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In Glance Agricultural Development Islamic prospective Visitor thoughts 1.

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Presentation on theme: "In Glance Agricultural Development Islamic prospective Visitor thoughts 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Glance Agricultural Development Islamic prospective Visitor thoughts 1

2 Human rights TThe most basic of human rights is the right to adequate food and nutrition. NNo human right is more fundamental than the right to food. (Fact) 2

3 Challenges and limitations  Human population growth  Scarcity of resources 3

4 The population of most developing countries is growing rapidly  Every year the global population increases by 90 million  Most of the increase, around 95 percent, takes place in the developing world 4

5 Population growth 5

6  Many poor farmers find that, as a result, they can no longer make a living from their land.  In the developing countries people are migrating in large numbers to towns and cities. 6

7 Population growth 7

8  About one-third of the people in cities of the developing world live in desperately overcrowded slums and squatter settlements 8

9 Challenges  Human population growth  Scarcity of resources 9

10 Soil limits agriculture Percentages of total world land area 10

11 Other limitation  Weather conditions  Scarcity of fresh water for cultivation About 35 percent of all irrigated land - the major source of cereals and export crops - is at risk of salinization because of poor management  Pests and diseases  Extension services  Marketing  …………. 11

12 The main limitation  Unconventional management No planning + Corruptions = falling 12

13  The amount of cultivable land on earth is finite, making inputs necessary to feed the increasing population.  Food production will need to double in order to meet minimum requirements. 13

14  In the future, growth in food production will depend largely on finding ways to increase the productivity of existing agricultural land. 14

15  Future food security depends on high- yielding varieties of staple foods  Replacing the traditional diversity of crops with monocultures.  Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)  Developing integrated pest management strategists and Developing area wide pest control  Organic farming  15

16 Challenges and limitations  Human population growth  Scarcity of resources 16

17  وما من دآبة ا في الأرض إلا على الله رزقها ( هود : 6)  And no living creature is there on earth but its provision is due from Allah. 17

18  أفرءيتم ما تحرثون ءأنتم تزرعونه أم نحن الزارعون لو نشاء لجعلنه حطاما قظلتم تفكهون ( الواقعة 63 -65)  Then tell Me about the seed that you sow in the ground. Is it you make it grow or are we the grower? 18

19  ألم تروا أن الله سخر لكم ما في السموات وما في الأرض وأسبغ عليكم نعمة طهرة وباطنة ( لقمان : 20)  See you not that Allah has subjected for you whatsoever is in the skies and whatsoever is in the earth. 19

20  ولو بسط الله الرزق لعبده لبغوا في الأرض ولكن ينزل بقدر ما يشاء إنه بعباده خبير بصير ( الشورى : 27).  And if Allah were to enlarge (increase) the provision for his slaves, they would surely rebel in the earth, but He sends down by measure as He wills, Verily He is, in respect of His salves…. 20

21  إنا بلوناهم كما بلونا أصحاب الجنة إذ أقسموا ليصرمنها مصبحين، و لا يستثنون فطاف عليها طائف من ربك وهم نائمون ، فاصبحت كالصريم  Verily, We have tried them as we tried the people of the garden, when they swore to pluck the fruits of the garden in the morning. Without saying: If Allah wills. Fire from your Lord burnt at night while they were asleep. The garden became black …. 21

22  فقلت استغفروا ربكم إنه كان غفارا، يرسل السماء عليكم مدرار، ويمددكم بأموال وبنين ويجعل لكم جنات ويجعل لكم أنهارا ( نوح : 10- 12)  I said to them: Ask forgiveness from your Lord, verily He is Oft-Forgiving. He will send rain to you in abundance. And give you increase in wealth and children and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers. 22

23  وألو استقاموا على الطريقة لأسقيناهم ماء غدقا ( الجن : 16-17)  If they had believed in Allah and went on the right path way, We surely have bestowed on them water (rain) in abundance. 23

24 To get rid of the crisis  We have first to stick completely to Allah Path that Prophet Mohammed went through. (Follow Islamic teaching in each fraction of our life at the personal level and the nation level).  Cooperation between Muslim countries should be at the highest level  Supporting research and give it top priority  Helping 24

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