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World Social Work Day Conference Cardiff University – 17 th March 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "World Social Work Day Conference Cardiff University – 17 th March 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Social Work Day Conference Cardiff University – 17 th March 2015

2 1. RAISING AWARENESS  Training and awareness  Engagement with external partners  Identification of support networks (NGOs)  Intranet site and/or references  Half-day seminar(s) 2. INTELLIGENCE MANAGEMENT  Identify intelligence gaps  Improve intelligence handling  Development of the Operation Eagle picture

3 3. OPERATIONAL RESPONSE  Scope what we do now  What could/should we do  What can we do better  Scope best practice from other Forces  Improve performance 4. STRATEGY & POLICY  Review existing Force policies  Review existing Standard Operating rocedures  Update Force policies and SOPs where appropriate  Consult on diversity issues

4 It’s Out There – Open Your Eyes to Human Trafficking

5  Welsh Assembly Government (Operational Delivery Group)  Operation Eagle  Multi-agency Fora  Training  Victim Pathway (MARAC)


7 Several HT Multi- agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) have been held in Cardiff since October 2013 providing a safe place for practitioners to refer suspected cases of slavery and/or human trafficking

8  Be aware of what to look for  Join a multi-agency forum  Find out what is going on in your organisation  Intelligence Requirement  Intelligence Collection Plan  Raise awareness  Develop a Victim Pathway process

9 Newport 'slavery' farmer David Doran jailed for four years




13 'Juju' sex trafficker Lizzy Idahosa jailed for eight years

14 In summary…………… Modern day slavery is a multi- million pound industry and is happening in the UK today. Your role is to be aware of the issue, to ensure you can recognise the signs and are confident that you know what to do if you identify victims of slavery, trafficking and exploitation and to support them. So – is slavery and human trafficking a relevant issue for you and your organisation?


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