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High School Course Information You Need For Your Child’s IGP.

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Presentation on theme: "High School Course Information You Need For Your Child’s IGP."— Presentation transcript:

1 High School Course Information You Need For Your Child’s IGP

2 South Carolina High School Diploma Requirements Core Courses and Recommendations English Math Science Social Studies Electives Choices Career & Technology Education Foreign Language Fine Arts Academic Electives Abbreviations used: EOCEP or EOC = End-of-Course Examination Program CATE = Career & Technology Education CP = College Preparatory H = Honors AP= Advanced Placement IB = International Baccalaureate Abbreviations used: EOCEP or EOC = End-of-Course Examination Program CATE = Career & Technology Education CP = College Preparatory H = Honors AP= Advanced Placement IB = International Baccalaureate

3 Subject# of Credits Benchmark EOCEP Course Required English4 credits (English 1) Math4 credits (Algebra 1/Algebra 1-B) Science3 credits (Biology) US History1 credit (US History) American Government½ credit Economics½ credit ‘Other’ Social Studies1 credit Computer Science1 credit PE or JROTC1 credit CATE or Foreign Lang1 credit Electives7 credits Total24 credits EOC Exams are state mandated and generated final exams which count 20% of the final average for the course The State of SC no longer has an exit exam

4 To go from 9 th grade to 10 th grade, students need: a. 1 English credit b. 1 math credit c. 1 science credit d. 3 additional credits

5 To go from 10 th grade to 11 th grade, students need: a. 2 English credits b. 2 math credits c. 2 science credit d. 1 social studies credit e. 5 additional credits

6 To go from 11 th grade to 12 th grade, students need: a. 3 English credits b. 3 math credits c. 2 science credit d. 2 social studies credit e. 7 additional credits **Students can also advance to senior status with a total of 17 credits and the ability to complete all courses needed for graduation at the end of the regular school year.

7 English English 1 CP and Freshman Seminar or English 1 H English 2 CP or English 2 H Math Foundations and Structure in Algebra Algebra 1 CP or Algebra 1 H Geometry CP or Geometry H Algebra 2 CP or Algebra 2H

8 Science Environmental Studies, Physical Science CP, Physical Science Honors Physical Science Honors and Biology Honors (concurrent enrollment) Social Studies World Geography CP or Honors Human Geography AP—concurrently enrolled in English 2 Honors

9 English 1 CP Pass 8 th grade English; Freshman Seminar is attached as an elective credit English 1 Honors Pass 8 th grade English with a grade of 93A or higher and/or show superior writing and language skills English 2 CP English 1 H credit with a grade less than 85B English 2 Honors English 1 H with a grade of 85B or higher REMINDER: EOC required for English 1 CP and H

10 Taken concurrently with English 1 CP only Focus on writing within and across the curriculum Develop and reinforce study skills Preparation for English 1 EOC Counts as an elective credit for graduation

11 Foundations and Structure in Algebra Pass 8 th grade math with a 76D or lower Standard Not Met on PASS may require placement in Math Essentials course for elective credit Algebra 1 CP Pass 8 th grade math with a grade of 77C to 92B Algebra 1 Honors Pass 8 th grade math with a grade of 93A or higher and/or demonstrate superior math skills through various assessments REMINDER: EOC required for Algebra 1 CP and H

12 Geometry CP Earned credit for Algebra 1 H with final grade of 92B or lower Geometry Honors Earned credit for Algebra 1 H with final grade of 93A or higher Algebra 2 CP Earned credit for Geometry H with a final grade of 84C or lower Algebra 2 Honors Earned credit for Algebra 1 H and Geometry H with a final grade of 85B or higher

13 Environmental Studies Passed 8 th grade science and will be taking Foundations and Structure in Algebra in 9 th grade Physical Science CP Passed 8 th grade science and will be taking Algebra 1 CP in 9 th grade Physical Science Honors Demonstrated strong interest and superior skills in 8 th grade science with a final grade of 93A or higher. Completion of Algebra 1 H or concurrently enrolled in Algebra 1 Honors Physical Science Honors and Biology Honors (with EOC) May be taken simultaneously with teacher recommendation Should demonstrate strong interest in science and have a desire to complete coursework at the AP/IB level

