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Welcome Families! BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT, September 9, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Families! BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT, September 9, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Families! BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT, September 9, 2014

2 Welcome to Third Grade! Mrs. Long & Mrs. DiPrimio Tonight we will:  Provide an overview of our class;  Share important information;  Enjoy the evening!

3 8:50 - 9:10 Morning Jobs 9:10 - 9:30 Morning Meeting 9:30 - 10:25 Language Arts 10:25 – 11:05 Specials 11:05 – 11:25 SSR 11:25 – 12:06 Math 12:06 - 1:06 Recess/Lunch 1:06 – 2:00 Language Arts 2:00– 2:15 Snack/Read Aloud 2:15 - 2:30 Recess 2:30 - 2:45 Language Arts 3:00 – 3:30 Science (M/Tu) SS (W/Th/Fr)

4 General Overview  Morning Meeting – greeting, shares, chart – what does it all mean?  Responsive classroom philosophy  Positive Behavior Support Plan  Other Notes…

5 ROLLING HILLS C. A. R. E. S. Positive Behavior Support Plan C ooperate with Others A ct Safely and Responsibly R espect Yourself, Others and Property E ncourage and Help Others S how Good Sportsmanship

6 Classroom Community  Our classroom is our VERY SPECIAL COMMUNITY. In our community, we have rules with logical consequences.  Class rules are geared toward:  Being respectful and responsible.  Being organized and follow directions.  Being on time.  Being prepared!

7 Arrival Time – Key!  School starts promptly at 9:10 A.M.  Should your child be late arriving please accompany them to our front office before coming to class.  3 rd grade – big “leap” toward academic achievements/goals. Their presence is vital!!

8 Specials – 10:25-11:05  Monday - Art  Tuesday – Gym  Wednesday – Computers  Thursday – Library  Friday - Music

9 Homework  30 minutes typically - Math each night except weekends; Reading nightly and weekends.  Please use pencil – using red math binder for all work.  Science and Social Studies on occasion.  PLEASE sign homework book and reading log nightly.  Homework/Assignment book great place to communicate with us.  Rolling Hills folder – check nightly.  Select an organized, clutter free area at home  Any problems – please jot quick note in HW book.

10 Content Areas  MATH – EnVision Math Program MATH  Students can access math content areas visiting:  Log in: Please see/utilize your child’s assignment book to access on line site. Topic packets – binder will contain: vocabulary, class and homework pages, extra. Quizzes/chapter tests. Quarterly District CR tests.  Social Studies – Exploring Community, Culture, Economics.  Quizzes/tests; CR District Tests (2) Homework Science – Rocks & Minerals; Sound; Plants and their Growth.

11  Featuring – Essential lesson questions  Focus Wall  Targeted Skills- Targeted Reading Strategies; varied reading selections offering small group/differentiated instruction. Grammar, Spelling, Phonics  Vocabulary in context cards – reinforce targeted vocabulary with reading selections  Writing – with specific objectives  On line access-see child’s assignment book  Research projects EXCITING JOURNEYS LANGUAGE ARTS PROGRAM!

12 Miscellaneous  Sign up for conference date at table.  Sign up for the Rolling Hills list-serv   Birthdays – Would appreciate alternate selections! Consider non food “treat.” Please check web site with regard to health concerns/precautions.  Book orders – Scholastic “Lucky” online or paper form. Checks only. More info coming soon!  Absences – will send work to office for pick up if notified early in day; will be in office by 3:00 p.m.  Field Trips…TBA  Student of Week – start end of month.  Visitors – must sign in front office  Teacher notifications: PLEASE SEND/DIRECT TO FRONT OFFICE. Ex: dismissal changes


14 Let’s Make it a Fabulous Year!

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