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KBC Bank & Insurance Group Half-Year Results 2002 visit 2 September 2002.

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1 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Half-Year Results 2002 visit 2 September 2002

2 2 Net profit at a glance 2Q 02 : 280 m EUR, + 22% versus 2Q 01, - 11% versus 1Q 02 1H 02 : 596 m EUR, + 2% versus 1H 01 1H 02 EPS : 1.97 (versus 1.95 in 1H 01) 1H 02 ROE : 14.8 % (versus 15.4% in 1H 01) 355 m 585 m 316 m 280 m 230 m Q-avg. 2001 596 m

3 3 Operating result (m EUR) * 2Q 022Q/2Q1H 021H/1H Banking484+92%973+38% Insurance102-1%201+5% 585+67%1 167+33% Net profit (m EUR) 2Q 022Q/2Q1H 021H/1H Banking185+24%422-5% Insurance96+3%182+7% 280+22%5962% Banking Strong operating performance, due i.a. to interest income growth (C.E.) and favourable cost trend High level of negative non-operating items (i.a. credit provisions and value adjustments) Insurance Strong performance in non-life Stable investment income * Before provisions, value adjustments, extraordinary and non-recurring result, taxes and minority interests Net profit at a glance

4 4 (in millions of EUR) 2Q 022Q/2Q 1H 021H/1H Gross income1 457+32%2 871+20% Adm. expenses-974+14%-1 898+13% Operating result484+92%973+38% Credit provisions-85+264%-174+112% Value adjustments on securities -77 --70+226% Profit on ordinary activities 297+35%709+20% Extraordinary result+42+380%+44-52% Taxes-113+169%-239+55% Minority interests-40+9%-92+8% Net profit185+24%422- 5% Cost / income66.8%-10.4 pp.66.1%-4.3 pp. Banking : overview of results

5 5 Banking : main changes in consolidation ABN AMRO Magyar Bank (Hungary) Kredyt Bank (Poland) (*) From equity method to full consolidation (*) 32 28 31 130 121 95 1 284 1 105 1 165 1 424 1 413 1 457 Gross operating income (m EUR) 1H 02 vs. 1H 01 : + 20%, autonomous : + 9% 2Q 02 vs. 2Q 01 : + 32%, autonomous : + 21%

6 6 Gross operating income 2Q 022Q/2Q 1H 021H/1H Interest /Dividend880+ 35%1 627+28% Trading161+30%332+3% Capital gains23-32%100+0% Commission268+35%574+12% Other126+55%238+38% Total1 457+32%2 871+20% Banking : strong income growth Growth in all types of income, except realized capital gains on shares Strong interest income, autonomous growth 1H 02 : 16% (*) Satisfactory trading result Decrease in capital gains on shares, compensated by capital gains on fixed income securities in first quarter Growth in commission income mainly due to Central Europe Increased 2Q ‘other’ income due to leasing and a securitization transaction (*) excl. one-off booking at CSOB of roughly 30 m EUR and currency effect (CZK) : + 12%

7 7 Administrative expenses 2Q 022Q/2Q 1H 021H/1H KBC Bank N.V. (Belgium) 376-11%747-8% Central Europe259+89%510+95% Other339641 Total974+14%1 898+13% Banking : favourable cost trend Considerable impact of consolidation : autonomous 1H 02 cost increase 1% Cost decrease at KBC Belgium, 1H 02 : down 8% Autonomous 1H 02 cost increase in C.E. : 14%, due to i.a. depreciation of new IT and branch network Cost/income ratio : 1H 02 : 66.1% (vs. 1H 01 : 70.4%)

8 8 Banking : merger in Belgium still on schedule KBC Bank N.V. (Belgium) Target 2003/2004 Achieved to date Closure of bank branches65062% Account migration (ICT platform) All81% Headcount reduction1 65032% FTERetail Branches

9 9 Banking : credit provisioning remains high Provisioning stable at high level Provisions spread over small and medium-sized loans, both in Belgium and elsewhere Difficult economic situation in Poland. Impact of full consolidation of Kredyt Bank (Poland) in 4Q 01 : 39 million EUR 1H 02 : 30 million EUR 24 m 79 m 160 m 88 m 59 m 85 m 2001-avg.

