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Starting a Chapter1 Getting Started A Guide to Adopting, Starting, and Reactivating a Chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Starting a Chapter1 Getting Started A Guide to Adopting, Starting, and Reactivating a Chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting a Chapter1 Getting Started A Guide to Adopting, Starting, and Reactivating a Chapter

2 Starting a Chapter2 CAUTION! This presentation is divided into three parts:  Starting  Reactivating  Adopting

3 Starting a Chapter3 Table of Contents  Adopting a Chapter 4-10  Starting a Chapter 11-18  Reactivating a Chapter 19-21  Additional Information 22

4 Starting a Chapter4 Adopting a Chapter

5 Starting a Chapter5 Adopt What? High schools and middle schools who don’t have a chapter

6 Starting a Chapter6 What Do You Want? Contact a school and set up an appointment with a business teacher to discuss FBLA

7 Starting a Chapter7 Special Delivery Request a “Starter Packet” This packet includes:  Handbooks  Charter Materials  Officer Resource Guides

8 Starting a Chapter8 Forms, Forms, Forms Assist the adopted chapter with completing the charter application The chapter must have at least five members

9 Starting a Chapter9 Can I Help You?  Meet at least twice during the year  Help develop a program of work  Conduct an installation ceremony

10 Starting a Chapter10 Your Handsome Reward  Complimentary registration at SLC  Recognition

11 Starting a Chapter11 Starting a Chapter

12 12 Pretty Please?  Make an appointment  Explain what FBLA is  Describe why FBLA will benefit the school  Suggest activities the chapter can do

13 Starting a Chapter13 FBLA Wants YOU! Tell your prospective adviser:  What FBLA is  You are starting an FBLA chapter  What an adviser does  “You would make a GREAT adviser!”

14 Starting a Chapter14 Me, Myself, and I Start recruiting members! For ideas, consult the presentation on Membership Recruitment included on the CD I’m #1!

15 Starting a Chapter15 Hamden Who? During the next meeting, you should:  Elect officers  Vote on chapter bylaws  Collect dues

16 Starting a Chapter16 You’ve Got Mail Submit a completed charter application to the California FBLA State Program Manager

17 Starting a Chapter17 The End Is Near Finally, you need to:  Develop a program of work  Conduct a new officer installation ceremony

18 Starting a Chapter18 Reactivating a Chapter

19 Starting a Chapter19 Private Eye Find out…  How long ago your school had a chapter  Why there is no longer a chapter at your school

20 Starting a Chapter20 Start Over Return to “Starting a Chapter” on Slide 4 and follow the remaining steps

21 Starting a Chapter21 This presentation is courtesy of the California FBLA State Leadership Team. Copyright 2002 For more information, log on to or

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