy Trading and Consumption (ESTG) Knowledge on the Web (KnoW) Travel (OTA) Customer Profiling (CPExchange) Information Content Exchange (ICE) Rights Information (PRISM) Etc.

19 Some Financial Applications of XML FpML [do] XBRL [view] MDDL [view] ISO 15022 [view, do] swiftML [view, do] FIXML [do] IRML [view] RIXML [view] FinXML [do] NewsML [view] MarketsML [view, do] ebXML [do]

20 What Could Go Wrong? Too many initiatives Too few experts Incompatible industry vocabularies Ill-conceived vocabularies Vendor-proprietary implementations or extensions

21 Common Types of XML Applications Publishing Repository Web Content Delivery Vertical Industry Interchange Application Configuration E-Commerce Systems Software Interoperability / Integration

22 Sample 1: XML Publishing Process Data Capture Data Creation XML Data Management XML Repository XML Editing & Update XML Product Staging Print Transform Interchange Transform Web Transform

23 Sample 2: Software Configuration

24 Software Configuration's/Baby.html's/Kids_and_Teens.html

25 Sample 3: e-Business Fortune 1000 95% Using EDI EDI Capable 2% SMEs EDI Penetration

26 Electronic business today Limited to large organizations Expensive technology with high cost-of- entry Industry-specific XML initiatives underway... But little consensus on common requirements Results: incompatibility, reinvention, segregated pockets of communication

27 Enter ebXML Global project to standardize the exchange of electronic business data Objective: facilitate global trade by developing an infrastructure for electronic business based on public, proven XML standards Results: compatibility, efficiency, true communication Sponsored by OASIS and the United Nations/CEFACT Supported by hundreds of industry consortia, standards bodies and companies from around the world


29 Joint Development of ebXML UN/CEFACT United Nations Centre for Facilitation of procedures and practices for Administration, Commerce and Transport Sets worldwide policy and technical development in trade facilitation and electronic business Developed international EDI standard, UN/EDIFACT One of only four international bodies able to set de jure standards OASIS Independent, not-for-profit Industry-standard specifications for interoperability Technical work on Conformance, CIQ, Security Services, Reg/Rep Home of XML.ORG and The XML Cover Pages 250+ members: platform vendors; new economy; vertical industries; individuals

30 Requirements Developed for final solution, not just framework Example areas addressed: –Conducting business electronically –Globalization –Useability/Interoperability –Security, legal, digital signatures

31 ebXML Goals Lower the cost and complexity of electronic business Facilitate global trade Put SMEs and developing nations in the picture Complement and extend current EC/EDI investment Expand electronic business to new and existing trading partners Converge current and emerging XML efforts

32 ebXML Organization Steering Committee ExC + PT Leads Executive Committee 2 OASIS Members 2 UN/CEFACT Members Requirements Business Process Technical Architecture Core Components Transport, Routing & Packaging Registry/ Repository Quality Review Proof of Concept Trading Partner Marketing, Awareness & Education

33 Ongoing Maintenance of ebXML Ratified in Vienna, Austria in May 2001 UN-CEFACT Technical Committee created to support and maintain ebXML application on an ongoing basis. First meeting scheduled for July 2001 to join or get more information go to:

34 The international presence of OASIS, especially the expertise and resources that its members bring, is very significant and accelerates global development efforts such as ebXML Ray Walker, United Nations/CEFACT ”“ OASIS & Interoperability Standards

35 Developers of XML vocabularies and schemas look to OASIS as a central community resource that is open and objective. Lon Pilot HR-XML.ORG ”“ OASIS & Interoperability Standards

36 OASIS Overview OASIS is a member consortium dedicated to building systems interoperability specifications We focus on industry applications of structured information standards, such as SGML, XML and CGM. Members of OASIS are providers, users and specialists of standards-based technologies and include organizations, individuals and industry groups. International, Not-for-profit, Open, Independent Successful through industry-wide collaboration

37 OASIS Value Comprehension of and Support for the Standards Process –OASIS experts charter the course to rapid development and adoption Democratic Process including an Elected Board of Directors and comprehensive Intellectual Property and Anti-Trust Policies –Work is guaranteed to be representative of the industry as a whole, not any one vendor’s view Global Visibility and Critical Partnerships –OASIS draws participation from around the world and aggressively promotes the work – to ensure viability and adoption

38 For More Information Patrick Gannon CEO, OASIS +1 978 667 5115 Dale Waldt Program Development, OASIS Director, aXtive Minds +1 716 703 8440

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