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Portal Technology State University of New York Albany, New York | 26 October 2005 Jim Farmer instructional media + magic, inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Portal Technology State University of New York Albany, New York | 26 October 2005 Jim Farmer instructional media + magic, inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Portal Technology State University of New York Albany, New York | 26 October 2005 Jim Farmer instructional media + magic, inc.

2 Portals in higher education Overview Use of portals Personal to enterprise – progressive integration with more systems Maturation of Portal Technology JSR 168 portlet standard – portal as “framework” WSRP Web-Services remote portlet – portal as presentation Portal + services = Services oriented architecture Sun, IBM, SAP, Oracle Distributed responsibility for access and content i.e. aggregated or distribution layout management Economics: Critical mass, the pursuit of scale

3 In the beginning

4 Portals in higher education Classic “portal”

5 Portals in higher education The aggregation game…

6 Portals in higher education Administrative Instruction Library Research The University Web World

7 Portals in higher education With portlets uPortal Framework uPortal database Portlet A Portlet B Portlet C Portlet D

8 Portals in higher education Aggregation today (by Yoodlee) Financial, payment, airline accounts news Federated email Banking activity Generated alerts

9 Portals and uPortal Use in higher education

10 Portals in higher education University of British Columbia

11 Portals in higher education CalPoly San Luis Obispo

12 Portals in higher education CalPoly San Luis Obispo

13 Portals in higher education Denison University

14 Portals in higher education Red Universitaria Nacional

15 Portals in higher education Historical progression of use Aggregation of publicly available information + Integration with administrative systems (as portlets) + Integration with library systems (as portlets) + Integration with learning systems ?

16 Portals in higher education RSS version 1.0 channel

17 Portals in higher education RSS version 1.0 channel In-line HTML Streaming Audio and Video

18 Portals in higher education uPortal and MIT Open Courseware

19 Portals in higher education uPortal and MIT Open Courseware

20 Portals in higher education Library search portlets – Roles The interface changes according to the ‘role’ of the current account. StudentAdministrator

21 Portals in higher education eTranscript

22 Portals in higher education Layout management Selecting a Channel, Column or Tab to be moved will activate the marking nodes showing the places to where that element may be moved.

23 Portals in higher education Aggregated layout in action This Demo of Aggregated Layouts Shows the Marking Nodes Active to Move the Selected Tab.

24 Portal Technology

25 Portals in higher education Phases of portal use PhaseExampleLayout Control AggregationEarly Campus Pipeline User Corporate or Learning Portal Early uPortal (as implemented) Proprietary LMS Organization or faculty EnterpriseuPortal with Aggregated layout Distributed, non-hierarchical, not yet defined

26 Portals in higher education The enterprise portal Enterprise Portal (aggregation and presentation) Enterprise Integration Bus ERP Learning and Research Environment Etc. Workflow Security

27 Portals in higher education Future uPortal: Jon Allen’s View

28 Portals in higher education Jon’s view – Dynamic layout

29 Portals in higher education Jon’s view – Sakai-like layout

30 Portals in higher education With portlets Portal Framework Portal database College announcements Regional library Learning system Administration WSRP JSR 168


32 Portals in higher education The new enterprise architecture Chief Business Officer Chief Academic Officer Chief Information Officer ERP Finance Human Resources Facilities Virtual Learning Environment Virtual Research Environment Library IT Infrastructure Chief Marketing Officer CRM Core

33 Portals in higher education Why uPortal? Differentiation for higher education Industry and higher education (JISC), services Multimedia-rich portlets Internationalization of portal and content Distributed, aggregated layout (with priorities) Definition and implementation of portlet “context” Cost/performance

34 The End Jim Farmer JXF @ JXF @

35 Portals in higher education Columbia University

36 Portals in higher education Cornell University

37 Portals in higher education Illinois State University

38 Portals in higher education Ringling School of Art and Design

39 Portals in higher education Universidad de Lima

40 Portals in higher education University of California, Irvine

41 Portals in higher education University of Delaware

42 Portals in higher education Yale University

43 Portals in higher education The Meteor channel

44 Portals in higher education uPortal and XLIFF Both Languages Side-by-Side

45 Portals in higher education uPortal and XLIFF English Only German Only

46 Portals in higher education The Organization of Work Course Authoring Course Management Course Delivery Library Help Desk Tutoring IT responsibility

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