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SHOWCASE EUROGRID Is there a need for a European core service component for high-resolution gridded climate data and products? Thomas Klein & Christer.

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Presentation on theme: "SHOWCASE EUROGRID Is there a need for a European core service component for high-resolution gridded climate data and products? Thomas Klein & Christer."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHOWCASE EUROGRID Is there a need for a European core service component for high-resolution gridded climate data and products? Thomas Klein & Christer Persson

2 The EUROGRID-vision EUROGRID – A European resource for gridded climate data and products, Delivering tailored information and added value to a variety of users from Environment, meteorology+climatology, hydrology, oceanography, energy-sector, agriculture, forestry, insurance-sector, …

3 Showcase EUROGRID: A EUMETNET/ECSN optional programme Basic objectives: demonstrate how shared gridded historical meteorological and environmental data from European NMSs can be used for products and services for the European society Investigate the needs for and prepare for an efficient use of results from future high-resolution European re-analyses (EURRA) – but the build-up of a mature system and the accomplishment of a consistent European reanalysis is not included! prepare for the realization of the full-scale EUROGRID- concept as support to user requirements and in line with relevant European and Global initiatives

4 EUROGRID vs Showcase EUROGRID Solid, sustainable fundingMini-budget, 2-year project, in-kind contributions by the 16 participants Consistent high-resolution dataset for whole Europe Scattered national initiatives, diverse in methodology, indata, variables, resolution in time and space Infrastructure facilitating easy discovery, access and dynamic processing of information Demo-system, illustrating basic ideas and potential of a mature system Integration and interoperability with other service components Use of open standards and protocols Tailored information, addressing specific user requirements Investigation of user requirements => User questionnaire

5 Showcase EUROGRID Services and Products Essential climate variables: temperature and precipitation 2 European datasets (ERAMESAN, ENSEMBLES) 8 high-resolution datasets for specific countries Selected years (2002+2003) Examples for ”Derived” Products Atmospheric Chemistry/Air quality/Deposition example Geospatial and temporal aggregation products

6 Showcase EUROGRID Services: Part 1: MapView (2D-raster files) Data visualization Open protocols [OGC/ISO WMS] Visualization of distributed data (hosted at the members’ sites) using a common portal [frontend OpenLayers] Pre-processed products hosted at central site Data dissemination Open protocols [OGC WCS] Client-based product generation [e.g., user’s GIS]

7 Showcase EUROGRID Services Part 2: DataView (Time series from SQL-database) Data visualization Extraction of data at grid points from MySQL5- database by mouse-click Plot of time-series XHTML-table Data dissemination XHTML-table Other formats (to be implemented if desired)


9 Showcase EUROGRID web portal (still restricted)

10 GMES & reanalyses The GMES Atmosphere Service (GAS) currently addresses air quality, atmospheric composition, the radiative forcing of climate, UV and renewable energies What about information on the physical state of the climate (ECV’s), allowing for the assessment of multi-decadal trends the assessment of frequency and intensity of extreme weather-related events timely, proportionate and cost-effective adaptation measures

11 Why would Europe need high-resolution gridded climate data and products?

12 Coping with the unavoidable consequences of climate change Climate change a global phenomenon with local impacts, affecting agriculture, ecosystems, business, industries, water resources, public health, i.e., people’s daily lives and neighbourhoods Spatial heterogeneity of vulnerability to impacts of weather- and climate-related events such as storms, floods, flash floods, soil erosion, coastal erosion, landslides, droughts, … ”…adaptation measures will be required at regional and local levels to reduce the adverse impacts of projected climate change and variability…” (IPCC, 2007)

13 Conclusions Showcase EUROGRID results: Clearer picture of the EUROGRID-idea Demo system, using open standards and technologies, providing examples of high-resolution gridded data and products There are many promising existing assets Need for high-resolution European data

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