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IQRAA SCHOOL Omaimah Azeem Gazalin. The Five senses What senses do we have?

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Presentation on theme: "IQRAA SCHOOL Omaimah Azeem Gazalin. The Five senses What senses do we have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 IQRAA SCHOOL Omaimah Azeem Gazalin

2 The Five senses What senses do we have?

3 Touching sense sight sense Hearing sense Tasting sense Smelling sense

4 Mini movie “Brain P.P” bodysystems/eyes/preview.weml bodysystems/eyes/preview.weml

5 Classroom Discussion with the teacher - Which senses you sow in the movie? - Do you like the movie? - What part in the mini movie do you like most? - What did you learn from the movie? - Which sense do you think is the most important?

6 Group Discussion - Imagine a persons life without one of the senses. - Do you think it is possible to be a great person or Successful without the sense of sight or hearing?

7 Inter in to Brain Pop site and see a movie about one of the other senses. bodysystems/ bodysystems/

8 ID of a sense - Name of sense: ____________ - Function: ________________ - Structure:________________ - How it works :____________

9 - Look for information in the internet about Helen Keller. - Copy the following ID card and fill it about Helen Keller after you find the information in the internet.

10 ID. For Helen Keller - Year of Birth __________ - Place of Birth __________ - The sense she lacked ____ - How did she learned to communicate ________. - Important things she did _______________________

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