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What are they carrying? 1. What motive best explains the imperialists’ interest? Why? Bagged groundnuts (peanuts) Economic Political Religious Exploratory.

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Presentation on theme: "What are they carrying? 1. What motive best explains the imperialists’ interest? Why? Bagged groundnuts (peanuts) Economic Political Religious Exploratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are they carrying? 1. What motive best explains the imperialists’ interest? Why? Bagged groundnuts (peanuts) Economic Political Religious Exploratory Ideological Slide A

2 2. What do you think is happening in this picture? 3. What motive best explains the imperialists’ interest? Why? Men with guns meeting natives. What do flags represent? Economic Political Religious Exploratory Ideological The flag shows national identity or the desire to possess new territory Slide B

3 Read the underlined words. 4. How do the authors of the ad and the poem feel about native people? Rudyard Kipling wrote a famous ‘kids’ book – Mogli & Baloo…the name? The Jungle Book! Economic Political Religious Exploratory Ideological 5. What motive best explains the imperialists’ interest? Why? Slide C

4 What do you see? 6. What motive best explains the imperialists’ interest? Why? A boat passing through the Suez Canal, a man made body of water Economic Political Religious Exploratory Ideological Slide D

5 7. How is the center of the map labeled? 9. What motive best explains the imperialists’ interest? Why? Economic Political Religious Exploratory Ideological 8. What areas in Africa have been labeled and why? Slide E

6 Economic Political Religious Exploratory Ideological 10. What is a missionary? 11. What were his motives for imperialism? Christianity Slide F

7 Where is this imperialism taking place? Hint: look at the words underlined in red Africa/the Congo basin Economic Political Religious Exploratory Ideological An Explorer Slide G 12. Explain how this statement can be connected to Social Darwinism? 13.What was the imperial motivation and why?

8 What are they carrying? Is or was this valuable? What continent is this affecting? 14. What motive best explains the imperialists’ interest? Why? Economic Political Religious Exploratory Ideological Ivory--yes Africa, 1860 Slide H

9 What is going on in this picture? 15. What motive best explains the imperialists’ interest? Why? Why is this man kicking the other man? Maybe he wants the man to work faster. Economic Political Religious Exploratory Ideological Mining for natural resources Slide I

10 16. What motive best explains the imperialists’ interest? Why? Economic Political Religious Exploratory Ideological This is Mrs. Maria C. Douglas (woman in the middle), doctor and missionary from Great Britain. She is teaching her first class of pupil nurses in Burma, in 1888. Slide J

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