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Participants: Dr. German Poveda (Co-PI) Dr. Martha Lucia Quiñonez Dr. Ivan Dario Velez Dr. Luz Elena Velásquez Dr. William Rojas Dr. Juan S. Zapata Students:

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Presentation on theme: "Participants: Dr. German Poveda (Co-PI) Dr. Martha Lucia Quiñonez Dr. Ivan Dario Velez Dr. Luz Elena Velásquez Dr. William Rojas Dr. Juan S. Zapata Students:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Participants: Dr. German Poveda (Co-PI) Dr. Martha Lucia Quiñonez Dr. Ivan Dario Velez Dr. Luz Elena Velásquez Dr. William Rojas Dr. Juan S. Zapata Students: Guilhermo Leon Rua (PhD student) Daniel Ruiz (MsC student) Juan Santiago Zuluaga (MsC student) Olver Hernandez (undergraduate) Elisabeth Zapata (undergraduate) Eriko P. Alarcon (undergraduate) Leysa J. Gomez (undergraduate) Colombia

2 Development of a mathematical model to explain malaria incidence linked to climatic parameters. Studying the linkages between entomological and climatological variables through field and laboratory work. Creation of a Geographical Information System for Malaria in Colombia (SIGMA). Study Sites: Endemic-epidemic regions for malaria in the lowlands of Colombia: Nuqui (northwestern Colombia). El Bagre (Pacific Coast).

3 Findings: Temperature strongly affects the life cycle of An. albimanus, the main malaria vector. Modelling efforts confirm the importance of temperature in explaining malaria incidence. Colombia

4 Publications: WAYLEN, P., & POVEDA, G., 2002. El Niño-Southern Oscillation and aspects of Western South America Hydroclimatology. Hydrological Processes, 16, 1247-1260. POVEDA, G., 2002. Climate and ENSO Associations with Malaria Incidence in Colombia, En: Examples of ENSO-Society Interactions, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI), On the web since Octuber 18,2002. Three presentations at the Conference Climate Variability and Change and their Health Effects in the Caribbean: Information for Climate Variability and Change Adaptation Planning in the Health Sector. Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization. Bridgetown, Barbados, mayo 21-22, 2002. Colombia

5 Publications: RUIZ. D.; POVEDA, G.; QUIÑONEZ, M.L.; VÉLEZ, I.D.; RÚA, G.; ROJAS, W.; ZULUAGA, J.S. Modelling entomological-climatic interaction of malaria transmission. Study case: El Niño 1997-1998 and La Niña 1998-2000. RÚA, G.; QUIÑONEZ, M.L.; VÉLEZ, I.D.; ROJAS, W.; POVEDA, G.; ZULUAGA, J.S.; RUIZ. D. Effect of temperature on the gonotrophic cycle of Anofeles albimanus (Diptera: Culicidae) in relation with the event El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). RÚA, G.; QUIÑONEZ, M.L.; VÉLEZ, I.D.; ROJAS, W.; POVEDA, G.; ZULUAGA, J.S.; RUIZ. D.; MANTILLA, R. El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) related to malaria transmission, density and parity of Anofeles albimanus and An. darlingi (Diptera: Culicidae) in two areas in Colombia. Colombia

6 Left: Main linkages and feedbacks between diverse components of the mathematical model. Right: Time series of model results for base scenario. Colombia

7 Graphical interface module for simultaneous malaria and climate records Colombia

8 Entomology lab work Colombia

9 Studying mosquito breeding sites at Nuqui Colombia

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