10 10 Provisions ytd Loan loss ratio annualised Belgium87 m0.30% Central Europe12 m0.25% Other75 m0.54% Total174 m0.40% Banking : quality of loan book remains acceptable Non-performing ratio stable at 2.9% Limited LATAM exposure (mostly short term commercial facilities), well provisioned Argentina : 50 m EUR Brazil : 81 m EUR Limited telecom and aviation exposure : both < 2% of portfolio Non-investment-grade countries : < 2% of portfolio (*) *Account taken of write-back of provisions for CSOB’s ‘historical’ credit portfolio of 18 million EUR

11 11 Banking : substantial LOCOM- adjustments on investment porfolio 2Q 02 1H 02 Perpetuals-7-3 Shares-69-67 Total-77-70 1Q01 2Q011Q02 2Q02 -22 m +1 m +7 m -77 m No LOCOM on fixed-income securities

12 12 Banking : impact non-recurring elements on bottom line 2Q 022Q/2Q 1H 021H/1H Extraordinary result+42+380%+44-52% 83 9 229 3 42 454 414 339

13 13 Insurance : overview of results m EUR2Q 022Q/2Q1H 021H/1H Net earned premiums Life710+272%1 413+54% Non-life204+4%442+7% Technical charges Life (*)-727+63%-1 435+54% Non-life-130-8%-314-1% Investment result (*)+154-4%317+0% Adm. expenses-108+6%-221+8% Recurring result102-0%201+5% Non-recurring and extraordinary-4--7- Taxes--9- Minorities0-- Net profit96+3%182+7% (*) Excluding value adjustments for unit-linked life insurance

14 14 Insurance : Sustained high level of life premium income (*) excl. Group contracts – 1H 02 : 69 m EUR (m EUR)

15 15 Insurance : strong operating efficiency in non-life 1H 011H 02 Net loss ratio71.9%67.5% Net expense ratio32.2%31.7% Combined ratio104.1%99.2%

16 16 Insurance : recurring result per sector Recurring result (m EUR) 1H 01 1H 02 % Non-Life4575+68% Life9493-0% Non-technical5231-40% Total190199+5%

17 17 Insurance : value adjustments on securities Capital gains +30 m Value adjustments -174 m 157 m 13 m compensated by write-back of provision for financial risks

18 18 Profit contribution and capital allocation per activity Profit contribution Asset Management 10% Retail bancassur. 34% Central Europe 18% Corporate services 22% Market Activities 9% Group items 8% Capital allocation Retail bancassur. 33% Central Europe 25% Corporate services 26% Market Activities 14% Group items 3% As per 30-06-2002

19 19 Retail Bancassurance (Belgium) 1H 02 profit contribution : 201 m EUR, down 11% Lower commission income from securities and asset management, insufficiently compensated by cost decrease in banking Good technical result achieved in non-life insurance, strong growth in life premium income Financial highlights Profit contribution : (in m EUR) 30-06-2001 :225 30-06-2002 :201 Share in Group profit : 30-06-2001 :38% 31-12-2001 :36% 30-06-2002 :34% Return on equity: 30-06-2001 :17% 31-12-2001 :14% 30-06-2002 :15% Belgium 1st home market

20 20 Retail Bancassurance (Belgium) Distribution channels 31-12-01 30-6-02  Life sold via bank network83%90%+7 bp. Non-life sold via bank network 7% - Continued cross selling 31-12-01 30-6-02  Shared customers (*)539 000561 000+4% Cross selling ratio35.2%36.7%+1.5 bp. Stable market shares 31-12-0031-12-01 30-6-02 Consumer credit / home loans25.5%26.0% Savings products18.7% 18.6% Non-life insurance8.7% n.a. Life insurance13.2%11.8%n.a. (*) Customers with both banking and insurance products Belgium 1st home market

21 21 Central Europe 1H 02 profit contribution : 129 m EUR, up 43% Additional investments of ca. 655 m EUR  Kredyt Bank (Poland) – 164 m EUR (total 524 m)  IPB Pojist’ovna (Czech Republic) – 56 m EUR (80 m)  NLB (Slovenia) – 435 m EUR – pending final closing  Ergo (Slovakia) – pending closing Financial highlights Central Europe 2nd home market Profit contribution : (in m EUR) 30-06-2001 :90 30-06-2002 :129 Share in Group profit : 30-06-2001 :12% 31-12-2001 :12% 30-06-2002 :18% Return on equity: 30-06-2001 :13% 31-12-2001 :8% 30-06-2002 :13% Contribution per company ( m EUR) 2Q022Q/2Q 1H 02 1H/1H CSOB45+197%116+19% K&H Bank9-19- Kredyt Bank-2+73%-7- Insurance subsidiaries 3-2- Total54-129+43%

