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GCSE Revision Year 10 – June 2011 Topics Water World.

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1 GCSE Revision Year 10 – June 2011 Topics Water World

2 Water World – What do I need to remember? Bare Bones 1 Workings of the water cycle 2 How the water cycle is linked to the biosphere and lithosphere. 3 Water supplies and their effects on humans. 4 Case study e.g. from the Sahel or Australia. 5 impact of climate change on water cycle and ecosystems in very dry arid areas). 6 Management of water in a sustainable way ( so future generations do not suffer). 7 Human impacts on water quality e.g. pollution. 8 Located examples of human interference on water supply e.g. deforestation, over abstraction of ground water and reservoir construction. 9 Costs and benefits of a large scale water management project e.g. Three Gorges Dam China. 10 Small scale intermediate technology to solve water problems in developing countries e.g. Sand dams in Kenya

3 What does each label match with? PRECIPITATION CONDENSATION EVAPORATION WATER STORE one/clips/the-water- cycle/2148.html

4 TASK Circle around all of the stores found on the diagram


6 ps/water-shortages-and-drought- around-the-world/11063.html

7 Burkina Faso Watch the 3 minute film and make a simple spider diagram ABOVE

8 m/activities/studyjams/wat er_cycle/ Task 1 What impacts will be felt if water supplies become unreliable? List 3 with a partner 2 Which people and places will be most affected by a lack of water and unreliable rain? 3 What happens to economic growth and prosperity if drought happens?

9 The film on Burkina Faso shows how water and people and the ecosystems are closely linked and there is INTERDEPENDENCE With too little water (drought) and too many people to feed there is pressure on the LAND and SOIL Desertification happens if the balance becomes wrong Health of the people suffers and malnutrition is wide spared Death will occur. Crops fail and livestock die People migrate away from their homes and look for water and better grazing land Economic growth does not happen and people get poorer. Tip- Learn the name of the country BURKINA Faso and learn the list of problems they face

10 So how can humans manage the water resources that they do have in a sustainable way? Forgotten what sustainability means? It is using the resources we have today carefully so that future generations can have a good standard of living.

11 Lots of water is stored in tropical rain forests and we should conserve these. But what are we doing ?- cutting them down 3 mins 48 ips/rainforest-destruction-kalimantan- indonesia-and-costa-rica/3096.html ips/rainforest-destruction-kalimantan- indonesia-and-costa-rica/3096.html Where ? INDONESIA What’s happening? DEFORESTATION AND SPECIES DESTRUCTION Why?

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