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The Marine and Coastal Access Bill in Wales Alan Storer Marine Legislation and Policy Officer Marine Branch Welsh Assembly Government.

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Presentation on theme: "The Marine and Coastal Access Bill in Wales Alan Storer Marine Legislation and Policy Officer Marine Branch Welsh Assembly Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Marine and Coastal Access Bill in Wales Alan Storer Marine Legislation and Policy Officer Marine Branch Welsh Assembly Government

2 Contents The Marine and Coastal Access Bill in Wales What Does This Mean for Wales? –Marine Licensing –Marine Policy Statement –Marine Planning –Marine Nature Conservation –Fisheries –Coastal Access

3 The Marine and Coastal Access Bill in Wales The Marine and Coastal Access Bill covers England and Wales Royal Assent is expected in Autumn 2009 Welsh Ministers will be responsible for Marine Management in Devolved areas Welsh officials will work closely with DEFRA, MMO and IPC for Non Devolved areas

4 What Does This Mean for Wales? Welsh Ministers will be responsible for: Licensing certain activities Marine Planning (inshore and Offshore) Protecting conservation areas Managing fishing activities Enforcement

5 Marine Licensing Welsh Ministers will be the licensing Authority for devolved areas Integrated and streamlined system across England and Wales Joint consultation with DEFRA in July 09, second consultation planned for early 2010 Welsh Marine Consents Unit Minerals, FEPA, CPA Will work closely with Marine Management Organisation Infrastructure Planning Commission

6 Marine Policy Statement (MPS) Wales has signed up to the UK wide High Level Objectives MPS will be UK wide, agreed by Uk Govt and DAs Stakeholder engagement has begun in Wales, working jointly with DEFRA Work is ongoing Joint Consultation planned early 2010

7 Marine Planning Early days – the first plan or plans in Wales are expected in 2013/14 Joint working with England crucial – Cross boarder (Severn, Dee)


9 Marine Nature Conservation Welsh Ministers will have powers to designate Marine Conservation Zones for the In shore area Linked to International (OSPAR) commitment to create a “ecologically coherent network” by 2012  Highly Protected Marine Conservation Zones Developing a site selection process Stakeholder engagement is an important part of this process Strategy launched September 2009

10 Fisheries Modernising the management for inshore fisheries in Wales The management and enforcement of fisheries will be within WAG Wales will not have Inshore Fisheries Conservation Agencies

11 Coastal Access Different starting point to England In Wales: Coastal Access Improvement Programme Obtained Framework Powers All Wales Coastal Path – 2012/13

12 Thank You

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