22 22 Corporate services 1H 02 profit contribution : 133 m EUR, up 11% In banking :  lower charges – 5%  loan loss provisions 1/3 higher In insurance :  Better performance by Secura (profit contribution : 2.2 m EUR) Continued rationalization of international bank network  Repositioning of activities in the Netherlands Stable market share in lending (Belgium)  Year-end 2001 : 22.4%  Mid-2002 : 22.8% Financial highlights Profit contribution : (in m EUR) 30-06-2001 : 120 30-06-2002 : 133 Share in Group profit : 30-06-2001 :20% 31-12-2001 :21% 30-06-2002 :22% Return on equity: 30-06-2001 :9% 31-12-2001 :8% 30-06-2002 :11%

23 23 Asset Management 1H 02 profit contribution : 57 m EUR, up 33% Largest Belgian player as to mutual funds  Market share : 29.6% Continued innovation  50 new funds launched in 2002  Hedge Fund linked life insurance  Corporate sustainability research Decrease in assets under management due to difficult market conditions  New retail business : + 4%  Avg. Performance, retail funds : - 8% But : 54% of funds are capital-guaranteed or bond-related Institutional market  18 new mandates for portfolio management Financial highlights Profit contribution : (in m EUR) 30-06-2001 : 43 30-06-2002 : 57 Share in Group profit : 30-06-2001 :8% 31-12-2001 :9% 30-06-2002 :10%

24 24 Asset Management assets under management 37 52 In billions of EUR 70 Private Banking Institutional funds Mutual funds % of total AUM1999 2000 2001 1H02 71 7% 34% 59% 10% 23% 66% 7% 35% 58% 7% 35% 58% 69

25 25 Market activities 1H 02 profit contribution : 51 m EUR, down 39% (inter alia increased taxes) Weakness of stock markets reflected in results of equity subsidiaries, especially KBC Securities Stable profit for dealing room in Brussels, rather poor performance elsewhere (excl. C.E.) KBC Financial Products : satisfactory result, due to, amongst others successful credit derivatives business Financial highlights Profit contribution : (in m EUR) 30-06-2001 : 84 30-06-2002 : 51 Share in Group profit : 30-06-2001 : 14% 31-12-2001 :5% 30-06-2002 : 9% Return on equity: 30-06-2001 :16% 31-12-2001 :4% 30-06-2002 :9%

26 26 Strong solvency 06-0112-0106-02 Capital and reserves group Total capital resources group 16.8 17.2 Tier 1 bank8.6%8.8% Solv. insurer (*)314%318%325% (*) Excl. unrealized gains

27 27 Balance sheet Non-realized gains BondsShares Banking488243 Insurance260131 Group748374 Investment portfolio BondsShares Banking (*)50 1491 342 Insurance (**)5 6322 788 Group55 7814 130 (*) excl. trading portfolio (**) excl. Unit-linked 148 156 187 228225

28 28 Key figures KBC share (in EUR)12-200106-2002 Earnings/share3.39 1.97 Net asset value/share33.834.4 Closing price37.7040.95 P/E ratio11.112.1 (6m) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 9495969798990001 KBC DJ Euro Stoxx Banks 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Jan. 02 FebMarAprMayJun Short term (31-12-01 = 100) Long term (31-12-94 = 100) Jul KBC DJ Euro Stoxx Banks As at 30-6-02 : KBC : + 9% DJ ESB : - 3%

29 29 Profit outlook 2002 unchanged Good operating performance 1H 02 Earnings growth in 2H 02 difficult to predict : uncertainty re economic recovery and rallying of financial markets On the other hand: cost cuts and development of major sources of income proceeding according to plan Publication of Q3 results : 21 November 2002 "… Profit for 2002 is therefore expected to be in line with the 2001 figure…”

30 KBC Bank & Insurance Group Half-Year Results 2002 visit 2 September 2002

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