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© MN Barton Stereotype - Solutions Provide: Visits/tours Work experience Work shadowing Take your daughter to work Saturday jobs Summer jobs.

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Presentation on theme: "© MN Barton Stereotype - Solutions Provide: Visits/tours Work experience Work shadowing Take your daughter to work Saturday jobs Summer jobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 © MN Barton Stereotype - Solutions Provide: Visits/tours Work experience Work shadowing Take your daughter to work Saturday jobs Summer jobs

2 © MN Barton Stereotype - Solutions Check the environment: Role models Posters of women engineers Name of buildings, meeting rooms Overalls Women loos!

3 © MN Barton Women Lack of self-esteem and confidence Do not take risks Do not seek help Language used

4 © MN Barton Recruitment - Solutions Be more pro-active Review recruitment practices Ensure women on recruitment panels Women on committees and Board

5 © MN Barton Why Science, Engineering, Technology and Construction should recruit women? Some facts Benefits to business

6 © MN Barton Some Facts A recent Equal Opportunity Commission’s investigation found a clear correlation between predominantly male employment sectors and skills shortage

7 © MN Barton Some Facts 50,000 women with SET qualifications or experience are not working

8 © MN Barton Benefits to Business Reduce skills shortage Improve Innovation Better or different products Customers’ loyalty New markets

9 © MN Barton Quote ‘If more women attained positions of power in the workplace, the resulting dynamic would create a balance between genders that is both creative and beneficial for business. This transformation agenda applies to the way companies are run with regard to best practice, corporate responsibility and a host of other activities. Ann Beynon, BT’s Director for Wales

10 © MN Barton What Next? The big picture: In your business In businesses similar to yours In Wales In the UK In the world

11 © MN Barton What next? Work in partnerships: Welsh Assembly Government UK Resource Centre for Women in SET Opportunity Now WISE (Women Into Science, Engineering and construction) SEAs (Science, Engineering Ambassadors) Schools, Colleges, Universities …

12 © MN Barton Conclusion Good for your business Good for Innovation Good for the UK Good for women

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