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Amirova Merry Statistical Information Department Director National Statistics Committee of the Azerbaijani Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "Amirova Merry Statistical Information Department Director National Statistics Committee of the Azerbaijani Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amirova Merry Statistical Information Department Director National Statistics Committee of the Azerbaijani Republic

2 The Role of the National Statistics Office The task to collect and establish database of MDG indicators and deploy “Devinfo” was entrusted to the National Statistics Committee of the Azerbaijani Republic. Working group, consisting of the database administrator, three database assistants and the representatives of Statistics Department of the Ministry of Health, was formed in the National Statistic Committee of the Azerbaijani Republic to fulfill this work successfully.

3 Stages of Establishment of Software and Database of MDG Indicators In the result of joint work “AzerbaijanInfo 1.0” operating in Azerbaijani and English was elaborated on the base of “Devinfo 5.0” on August 2006. Starting from November 2004 the National Statistics Committee of the Azerbaijani Republic started to collect information to establish database of MDG indicators. UNICEF initiated trainings on administration and use of UN software “Devinfo 4.0” to fulfill this work. The representatives of the National Statistics Committee, the Ministry of Health, Poverty Reduction Secretariat and the raw of other ministries participated in conducted trainings from 2004 to 2006.

4 Interface of Software

5 The structure of MDG indicators was established basing on three national levels: 1 National Level is data of MDG Indicators in the country; 2 Regional Level is data of MDG indicators disaggregated on 10 economic regions of the country; 3 Sub-regional Level is data of MDG indicators disaggregated on all administrative regions of the country. (74 regions) Territorial Structure of the database of MDG Indicators:

6 Database of MDG indicators consists of three sources: of the National Statistics Committee of the Azerbaijani Republic collected basing on the statistical reports and conducted surveys. 1.Data of the National Statistics Committee of the Azerbaijani Republic collected basing on the statistical reports and conducted surveys. 2.Data presented by the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijani Republic. 3. Survey on Demography and Health conducted jointly with UNICEF and Macro Inc. 2006. (DHS 2006) Data Sources:

7 MDG Indicators

8 Goal 3.Stimulation of equality between men and women and expansion of rights and possibilities of women Task 4. To liquidate inequality between genders in elementary and secondary education, desirably by 2005, and on all the levels not later than by 2015 Number of men in the Parliament Number Total 111 Number of women in the Parliament Percent Total 11 Number of places in the Parliament Number Total 125 Number of women in the Parliament Number Total 14 Percent ratio “educated women/men” among aged 15-24Ratio Total 15-24 years 102.4 Share of women occupied at well-paid job in non-agricultural sector Percent Women 48.3 Goal4. Reduction of children’s mortality Task 5. To reduce by two third mortality of children aged to five years for the period 1990-2015. Coefficient of mortality of children aged to five years Deaths for 1000 of live births Total 16.1 Coefficient of infant mortality Deaths for 1000 of live births Total 12.1 Share of 1-year-old children vaccinated against measles Percent Total 1-year-old 95.8



11 Task 8. To stop spread of malaria and other general diseases by 2015 and start tendency to reduction of sick rate Malaria prevalence For 100 000 of population Total 1.7 Share of tuberculosis development revealed in the process of DOTS with direct observance of physician KKLNN Percent Total 59.6 Share of tuberculosis cases, successful treatment of which Was conducted with direct observance of physician KKLNN Percent Total 59.6 Coefficient of mortality caused by tuberculosis На 100,000 population Total 9 Coefficient of mortality caused by malaria На 100,000 population Total 0 Tuberculosis prevalence На 100,000 population Total 43 Coefficient of mortality caused by malaria На 100,000 population Total < 5 years 0 Children aged to 5 years, taking drugs against malaria Percent Total < 5 years 100



14 Unemployment rate among youth Percent Men 15-24 years 18.2 Share of unoccupied youth relatively total amount of unemployed Percent Men 15-24 years 32.2 Ratio of coefficients of unemployment between youth and adult population Ratio Men 15-24 years 3.1 Share of unoccupied youth relatively total amount of youth Percent Men 15-24 years 6.7 Task 18. Jointly with private sector to take measures everybody could use advantages of new technologies, particularly, information and communication Number of Internet users For 100 persons of population Total 10.7 Number of subscribers of telephone lines and cellular mobile For 100 persons of population Total 66.9 Number of personal computers in use For 100 persons of population Total 21.5

15 Further Plans 1. To place MDG indices at Internet site of the National Statistics Committee and renew them timely. 2. To conduct the presentation of software “Azerbaijaninfo 1.0” and dissemination of MDG indices. 3. Organization of trainings for databases’ users.

16 Thanks for Attention!

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