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Manage a medical clinic Information Technology Planning and Management.

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1 Manage a medical clinic Information Technology Planning and Management

2 Introduction As we know, our era is the era of technological advancement and progress and the era of computer use, where he entered the computer all areas of life, without exception, due to its advantages are made to do things more easily faster, therefore it has given an opportunity to think and do a lot more complex but more productive, it is here had to be converting the system used in the clinic of a manual system (requires effort, time and the incidence of error was great, and the negatives) to an automated system to erase the insult (used computer and all applications, and benefit from the privileges), To achieve this, we have to do the preliminary study and detailed collection of data and then carry out analysis of these data to design the output and input for the new system.

3 Stages and steps of the current system analysis and design of the new system stage of the preliminary study and include: Definition of the current system. -1 2- Organizational structure of the system. Problems of the current system. -3 4- Objectives of the new system. 5- Feasibility of the economy are the new system. 6- Technical feasibility of the new system. 7- Time plan to study the current system and design of the new system. 8- Use case diagram. 9- Activity Diagrams.

4 system definition "a clinic In general :  A public clinic for a general practitioner, treating all the diseases that allow a potential clinic. Dates: - The ninth am to noon. - The fourth to the eighth night. dealing with the patient in general "Enter the patient to the clinic and explains to the doctor to complain of it, then the doctor examined him and diagnosed to give appropriate treatment. But if needed to laboratory tests, the doctor to transfer the patient to a medical laboratory, and then diagnose the patient's condition on the basis of a laboratory test, giving him proper medication for his condition, and the scheduling of the audit if necessary.

5 basic data that is taken in the patient to the clinic for the first time Name, age, age, address (phone, residence). data taken after the diagnosis examination and give the medicine Name, age, history, treatment. data taken for the patient in the case of the work of laboratory tests Type of analysis, the name of the examination, the natural result of the examination, the test result is final. reviewers who deal with the clinic that ordinary patients, aged fifteen years and older. children under five nest.  pregnant. 

6 data that are taken for each applicant A. The patient's normal when he came for the first time it is taking the data that has been mentioned previously. B. For pregnant women, in addition to the data taken for the patient than normal, have taken the following data: - Date of first visit, the number of family members, address,.... Etc.. C. Children, taking them to the same data the average patient. Medicine and treatments available in the clinic motherhood and childhood The aim of this section is to family planning in order to maintain the health of mother and child, and to follow-up to the pregnant mother until she gives birth and then follow the child after the birth of vaccinated.

7 Note: "If the mother has registered in this section and was delayed from the date allowed to review the (estimated one week) are separated from this section and the registration would be canceled and pushed off the responsibility of the mother's doctor."

8 most important thing to be taken into account when caring for pregnant mother take the necessary information  and comprehensive information about the pregnant mother and all the specifications and in her first visit to the doctor. examine the mother's blood, and  must be examined species the mother's blood and the father, and the reason is the potential for problems in the child, if the father's negative blood, there is no problem, but if positive, there will be a problem with the mother is not in the first birth and birth but also in other, where the effect may be the first birth of antibodies against the child's blood, because of mixing of blood with the blood of the mother, these objects remain in the blood of the mother, while for the second birth, where it will mix the blood of the mother's blood will affect the embryo and fetus may lead to the dissolution of the blood, and to avoid this problems, given the mother a needle (Anti_D) to get rid of the antibodies that have formed. is the mother have diseases affecting children - such as diabetes, for example - where the disease affects the normal-weight Of a child for the first feeling when you believe that the weight of the child is not normal probability of having diabetes in the mother. be reviewed every month to the pregnant mother to spend the amount of thirty-six-week retreat every fifteen days. dental examination, if necessary, to make sure that the lime has been consumed by the mother of the fetus did not affect the teeth, to maintain healthy teeth and give them a lump of lime if necessary.

9 After the birth Fell mother a doctor, to do some tests to make sure they are free from side effects that may occur after childbirth. Achieved if the situation was mentioned earlier, for the antibodies to have formed after the first birth, the doctor must be reviewed after the birth by two and thirty days to make sure that the antibodies formed may have been disposed of through the use of the needle to be injected by the post-natal. common cold treatment of communicable diseases such as colds and flu.... Etc., are treated in the clinic and this department works on the dates and time if it protested to review.

10 care of others remain disease The aim of this section to the care of diabetes, pressure, obesity, atherosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, wounds of all kinds. Classify patients patient to the clinic overall, "continued the hospital," where the patient is transferred to a clinic to be affiliated to a hospital, and that the lack of the necessary capabilities for diagnosing or treating a patient in the clinic "in other words, the inability of the doctor to diagnose the patient's condition or diagnosis, but could not able to cure the lack of potential required in the clinic. patient will recover from his illness, was completed by the care. patient has not completed treatment and need to review and follow-up from your doctor.

11 In general The doctor treating diseases that require only one person to be diagnosed and treated and that are available within the possibilities of the clinic, such as wounds, infections and health care (such as diabetes - pressure - heart -.. etc).

12 Organizational Structure clinic Finance Section Depart met secretaries Diseass Section

13 problems of the current system 1-manual system. 2-course of which the files can be damaged. 3- waste of time and effort in the search for specific files. 4- files take space in the clinic. 5-there is no security and confidentiality of the files. Objectives of the new system 1- provide the space to take the files in the clinic. 2- provide security and confidentiality of the files. 3-save time and effort when searching for a particular file. 4- ability to save files for the longest possible period.

14 :  Feasibility need a computer to the clinic  Needs to a printer "printer" the total cost of almost one thousand Dollars. Machine needs regular maintenance every three months and the annual cost is estimated at eighty Dollars. Machine needs to someone with experience in how to operate a computer and knowledge of operating systems, and fluent in print in English and Arabic until the introduction of speed data to the computer. The person shall receive a monthly stipend of one hundred and fifty Dollars per month.

15 :  technical feasibility 1- ease of the procedure (data input and output data). 2-information security and prevent the files from damage or loss. 3-space utilization in the clinic better. 4- inaccuracies in the results. 5- possibility of obtaining the reports easily and quickly. 6-possibility of deleting files or modify them, develop or add new files.

16 Use case diagram

17 Activity Diagrams

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