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Connecting different ethnomusicological archives with ethnoArc Maurice Mengel Music Archive of the Ethnological Museum, National Museum in Berlin (EMEM)

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting different ethnomusicological archives with ethnoArc Maurice Mengel Music Archive of the Ethnological Museum, National Museum in Berlin (EMEM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting different ethnomusicological archives with ethnoArc Maurice Mengel Music Archive of the Ethnological Museum, National Museum in Berlin (EMEM) Technical challenges and developments in 21st century folk music archiving Budapest, 11.06.2008

2 1 Network architectures (OAI) 2 Semantic information retrieval (Semantic Web) 3 ethnoArc

3 From simple networks to the OAI

4 Interoperability "the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged“ (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Standard Computer Dictionary: A Compilation of IEEE Standard Computer Glossaries. New York, NY: 1990)

5 Interoperability? Archive User exchange

6 TYPE 1 (typical early library network) data repository single metadata structure several clients for data input several clients for data output

7 TYPE 2 (“meta network structure”) common metadata structure S3 clients for data input local data repository local data repository clients for data input local metadata structure S1 local metadata structure S2 common data repository clients for data output Variation with distributed searches

8 Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation National Museums of Berlin Ethnological Museum music archive Berlin Phonogramm- Archiv other collections other museums other institutions

9 internal metadata ethnoArc DISMARC BAM Portal GBV





14  different archive users have different requirements  re-use of existing infrastructures (e.g. GBV)  to avoid maintenance of own webOPAC  not very much work (reuse)  …

15  Since 1990s; e-print community  Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OPI-PMH) Source: Multiple Service Providers Aggregators

16 Semantic Web

17  future of the WWW  Tim Berners-Lee in 1990s  Web of Data  Famous stack model

18 Source:


20  None of semantic web technologies,  but comes with explicit semantic layer  rich metadata concept



23  EU funded in IST FP6  September 2006- August 2008  Participants  Fraunhofer FOKUS (technology)  4 ethnomusicological archives (Berlin, Bucharest, Budapest, Geneva)  Institute for Advanced Studies, Berlin (Coordination)  New Europe College, Bucharest (Evaluation)

24  Researcher tool for users of ethnomusicological archives  Accessibility to heterogenously structured archives  Distributed approach, no central server  Main results: ethnoMARS software  Query builder  MD structures visualizer  Result windows

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