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Welcome to 1Cf! Back to School Night September 24, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 1Cf! Back to School Night September 24, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 1Cf! Back to School Night September 24, 2012

2 Miss Cuffe All About Me

3 Daily Routine Arrival – no earlier than 8:20 (8:45 tardy) - drop off at blacktop Schedule Snack must be nut free! Class Bingo & Behavior Chart Appropriate clothing for recess Dismissal – 3:05 front doors Please send in a note if your child is going home with someone else

4 Specials Schedule Monday – P.E. Tuesday – P.E. and Technology Wednesday – Library Thursday – Health and Music Friday – Art

5 First Grade Curriculum Math – Language Arts - Good Habits, Great Readers - Words their Way - Journal Writing - Writing Workshop Science - living and nonliving things, balance/motion, changes, pebbles, sand, and silt, shadows Social Studies - communities / Second Step program Zaner-Bloser Handwriting

6 Homework Handwriting – begins October 1 st Math – begins October 9 th Spelling – begins October 15 th Reading – Reading folder – October 22 nd *Reader Response – (Jan.)

7 “Fun" Stuff of the Week Student of the Week Mystery Reader (Fridays @ 2:45) Special Interest/Talent/Culture Birthday Read Aloud

8 Museum on the Move Van Gogh Renoir Klee Georgia O’Keeffe Hokusai

9 Field Trips To be announced

10 Looking Ahead… November Conferences - Tuesday, November 27 th, Wednesday, November 28 th and Thursday, November 29 th (early dismissal for students) First Grade Concert – December 11 th at 9:00 a.m. First Grade Chat– January 23rd at 10:30 a.m. First Grade Picnic – June 20 th

11 Sources of Information Home Page District Website Class Newsletter

12 Contacting Miss Cuffe Email is best – Emergencies call the office 973-457-2510 (Voicemail – 973-457-2510 ext. 7857) Notes work well, too!

13 YOUR Assignments Parent Survey – My Child as a Learner Leave a note Sign up for Mystery Reader Giving Tree

14 The Finale… Thank you Room Mother Announcements -Lisa Devine Take Tour

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