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The Life of Jesus (26) The Jewish System. Previously We are studying the week that changed History Jesus triumphant entry Cleansing the temple “By what.

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Presentation on theme: "The Life of Jesus (26) The Jewish System. Previously We are studying the week that changed History Jesus triumphant entry Cleansing the temple “By what."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Life of Jesus (26) The Jewish System

2 Previously We are studying the week that changed History Jesus triumphant entry Cleansing the temple “By what authority?”

3 Today: The Jewish climate at that time Who were the various Jewish groups that challenged Jesus that week?

4 The Jewish System Israel had a history of corruption – idolatry, greed, hypocrisy, neglect, elitism, abuse of the Law, half-hearted worship, etc. NO matter what God did – they did not truly repent

5 The Jewish System AFTER captivity (ca536 BC) & completion of OT – developments included: Continued occupation, synagogues, the Septuagint, sects, Mishnah, etc.

6 The Jewish System Matt. 21:23 – Chief priests & elders came to Him Mark 11:27 – adds, scribes. Who were these? What about Pharisees & Sadducees? (Matt. 22:15, 22:23)

7 The Jewish System At that time - Israel (Judea, Samaria and Galilee) was under Roman occupation. Limited in their authority and governed by Roman appointed civil leaders – Pilate, Herod, Roman soldiers, etc.

8 The Jewish Leaders and groups

9 The Sanhedrin “Seated together” A group of 70 + High Priest (Jerusalem), consisting of civic & religious leaders who governed affairs of the community. “The council” – Matt. 26:59, Lk. 22:66, etc.

10 The Sanhedrin Originated – their authority Num. 11:16-17, though the council we read of developed during the post-exilic period

11 The Sanhedrin It’s makeup – The High priest (Jerusalem) Sadducees Pharisees Business & civil leaders

12 The Sanhedrin Jerusalem – the central Sanhedrin (including HP) Had authority governing matters of the Law of Moses that extended throughout the region – cf. Acts 9:1-2, 22:5

13 The Sanhedrin Purpose– address affairs of the Law, - civic administration, - governed the temple services (Jerusalem), - religious instruction, - justice in matters of the Law

14 The Sanhedrin Capital offenses– they were limited in such (depending on who was governing). Needed permission to put Jesus to death – Jn. 18:31 But stoned Stephen – Ac. 6:16, 7:58-59

15 The Sanhedrin Chief Priests – portion of Sanhedrin associated with High Priest and priesthood. Family members, etc. Prominent influence in Sanhedrin

16 The Sanhedrin High Priest – was a descendent of Aaron who interceded on behalf of Israel for their sins, etc.

17 The Sanhedrin High Priest – TWO High Priests mentioned at that time – Annas – John 18:13, 14 (AD 6-15, removed by Rome) Caiaphas – Matt. 26:3-4 (the “official” High Priest) The corruption of the High priesthood – a lucrative position

18 The Sanhedrin The elders – civic & religious leaders within the community – cf. Gen 50:7, Ex. 3:16, Ezra 5:5, etc. They had a stake in the affairs of Jesus

19 Scribes Scribes – a “professional group” who worked with the Law. Also called “lawyers” – Luke 7:46, Matt. 23:2-4, etc. They preserved the Law, taught the Law, & administered as judges and lawyers

20 The Sects Essenes – not mentioned in the Bible” – separatists who rejected the High Priesthood and temple worship as corrupt. Probably responsible of DSS

21 The Sects Zealots– probably began about AD 6. Advocated overthrow of the Roman Government. Refused to pay taxes. Simon, the apostle, was a (former) Zealot – Lk. 16:15, Acts 1:13

22 The Sects Sadducees– the priestly and aristocratic sect Accepted only the Torah (5 books of Moses). Conservative interpretation of Law, but they were morally liberal. Denied a resurrection – Matt. 22:23-24 Sought active allegiance with Rome – Jn.. 11:48, 19:15

23 The Sects Sadducees– Lessons: We must respect ALL of God’s word and laws Fatefulness and materialism do NOT mix! Matt. 6:24 What will you give up to follow Jesus?

24 The Sects Pharisees – most numerous sect consisting of middle class and more “in touch” Accepted whole Law, but also developed and bound the “Mishnah” – oral traditions. It was these teachings Jesus challenged - Matt. 15:1-9

25 The Sects Pharisees – Reasoned that exact law keeping entitled them to salvation Attitude problems – arrogance, moral corruption, etc. Matt. 23:4,14, 23, 25, 15:4-5, etc.

26 The Sects Pharisees – NOT all those in sects were corrupt (Joseph of Arimathea – Lk. 23:50-51, Nicodemus – Jn. 3:1 )! Nor were all their ideas wrong Jesus NEVER condemned law keeping - Matt. 23:23

27 The Sects Pharisees – Lessons: Respect the boundaries of God’s Law ( cf. 1 Cor. 4:6 ) Understand the difference between God’s word and traditions Check our attitude in dealing with others

28 May we learn from Jesus what to do, but ALSO from those that dealt with Him – both good and bad! FOLLOW JESUS!

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