14 World Geography CP Passed 8 th grade social studies World Geography Honors Recommendation from 8 th grade social studies teacher Should demonstrate superior writing skills Concurrent enrollment in English I Honors or completion of English 1 Honors Advanced Placement Human Geography Concurrently enrolled in English 2 Honors Should demonstrate superior writing skills, advanced knowledge of history, sociology, and geography, and have the desire to complete coursework at the AP/IB level Required to take the AP exam at the end of the year

15 Parents who do not agree with a teacher’s recommendation have the option of completing an “override form” to place their student in a higher level of a course. Parents who elect to do this must sign a waiver stating that they understand that their student cannot be removed from the higher level course regardless of whether or not he/she is successful. Override forms can be found on the high school websites. Please note that completing an override does not guarantee that a student will be moved to another class. We are unable to honor requests that involve violating pre- requisites.

16 Students may be able to choose up to three elective credits depending on their teacher recommended core courses. Alternates will be selected during IGP meetings in case students are not able to get their top choices. Selecting a course does not guarantee that students will get into classes. Sometimes classes do not make, and sometimes classes are too full. Freshmen elective choices are honored last.

17 Students planning to attend a 4-year college after high school are required to have two years of the same foreign language. (Some colleges require three. Check college websites to find out if a college your students is considering requires three units of foreign language.) Students planning to attend a technical college can take a CATE course in place of a foreign language. This is true even if the students wishes to transfer to a 4-year college later. It is strongly recommended a student not attempt a foreign language until English 1 credit has been earned. Students who earned a credit in level 1 of a foreign language may accept the challenges of a level 2 course and are encouraged to continue without a lapse between levels 1 and 2.

18 All of the high schools offer “completer” course sequences that promote careers with great opportunities for students. Examples include Pre-Engineering, Horticulture, Business Information Management, Finance, Information Technology, Health Science, Sports Medicine, Biomedical Science, Barbering, Cosmetology, and Early Childhood Education. We encourage all students to choose an area to pursue so they can graduate with a firm foundation and certificates in a field that they can study on the collegiate level or work in upon graduation. (Freshmen can take keyboarding and Computer Applications over the summer after their 8 th grade year to open a spot to begin a career path immediately.)

19 Must complete a unit of PE or JROTC; not both. PE is offered virtually. Please see your counselor. May take any year of high school but most take in 9 th grade. PE 1 or JROTC 1 must be taken before a Weight Training course may be taken. Weight Training does NOT satisfy the PE graduation requirement. Athletes needing weight training are encouraged to take PE through SC’s Virtual School in the summer before their freshman year. Each high school has a strong, successful JROTC program. ARHS & FDHS SHS

20 Not a high school graduation requirement SC 4-yr colleges requirement Students who have taken an fine art on the middle school level Honors rule for high school Art (Drawing and Painting) 3-D Design (Sculpture and Ceramics) Media Arts Photography Performing ArtsVisual Arts Chorus Piano Theater Dance Band Strings

21 Applies to ALL high school credit courses taken in 7 th and/or 8 th grade May retake same exact course and level without penalty (ex., took English 1 H, must retake English 1 H) Middle school grade and credit will be removed from the transcript and only the high school grade will remain, whether higher or lower

22 Consider this option if not proficient in the high school credit course by the end of the school year Highly recommended students retake high school credit courses when final average is below 85B May retake course(s) taken in middle school during 9 th grade ONLY

23 Dorchester District Two program housed at Fort Dorchester High School For highly motivated students who have plans to attend a 4-year university immediately after high school Offers coursework at the college level Suggested course of study in the District Course Guide

24 Must provide own transportation if not already zoned to attend FDHS Must appeal to the DD2 Board of Trustees if not already zoned to attend FDHS For more information, contact: Stephanie Alford, Assistant Principal at FDHS

25 Students are assigned a team Teachers have common planning with team teachers Provides additional support across the curriculum Encourages collaboration with assignments and tests Student need determines team placement Course requests Teacher recommendations Middle school grades Middle school test scores (ex. Explore, PASS, SRI/SMI) Special Services team decisions Parent overrides

26 High school teachers assess students in the first 10 days of school and make recommendations for students who need to move up or down a level. Once the school year begins, level change requests (ex. Honors to CP) are not permitted Creates changes to entire schedule and/or team, not just one class Scheduling priority Seniors Juniors Sophomores Freshmen


28 Thank you for attending. We look forward to seeing the Class of 2019 in August!

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