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National Club Day 23 Oct 07 A regional perspective from Constructing Excellence Wales (CEW) Milica Kitson – Chief Executive David Clague - Demonstration.

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Presentation on theme: "National Club Day 23 Oct 07 A regional perspective from Constructing Excellence Wales (CEW) Milica Kitson – Chief Executive David Clague - Demonstration."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Club Day 23 Oct 07 A regional perspective from Constructing Excellence Wales (CEW) Milica Kitson – Chief Executive David Clague - Demonstration & Best Practice Director

2 A regional perspective from CEW  What do we do  Activities and Events  Demonstration Programme  Best Practice Clubs

3 C E Wales  Sponsored by WAG  Promote/drive Egan agenda  Improve working practices  Sustainable future for industry in Wales  Inclusive, no-fee organisation  Small Team

4 Grant – Approved Purposes  Promote ‘Rethinking Construction’  Demonstrate Innovation  Co-ordinate activities in Wales  Disseminate Best Practice  Establish communication network in Wales  Establish Consultative Forum in Wales  Task and Finish Groups  Measure and monitor industry in Wales

5 C E Wales Differences here in Wales:  Funding  Government Policy – ‘One Wales’  Building Regs  WHQS  Sustainability Targets 2011

6 What does CEW do?  Promote construction best practice and knowledge especially the principles of collaborative working established by the Latham and Egan Reports  By providing a link between government, clients, industry and end users via projects, forums and networks  Focussing on: Demonstration Projects, Best Practice Clubs, Benchmarking, Public Sector Forums, Waste, Safety, special events and awards

7 The Welsh Demonstration Programme  What is a Demonstration  Performance of Demonstrations  Why Become a Demonstration  The Welsh Process  Current target areas

8 What is a Demonstration A project, organisation or initiative which:  Introduces innovation or best practice which improves performance for the organisations involved  Which adds to the industry ‘knowledge bank’  That is willing to benchmark and share learning  Meets a particular industry need  Key statistics  468 Projects since 1998 with a Value of £12bn  1176 organisations,132 case histories, 60 publications

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10 Demonstrations outperform!  More predictability on cost and time  Greater productivity than the industry average  Three times safer  Twice the impact on reducing the effect on the environment  Fewer defects at handover  Higher customer satisfaction scores

11 Why become a Demonstration?  Raise the profile of your organisation  PR including press/media  Use of CE Demonstration Logo  Case study produced at close of project  Get the opportunity to showcase project at CE events  Participate in a learning and sharing network of forward-thinking organisations

12 Main Demonstration themes 2007  Client driven H&S  Whole life costs  Ensuring delivery on time and budget  Early Contractor Involvement  Joint procurement  Impact of MMC on resource efficiency  Construction Legacy  Long-term strategic planning  Improving Housing Stock  Value  Integration and collaborative working  Sustainability  Leadership and people development  Fair payments  Cross-authority co-operation  Innovation in the supply of new homes  Design and customer satisfaction  People issues  Supply chain integration

13 The Welsh Demonstration Process  Application and interview with CEW  Peer Reviews at Best Practice Clubs  Endorsement by Assembly led Panel  Measurement – KPIs & workshops  Join the Performance Improvement Group  Case Studies  Award certificates at ‘Annual Award Dinner’

14 Welsh Demonstration Priorities  Welsh Assembly Aims:  Healthy – Hospitals  Wealthy – Infrastructure  Wise – Schools  Constructing Excellence principles to deliver:  Improved performance on headline issues  Reduced Carbon footprint  Welsh Economy - jobs for the inactive & Work for SMEs  Less Waste  Has to be measured  Good stories e.g. Porth

15 Best Practice Clubs  The Welsh Clubs  How’s it going in Wales  Looking to the future

16 The Welsh Clubs  A Good mix of Client, contractor, consultant, education, private, public  South East Wales  Chair – Andrew Bowen, Welsh Water  South West Wales  Chair – Andrew Wedlake, Morrison Construction  North Wales  Chair – Huw Williams Gwynedd Council

17 What works well  Having a keen and enthusiastic committee  Unique opportunity to network across the supply chain  Site visits  Support from the region  Speakers speaking the ‘language’ of the attendees  Social events

18 Examples of Successful Events  Question Time on Education in Construction  Breakfast with Government Minister  Demonstration events  Visit & Presentation on Sports Village  Expert CDM presentation  Annual Awards  Annual Ball

19 What doesn’t work  When key clients lose interest  When the role of CE isn’t clear  When too much reliance is placed on a very large project/client  When we don’t promote what we are doing

20 Looking to the Future  Build on the lessons to date  We want our clubs to be :  The google/yellow pages for the industry  A place where the barriers are broken down  A knowledge bank for the industry  Centres for learning how to work collaboratively  A voice for SMEs  The Vision for the Welsh Clubs:  To be the place where all members of the construction team, irrespective of size can learn, share and network together

21 National Club Day 23 Oct 07 A regional perspective from Constructing Excellence Wales (CEW) Milica Kitson – Chief Executive David Clague - Demonstration & Best Practice Director

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