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WELCOME Please take some time to fill out the student information card. Write your child a note to welcome him/her to a new day.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME Please take some time to fill out the student information card. Write your child a note to welcome him/her to a new day."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME Please take some time to fill out the student information card. Write your child a note to welcome him/her to a new day.

2 10/19/20152 BACKGROUND Education: –BA in Elementary & Special Education –Masters in Gifted Education Married Husband – Principal at Broken Arrow Elementary Two children – Morgan 15 Austin 12

3 10/19/20153 EXPECTATIONS Self Responsibility Bringing things to/from school Fill out planner BIST Expectations It’s always okay to do your best and ask for help It’s always okay to be kind and helpful BIST GOALS I can take good care of myself even if I am mad! I can be productive even if I don’t want to. I can be okay, even when others are not okay.

4 10/19/20154 Fill out Planner daily PLANNER Parent signs when child has completed work

5 10/19/20155 Set a time and place HOMEWORK Work not finished at school Long Term Assignments Missing/Late Assignments Math facts Reading – 20-30 minutes nightly Long Term Projects

6 10/19/20156 Classroom Website

7 10/19/20157 Sent home each Friday Parent Signature Comments Section Mid-quarter reports A new sheet each quarter PRIDE FOLDER

8 10/19/20158 Letter grade (A,B,C,D,F) PE, Music, Art, Handwriting –S,N,I,U GRADING

9 10/19/20159 Reading –Open Court, Novels, Content Areas Language –Language Art –Writing Spelling –Pretest on Mondays –Post Test on Fridays –Alternate List/Vocabulary Handwriting –Cursive CURRICULUM Math Envision Math Pretest before each chapter (TIC TAC TOE) Super Six (mastery of basic facts) Daily Distributive Review Problem Solving Mathletics Social Studies Kansas, Geography, Regions, States & Capitals Science Growth/Development Hands On Activities to understand the Inquiry Method

10 10/19/201510 Arrive between 8:00 – 8:10 Students counted tardy after 8:10 Dismissal 3:10 ARRIVAL DEPARTURE

11 10/19/201511 Small treat may be brought for all students Avoid treats that need to be cut at school A book may be donated to the school library for a fee of $5.00 BIRTHDAYS

12 10/19/201512 EXTRA Book orders Water bottle Tennis shoes for recess/PE Request for: –items to buy with scholar dollars

13 10/19/201513 Field Trips –Ernie Miller – October 14 –Earth Works – April 27 th –Topeka – May 1 Thursday SPECIAL ACTIVITIES

14 10/19/201514 Field Trips Mathletics Classroom Help Chiefs Tail Gate Party Kansas Day Activities Sign up sheets

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