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Bell Ringer Has anything unexpected or surprising ever happened to you? What was it? Describe.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Has anything unexpected or surprising ever happened to you? What was it? Describe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Has anything unexpected or surprising ever happened to you? What was it? Describe.

2 HAPPY TUESDAY!! – 10/1/13 1.SSR 2.Bell Ringer 3.Review Vocabulary 4.Introduce Book Commercial 5.Discuss Irony 6.Discuss Helen Keller 7.Helen Keller vs. Madame Loisel 8.Reflection Topic: Compare and Contrast Learning Goal: Effective readers are able to compare and contrast in order to understand characters better. Essential Question: How are readers successful?

3 Vocabulary 1. _________- the way a writer reveals a character’s personality and qualities. 2. _________- the part of the story that introduces the setting, characters, and basic situation 3. _________- part of the story that introduces the conflict (problem) 4. __________- turning point of a story

4 Vocabulary 5. __________ - the part of a story when the conflict lessens 6. __________ - the story’s conclusion 7. ____________ - the use of clues early in a story to hint at events that are going to occur later.

5 Vocabulary 8. _________ - the placement of a scene within a story that interrupts the sequence of events to reveal past occurrences. 9. __________- the general name given to literary techniques that involve surprising, interesting, or amusing contradictions. 10. _________ - problem

6 Book Commercial *KEEP THIS RUBRIC FOR THE YEAR! *Make sure you follow ALL requirements on the rubric. I’m looking for your BEST: DUE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 th

7 What is Irony? (stop at one minute) 1.What is ironic about “The Necklace?” 2. How does the irony in “The Necklace” connect to our unit theme?

8 HAPPY THURSDAY!! – 10/3/13 1.Interims 2. Irony Project/Performances 3. Vocabulary Review 4. Discuss Helen Keller 5. Helen Keller vs. Madame Loisel 6. Reflection

9 Irony Group Project Create a comic strip, skit, or paper slide video depicting irony. The comic strip should be 4-6 frames (include “credits” frame). The skit must be 2-4 minutes (must include a script/outline) The paper slide video must be at least 10 pages. Every group member must talk once

10 Group work Outline Step 1: Decide if you are creating a comic strip, a skit, or a paper slide video. Step 2: Choose how you are going to depict (demonstrate or show) irony. Step 3: Choose WHO will do what in the project. Step 4: PRACTICE before you perform!

11 T.G.I.F.!! – 10/4/13 1.Vocabulary Quiz 2.Record New Vocabulary 3.Return Graded Work 4.Introduce Cursive

12 T.G.I.F.!! – 10/4/13 1.Vocabulary Quiz 2.Record New Vocabulary 3.Return Graded Work 4.Madame Loisel vs. Helen Keller

13 Vocabulary 1. Dwindling – decreasing in size or amount 2. Sensitive - easily hurt 3. Meek - timid; not showing anger 4. Exploit - take advantage of someone

14 Vocabulary 5. Coax - use gentle persuasion 6. Laborious - taking much work or effort 7. Exertion - physical work

15 Vocabulary 8. Tottering: moving in an unsteady way 9.Communism: a theory that property and goods are owned by everyone in a society. 10. Fetish: an obsession or abnormal attachment to something

16 Essay Review To Improve On: Introduction: the “hook”, stating opinion clearly, general addressing of entire essay Body: aligning supporting evidence with opinion, providing enough evidence Conclusion: addressing the significance of the topic being addressed, summarizing entire essay

17 Essay Review General: necessity of sentences, use of abbreviations, capital letters, etc. Ex: “This is my opinion on phones. They definitely SHOULD be allowed in school. I hope you liked it. Bye.” Mechanics: run-on sentences, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling

18 “Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content.” Helen Keller (1880-1968), author Copy down the following quote in your notebook:

19 Who is Helen Keller? 0

20 Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Compare Madame Loisel and Helen Keller. 2. Contrast Madame Loisel and Helen Keller. 3. How did their attitudes and views on life impact the outcome of their lives?

21 Reflection: How do you look at life? Are you more like Madame Loisel or Helen Keller? Explain.

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