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Kathleen Stassen Berger Prepared by Madeleine Lacefield Tattoon, M.A. 1 Part V Adolescence: Cognitive Development Chapter Fifteen Adolescent Thinking Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Kathleen Stassen Berger Prepared by Madeleine Lacefield Tattoon, M.A. 1 Part V Adolescence: Cognitive Development Chapter Fifteen Adolescent Thinking Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kathleen Stassen Berger Prepared by Madeleine Lacefield Tattoon, M.A. 1 Part V Adolescence: Cognitive Development Chapter Fifteen Adolescent Thinking Teaching and Learning

2 2 Adolescence: Cognitive Development …adolescence combines ego, logic, and emotions… ego overwhelms logic; sometimes emotions overrides both…

3 3 Adolescence: Cognitive Development Egocentrism –a characteristic of adolescent thinking that leads young people (ages 10-13) to focus on themselves to the exclusion of others –believe that his or her thoughts, feelings, and experiences are unique, more wonderful or awful than anyone else’s.

4 4 Adolescence: Cognitive Development The Invincibility Fable –an egocentric conviction that he or she cannot be overcome or even harmed by anything that might defeat a normal mortal

5 5 Adolescence: Cognitive Development Imaginary Audience –the other people are watching, and taking note of, his or her appearance, ideas, and behavior

6 6 Adolescence: Cognitive Development Egocentrism Reassessed –recent waves of research has found that many adolescents do not feel invincible. –egocentrism “may signal growth towards cognitive maturity” (Vartanian, 2001)

7 7 Adolescence: Cognitive Development Formal Operational Though –Piaget’s fourth and final stage of cognitive development, characterized by more systematic logic and the ability to think about abstract ideas

8 8 Adolescence: Cognitive Development formal operational thought allows one to imagine all possible determinants, and systematically: vary the factors one by one observe the results correctly keep track of the results draw the appropriate conclusions

9 9 Adolescence: Cognitive Development Hypothetical-Deductive Though –…formal operational thought is the capacity to think of possibility, not just reality hypothetical though –reasoning that includes propositions possibilities that may not reflect reality

10 10 Adolescence: Cognitive Development DeductiveReasoning reasoning from a general statement, premise, or principle, through logical steps, to figure out (deduce) specifics—top-down thinking Inductive Reasoning reasoning from one or more specific experience or facts to a general conclusion, may be less cognitively advanced than deduction—bottom- up reasoning

11 11 Adolescence: Cognitive Development Intuitive, Emotional Thought –…because adolescents can use hypothetical-deductive reasoning does not mean that they use it… –…adolescents find it easier and quicker to forget about logic and follow impulse

12 12 Adolescence: Cognitive Development Two Modes of Thinking dual-process model the notion that two networks exist within the human brain, one for emotions and one for analytical processing of stimuli

13 13 Adolescence: Cognitive Development –Intuitive thoughts thought that arises from an emotion or a hunch, beyond rational explanation—past experiences, cultural assumptions, and sudden impulses are the precursors of intuitive thought— contextualized or experiential thought –Analytic thought thought that results from analysis, such as a systematic ranking of pros and cons, risks and consequences, possibilities and facts… analytic thought depends on logic and rationality

14 14 Adolescence: Cognitive Development Comparing Intuition and Analysis –sunk cost fallacy the belief that if time or money has already been invested in something, then more time or money should be invested

15 15 Adolescence: Cognitive Development Better Thinking –adolescents use their minds with more economy than children –with age thinking is more efficient and less likely to go off on a tangent –analytic mode joins the intuitive mode

16 16 Teaching and Learning “Given the nature of the adolescent mind, we are left with the question to ponder: What and how should teenagers be taught?”

17 17 Teaching and Learning –Secondary Education it usually occurs from about age 12 to18, although there is some variation by school and by nation traditionally grades 7th through 12th

18 18 Teaching and Learning –separate schools have been created for children who have outgrown primary school –once called high school, with younger students put in separate schools called junior high (7th,8th,9th grades)

19 19 Teaching and Learning –middle school grades between elementary and high school...middle school can begin with 5 th grade or and usually ends with 8 th grade with puberty occurring earlier than in years past…often at age 11… many intermediate middle schools have been established to educate 6th graders with 7th and 8th graders 9th graders have been reassigned to high schools

20 20 Teaching and Learning –middle school academic achievement often slows down and behavioral problems become more commonplace the first year of middle school is called the “low ebb” of learning –long term academic trajectories are strongly influenced by experienced in grades 6 th -8 th

21 21 Teaching and Learning –middle school middle school scheduling means teachers have many students bonding between students and teachers is key to learning…yet, doesn’t always occur do to scheduling students’ relationships with one another deteriorate... due to the numbers of people they come in contact with in schools

22 22 Teaching and Learning –middle school answers are not clear… adolescent egocentrism is particularly strong in early adolescence and the intuitive thought generally overwhelms logic research finds that egocentrism, intuitive thought, and logic coexist in every classroom

23 23 Teaching and Learning Technology and Cognition –is no longer limited only to developed nations –teenagers worldwide use the Internet –adults hope that computers will be a boon to learning –some fear that technology will undercut respect for adults and schools

24 24 Teaching and Learning Transitions and Translations –students find that changes, even positive ones, are disruptive –transitions from one school to another are difficult, decreasing a person’s ability to function and learn –changing schools just when the growth spurt and sexual characteristics develop is bound to create stress

25 25 Teaching and Learning Transitions and Translations –hormones, body shape, sexual impulses, family and culture contribute to disorders in transition

26 26 Teaching and Learning Teaching and Learning in High School –adolescents think abstractly, analytically, hypothetically, logically… personally, emotionally, intuitively and experientially –by high school, the curriculum and teaching style is often analytic and abstract –adolescents can use logic to override the “biases that not only preserve existing beliefs but also perpetuate stereotypes and inhibit development.”

27 27 Teaching and Learning Focus on the Brightest –an evaluation that is critical in determining success or failure… if a single test determines whether a student will graduate or be promoted, that is a high-stakes test

28 28 Teaching and Learning Focus on the Dropouts –not every student who begins secondary school stays until finished –developed nations typically require students to stay in school between 14 and 18, with age 16 being the average –in the U.S. and Canada 90% are high school graduates –most dropouts leave at the age of 17

29 29 Teaching and Learning Student Engagement –students who are capable of passing classes are as likely to drop out as those with learning disabilities –persistence, diligence, and motivation play more crucial roles than intellectual ability when it comes to earning a high school diploma

30 30 Teaching and Learning Student Engagement –many students express boredom and unhappiness with school –honor students and delinquents have “high rates of boredom, alienation, and disconnection from the meaningful challenge” of school

31 31 Teaching and Learning students are often disengaged usual because formal operational thought is promoted egocentric and intuitive thought, are more rational and social, and are usually excluded teachers are hired for their expertise in one or more academic fields, rather than their ability to relate to adolescents

32 32 Teaching and Learning possible improvements keep high schools small –200 to 400 students encourage extracurricular activities

33 33 Teaching and Learning School violence “The same practices that foster motivation and education can also prevent violence.” –students are less likely to be destructive or afraid if … they are engaged in learning bond with teachers and fellow students are involved in school activities

34 34 Teaching and Learning School violence –studies also show that metal detectors, and strict punishment, are more likely to increase violence than decrease violence

35 35 Teaching and Learning School violence –primary prevention to improve school climate increase friendships strengthen teacher-student relationships promote student involvement –programs that teach conflict resolution have also had some success

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