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Middle School Expectations for Students Getting Ready for High School Presented by: Division of Student Services Ms. Deborah A. Montilla, District Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle School Expectations for Students Getting Ready for High School Presented by: Division of Student Services Ms. Deborah A. Montilla, District Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle School Expectations for Students Getting Ready for High School Presented by: Division of Student Services Ms. Deborah A. Montilla, District Director Miami-Dade County Public Schools

2 Welcome Parents and Students!

3 Preparing for High School While you’re in Middle School Academic things to do in Grade 6 th - 8 th :

4 Making choices … 4 Elective choices 4 Extra-curricular activities (clubs, sports, community service, etc.) 4 High school courses taken in middle school

5 Senior high school options: 4 career academies at feeder schools 4 magnet schools/programs 4 Vocational/Tech Centers 4 charter schools 4 and more

6 Explore careers and career clusters 4 Know your interests, talents, and abilities (use assessments, FL Choices, etc) 4 Learn about careers, the job market, and education requirements 4 Make a plan. Develop your high school academic plan with ePEP. 4 Speak to your school counselor to discuss any concerns or questions

7 Learn about different high school diploma options and requirements 4 Diploma Types –Standard diploma –Special diploma –IB diploma and AICE program –Certificate of completion –GED 4 Standard Diploma Graduation Requirements –The year you enter 9th grade determines the specific graduation requirements for each diploma type.

8 Four-year, 24-credit Program 16 + 8= 24 Core Classes Other Electives Total

9 Identify your high school graduation plan 4 Standard Diploma Graduation Plans –College Prep –Career Prep –College and Career Prep – Standard Graduation Prep

10 To Do: Don’t forget:

11 What can I do to be better prepared for college or work? 4 Challenge yourself 4 More math! 4 Have positive support

12 FCAT & College Entrance Tests 4 These are a few important tests that are used to qualify you for high school graduation, admission to college, scholarships, and placement into college-level courses 4 FCAT 4 SAT 4 ACT 4 CPT

13 Tools to Monitor Progress 4 Report Card 4 Progress Report 4 Career Portfolio 4 School planner 4 Standardized Test Score Reports (FCAT, PSAT, SAT, ACT)

14 Resources 4 (Student & Parent Portal) 4 4 4 4

15 Who Can Help with Questions and Concerns in Middle School? 4 School Counselor 4 TRUST Specialist 4 Teachers

16 Finally... The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams Eleanor Roosevelt

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